Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Thursday, September 21, 2006 And of course "Malama Pono" to all Da Kine in Hawaii and mainland bound.... I forgot...An addition to my Christmas Wish List- Li Hing Mui and choke Punaluu Sweet Bread k? I am here at work with a massive head cold and just want to curl up in my bed and sleep... My eyes and ears hurt and I am just coasting..... So- how is everyone else on this crisp Fall Day? You can tell that it's here..We have deer staring at us as we drive to work...Some of them arent so fortunate though, they get hit by vehicles and if they are still alive but in bad condition I have seen some hunter get out of their vehicles with a gun and shoot them....It's a sad sight to behold......... Word Of the Day- Abortion.....In the context of a childs mind like this- "Mom, are you gonna abort me?" "Ahhhh, no...explain what you mean so I understand what it is you are asking." "Are you going to give me up for abortion because I dont clean my room all the time or help you around the house all of the time?" "The word dear, is Adoption...And no...I dont plan on giving you up at all never ever cause your my running partner." "I am?" Need I say More??? Other News Highlights- I found my song you all and I am thrilled...And Nicki, this one is for you Babes! Beyond the Sea- Bobby Darin Theme for Carnival Cruise Lines Somewhere beyond the sea Somewhere waitin' for me My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailin' I admit it, I am a cruise Fanatic! I love them......Cant wait to go again next year......... During one of my coffee moments on yesterday as I was putting together a scrap book, I was recalling memories from my child hood..And I recall this incident which I will title: Moving Glasses .... See, I think I used to do things to my mother and say things for shock value..I dont know why.. But, one day I got this "bright" idea... I gathered some fishing line and tied it to her reading glasses on the arm portion, and then trailed the thread around the sofa where I would normally sit...Careful to not have the thread where someone would walk into it...My mother, after a hard days work, came home, sat at the kitchen table to eat, and proceed to read mail....... When I saw her reach for her glasses I gently tugged on the string which caused her glasses to move across the table..... She was real quiet, as I watched controlling my laughter at her face..She stared at them for a while..and proceeded to reach for them again....This time I pulled a little harder and the glasses slid further on the table...For shits and giggles while she sat opened mouth staring, I then pulled the string some more and the glasses moved at a slow but continuous pace across the table.... By this time she jumped up screaming. I kindly chimed in by jumping up and running to the rescue.....She was stuttering: "My my my glasses are sliding across the table.." I just looked at her in agreeance...And stood there with her staring at the glasses just waiting for them to move...... I had a pencil in my hand and dropped in on purpose, bent down to pick it up and at the same time yanked on the string which cause her glasses to fly right off the table...By this moment she was hysterical screaming and started to cry...I caved in laughing and told her it was me.....It took a while before she found it funny....Heck, if Master Card had hired me for their marketing project back in the day- that "Priceless" caption would have landed me a good retirement by now, because that was in itself "PRICELESS"............. You all have a great day! Thought for the day- Go Head Boy!