Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Wednesday- How sweet it is in knowing that we are in the middle of the week already.So to all of you- Thank you to those of you that left me a comment in my little box in regards to my upsetting dilemma.. It means ALOT... I am still working through the storm, and in order for me to do that I must keep walking it you know? And as a dear person stated to me at 6am this morning- "The Sun will come Up"............... *thank you* Ok so I got dressed, kissed my kid goodbye and drove first of all to my favorite Cafe-Gas Station and purchased a 20 oz. cup of Bananas Foster Coffee..... You all I have not been able to do Dunkin Donuts Lately- and this to me today was a luxury item after a week so don't hate ok? But Oh, it is soooooo good.... I love it! On the way out of the store these 2 guys are walking in and one of them is holding the door open for me.... I smile and say Thank you and of course he grins and I notice that he is in need of a good Dental Plan... Aside from that he is smoking- his nails are all grimy, Stringy Hair and Skinny Skinny Skinny- and you know what....There are just some people- that you just know rolled out of bed, and threw something on....That was my guess of the day.... So much so I wager 10k on that thank you Mr. Trebek........ And the comment that he made as I was walking out with my precious cup of joe guarding it ever so carefully was- "Det girl got some purty titties"..... Ewwwwwwwwwww.. How about I just *Jackie Chan* your stinky butt right here and now while still balancing my precious One Dollar and five cent 20 oz. coffee in my hand???? That is not a good thing to say to a woman that you dont know in front of people. JackAss......And you know what? What goes on in my brain at times......... This question pops into my head when I think about the opposite sex sometimes.... "Would I like to have him on top of me?" It helps believe it or not when I am in that type of sexual arousal per se'.......It helps make a decision of whether or not to spend my thoughts of a fantasy of them, or to just let them keep on walking.... Majority of the time, they keep on walking... *I'm selective like that.* he just made me want to grab that hose by the Free Air sign at the gas station, and just spray him down.....Ewwww...... Other than that- I am having a better morning.. I went home and made crepes for my son..He likes em.... Then again, all kids are picky and you have to do that Mikey thing. Make something and hope they eat it....I used to force him, but then I saw Mommy Dearest and how she made Christina sit there eating the same meal for days... It was sad...... So I do not do that any longer...... *No More Wire Hangers.. EVAH* (Sorry, it cracks me up) Check it... Some new blinkies from the blinkie whore herself..."Moi" How I feel today minus Mr. Billy Bobs comment this morning - My favorite Cookie- and last but not least I sent in an application and have yet heard from them- I wish you all a great Day, and again Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, as I am sending mine to all of you! Your thought for the day: * The next time you write out a check to someone- in the Memo portion write in "For Sexual Favors"..............* |