Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Just when I have been having a rip roaring of a time, I all of a sudden get an email telling me *about* myself and what I need and blah to the blah to the blah....First of all- this one puts me in rare form. So if you are new here and just glancing- don't mind me. I am really not a fighter unless provoked. And then yes, the cobra comes out. However my venom is not lethal. Just perhaps *thought provoking* The following email was sent to me from a person from a past relationship -who has time on his hands to stop by the Realm and then send me evaluation emails on what HE felt I should write or not...Yada Yada Yada...So- Mr. Evaluator- Evaluate this! because I am getting ready to go from Piratesses to Hood in 5 flat....Are you ready???? Let's roll...................... First of all, do not send me any more of your lame ass emails telling me how much you miss me and how much that you love me...As ONE my favorite song artists says: LOVE would have brought your ass home last night! I have no regrets about walking away. You on the other hand should..Because now- your mind is being tormented on who might be in my bed, since you are no longer invited.... Give you a hint- It aint Baby bear or Momma Bear. Two- Do not keep telling me what I need.... Example? Sure, give me a moment to whip it out of my ass... "You will always need me" was what you said to me in this last email...Baby Baby Baby...Let me tell you this that perhaps you will understand in two year old terms... "I Do Not Need you, or ANY man"...No Woman *needs* a damn man... We CHOOSE to have you in our lives..and when you cant cut the grade, we shop at a hardware store and create devices to make us happy....Battery operated or not..We don't need you men to think it justifies us... I have never needed you...Tell me something: Did I ask you to pay for any of my bills? No... Did you ever spend quality time with me? No.... Could you ever do anything for me to build me up as I did for you? No...so you know, unless I fell off a turnip truck within the last second, what do I NEED you for ? Some of you men NEED to get some thoughts out of your head. And this is not talking about all of you men, this is just pertaining to the ones that think they do not have issues and that women need them... ahem*YOU* need to wake the hell up... If you cannot get your own shit straight, why pray tell would a woman need your sorry azz???? Riddle Me That. Over and Out. |