Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, August 20, 2007 People! The temps in my area are starting to go down and Momma can tell because she almost hit a deer this morning that was to dumb to move outta my way! I honked, and did a stare down, but the lil critter just kept standing there deciding to either continue eating grass or to just run... Finally I did a slow roll forward and reved on my engine, *ya know that means get the hell out of the way or your sausage* and well I guess it got the hint cause it scampered off..Rex, I know your so proud of my hunting skills. Admit it.Ok..so...You all want some juicey fruit details this morning don't cha? Let's entitle this section the *Man in the Van* episode..For some of you new peeps I will give you a crash course. Met this guy last week sometime and we have been hanging out getting to know each other, nothing serious...Now that I have had a week to get into his brain, I am quite sure that I like talking to him by phone more so than in person..Yes he is mad cute and all, got his own business...etc etc...BUT he does not stimulate me intellectually...He is actually boring to me..And well needless to say- I have basically dropped him like a sack of fertilzer on someone elses lawn.... OH I failed to mention that the other drawback was he could not stop *staring*...You know? that leering kind of staring..It gives me the heebie jibbies...Which tells me at night that he probably goes home and thinks about sexing me like a cannibal stalking a person in the woods....It creeps me out....No worries though, I bought a gun...Kidding...I do have arsenal though should he attempt any thing out of the ordinary. It's called the neighbor down stairs. HA! I am planning a Run Away Day...Who is game? We can set a date and just hook up and run away from work and lifes other issues....???? Oh Snap! Before I forget..I do have a very big question and need some feedback especially from my male readers...Ummmm how does one say this??? Ok...So you all know that I have an awesome 12 year old son..He rawks....But...well.....*takes a deep breath and blurts this out in tongue twister speed* My son has been comfortably walking around early in the morning with his little pecker on hard drive and it is bugging the everlasting shit out of me! I mean....I know he would just die of shame, but I just get so wigged out I turn a cheek and act as if I see nothing..But...damn...Ok..help me out alright???!!!! I tell him- dude, go ahead and shower and get dressed..And let it go... I did have my boobs squashed by the squash o gram at the doctors as I had mentioned I had to do. Needless to say women I freakin commend us because we bear such issues...Men, just imagine sticking your pecker between two glass plates that come together and kiss for an extended time...Yeah exactly...And I know you male readers are like- That aint nothin - we have to have someone stick their finger up our butts and cough...Yeah right...Of course we womend do not know anything about that now do we.? *sarcasm is a bitch at 8am people* Anyways- it will be a week or two if anything shows up.No news is good news- I aint skeered. And with that people- I must depart because I have some brochures I volunteered to help fold.I know..such is the life of a great blog queen such as I... PS..... Michael Vick, and football??? Screw that. I'm a hockey fan! callie |