Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, August 13, 2007 People! Momma thanks you for all the warm emails, and of course the little lurve notes being left on my boards! You all RAWK! I reckon you wanna know wassup eh? Ok well basically, I have found myself getting a tad bored, and recall my telling you all that once I get to that place- I have to really fill the void... So- I have been doing alot of reading- actually my brain right about now is filled with thoughts of Philosophy, thoughts of love, thoughts about alot of things.I have been doing alot of writing...Yes people..I write..ALOT... I currently have 7 journals that I have written- I am on my 8th and I am trying to think of who would enjoy them when I die..HA...... I am in the midst of putting together a Womens Retreat for the fall- planning a theme and all of that- along with that- getting my son re-adjusted for school and his edumacation, and putting together a trip I am planning to do volunteer work in either Honduras or Niger Africa to work with the Fulani peoples in 2008...... I have yet decided however it is alot going on as you can see. I took Friday off for a much needed break if even for a weekend, and I must tell you it was loads of fun. Of course needless to say it was spent getting my kid ready for school, but it was much needed down time for the both of us.... The only draw back was the freakin heat people! It was hot enough to not only fry eggs, but you could have fried bacon, sausage, and for shits and giggles you could have done pancakes. Basically you could have had a sidewalk cook off..... After running around in 103 degree heat for the better part of the day- my son and I decided to eat at my favorite- MIKES HOTDOGS..yaaaayyyyy... I was thrilled people! That tasty hot dog layered in good healthy wholesome mustard, relish, tomatoes, peppers.....*sighs* you get the point..Only problem though- It was crowded...Lotsa work people trying to get in- get their grind on- and then to head back into that heat to go back to work....sheesh...I did however have to decline on the milkshakes. I wanted one- but people- drinking a home made milkshake and then walking around in Satanic Hot breathness is a sure way of turning my body into an instant cottage cheese factory... Recognize! That milk shake would have curdled inside me and would have had me doubled over somewhere- preferably in a mattress factory warehouse or somewhere comfortable. They stated on the news that the temps were 103...Well I beg to differ, because on Saturday I looked as if I had just participated in a wet tshirt contest and I did not even win! I went out of town further south of Atlanta and I drove past a bank that was showing a temp of 105- and judging by the flies swarming around at the farm I went to the heat index was around 110....Had to have been..I say this because I was wearing a pair of walking pants that were made of that really cool cotton material that Tennis players wear- and a baby doll top that had spaghetti straps....This top needs no bra- and well- let's just say I went to a liquor store to buy some Guiness, and when I walked in this little hispanic guy is asking me if I need help- while leering at my breasts....Yes- little old man, I know you are staring with lust at my nipples poking through my top- but please just keep movin it along before I literally choke you. and I could have people...and I may have gotton away with it claiming heat syndrome or something crafty... I was irritated, hot- and was carrying a home made pool between my legs and under my breast from sweat. Recognize! And now- it is once again Monday...It is not even 10am yet- and we are in the 80's. Fall cannot come to quick for me.....So- there you have it people. I am slowly but surely getting back to my posting- and trying to balance everything out. I do hope you all have been having a great summer. I will get back to snooping on all of you now that I am crawling back . PS.... anyone seen Rush Hour 3 yet??? Holla back I wanna know cause Chris Tucker is gonna be my babys daddy some point in the future since Djimon Honsou, and Anotonio Banderas are taken.... C'mon...a girl can dream right??? mucho amor! callie |