Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Thursday, July 19, 2007 People...Can I just say that when stuck in Atlanta- in already 70 suemthing degree temps with a humidity of Satan breathing on your ass that traffic bites! My commute to work is around 20 minutes...However on this day of sun- my commute was an hour and 10 minutes! Thank you to whomever you were to cause not one- not two- but *all* lanes to be blocked from *all* directions. Sitting in my truck I had time to put on my makeup- drink my soy yogurt stuff- and heck I even had time to get a good jog in by jumping out my truck and running around it a few laps. Holla! Ok..so I did not do that- but it was a thought.....I hate sitting there people...Hate it like liver at a pot luck luncheon after someone tells you they are bringing fried chicken. I want to beat someone down and repent afterwards. People.....School is almost back in- which means a grouchy 12 year old. I think he is just having a moment you know? He did confide in me that he signed up for Drama.. Like thats something to be ashamed of? I had to break it down momma style: Me- "Babes, I don't see why you feel ashamed to mention that around your friends..Do you know that all those men you see in the movies and tv they had to start somewhere- so they took drama..in school....One day I will be going to see your movies!" People-he hugged me and told me I could see them for free! Recognize! I aint paying for one single ticket! On the other homefront news- Can someone give me a *logical* reason of why there is a small puddle of water under my kitchen sink- when the pipes are dry? Because apparently the assholes at my apartment complex- cannot fathom a reason..... So- if you come upon this post give me some ideas because I am at a loss..... *ps - yes I have a trash disposal- but that connection is dry as dirt also. and no- I have no chemical spills from any cans or anything of the sort.* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Jimminy Christmas I sooooo have to update you all on the Neighbor who loves me..LOL Ok...so...recall my telling you all months ago about the little man downstairs that has my time logged ....For those of you that do not know- I will fast pace caffeine high tell you. I have a neighbor who is Hispanic who is married *but does not think so* who is always running out to meet me when I leave for work, and come home from work...He like knows my whole schedule. And so- to try not be mean- cause he is a nice guy- I told him I had a big boyfriend that was a bounty hunter that visits from time to time, and that he is also on TV...*laughs* so- any ways...I was out yesterday doing some things to my truck..ya know..the coolant - oil-transmission refills....little stuff..And behold..he comes out..offers me a beer.. * I decline* and then he says: Him-Hello! Me- Hi- Him- Hey, you know what cho doing? Me- umm yeah...it's easy stuff why? Him- I can help no? Me- ahhh no... and I laugh.... Me- How is your wife? Him- my wife? Me- yeah..your wife...how is she? Him- Oh she fine....she mean Me- yeah?- cause your mean? Him-Me? nahhhhh...I not mean....I like you Me- Dude you so need to go back in your house Him- I jus kidding...Hey you need a hug? Me- nope..... Want me to hit you? Him- O you mean too! Me- yeah..I can be.... and I laugh some more....and this is where he says his little good byes and scurries back into his home.....Oh- yeah- he goes back into his home- and heads straight for his living room window. How do I know you ask? because when I jumped in my truck to crank it- I saw him staring at me through his blinds....Yeah.....he has issues....Time to think of a new plan... We had a burglary in my office a few days ago....And it was not like it was major stuff that was taken..Only little things- like mustard packs, ketchup packs, raisins...things like that...And then one day I heard this hellacious crash- and there we caught the thief! What made it funnier- it fell through the ceiling -was wrapped in all this fiberglass and wire and was still holding the box of raisins it stole. Aint THAT a bitch! Have a grand Thursday ya'll I am so squirming for Friday already.