Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, November 20, 2006 Hey All-I know I know, I suck with Friday ShoutOuts right about now don't I ? I mean it's not like you all really look forward to that. Anyways- Just wanted you to know that first of all I have switched to the Blogger Beta..That means that some of you have added my link and it will not show up-probably therefore you now have to re-add it. I have had to do that myself with a few of you when I changed templates. Second of all, I am going to do a slight Hiatus... What does that mean you ask? It means my Jedi Friends, that I am going to have to *Ghost* out of here for a bit. Why? Well, I cannot really go into details because first of all it's a damn shame...Second of all because this is something that I have to work out on my own per se'......I am at a point right now, that I have lost focus on some things, and most importantly on myself... The good thing is that I can admit that yes- I am going through something major and I cant fix it...The bad thing is that in order for me to be truly happy in myself, I need to refocus on finding me again... I know I may not make any sense to any of you right now...I don't make any sense to me...However- know that all will be well....and sometimes we just have to reroute the course in order to finish the journey. So with that...Let me go ahead and give you all my belated Friday Shoutouts...And I will try and Keep my composure..... Diva- In such a short time, may I say that your grace and beauty is such a joy in my life and of course those you touch. You are such a divine inspiration to me with so much talent and tenacity.I am honored to have met you....and to have you as a friend. I will keep in touch...and I will definitely be visiting your site as I always do... New Orleans may have displaced you momentarily, but I my friend have embraced you forever. Robert-DQuixote- what can I say that you already don't know? Thank you for your spirit...your love. That Guy- We grew up together, we shared alot together..You had to find your own path. I know that you would have climbed the second floor for me..I know you..I never forgot..I am so proud of you for all that you have achieved..I am even prouder that you have taken a responsibility to perhaps lay your life on the line for something you believe in...You are courageous, and strong...and I love you.... Elastigirl *smiles*- "I am a superhero without super powers." Trailer Trash Moma- *laughs* Get on dat der cb of yers and send an SOS out to da BBC...you know the ones..Bubba, Brewster, and Cleetus...Bring a 6 pack of Budweiser and jump in der pick-up and drive on dis way. Momma is gonna need sum backup to do a suthern whoop ass yer here? Git Er Done! Sheets- Although it may seem tough, you are not alone. You are beautiful and strong...such character and strength. Jonathan- Albert is right. *smiles* Marc- you have been giving a second chance to start over..What are you going to do? *smiles* And to the many others- my Phen group ( I am so proud of the weight loss challenges we have put ourselves on, and prouder that we are accomplishing those goals) and the rest of my readers, I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Season... callistre |