Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Friday, November 24, 2006 Good Morning People.I do hope that you all had a spectacular Thanksgiving. As for me, I did not indulge very much in the food eatery department, but I know that I had to pop a few colon cleanse capsules to be on the safe side... I am currently battling the flu- or not even the flu itself, but some type of bug. I was fine until I had to make a mad dash to the grocery store on yesterday- and some guy decides to deliver the whooping cough epidemic behind me, without covering his mouth... O-My- Gosh..You know he about got decked right? But- I kept mah head and my cool and hurried up and got out of there...Only to have to repeat going back to the store 2 more times for the remainder of the day. Other than that- all is well in my hood... I have been working out some things and have decided that instead of me dating, I will fantasy date...You know how like *Ms. Elastigurl has her fantasy football league?* Well, I am putting together a fantasy dating league.. And thus far it sucks..My former fantasy was Seal....but he and Heidi are like so in love and having babies- that he has kinda forsaken lil ole me... Then of course there is Dijimon Hounsou with his Hershey Bar colored skin...*sighs* I just want to lick him all over..... But of course, I am sure he is all wrapped up in his movie career and all... *Whisper Edit- Dijimon, look- if you are into blogging, puleeze stop by my door and knock and enter...I so *heart* you, and I would be a good girlfriend, errr...lover...errrrrrrr...what ever you need.. I can't cook African Food, but I have mad skillz with southern cooking... And I am versatile. We can go out and eat whether it be posh or waffle house I am there...And Dijimon, I so want you to talk French to me- you know the language of love when we are getting busy- but when Momma gets into porn star mode, that has to go out the window because I want to know how Momma is rocking your world in English...And most importantly..I know that in your culture a woman that can produce boys for the husbands is a plus...Baby I have junk in the trunk! I can pop you out some kids...Come holla at a girl ok???* Sorry all, but my hormones just had to let that out.... Other than that- I am at work day after Thanksgiving, and I am bored as all get out. Someone text me- or call me- or email me... PS... That Guy- hope your Thanksgiving was a good one..And please let us know *me* if there is anything that can be done for your squad sitting it out in Afghanistan as Christmas time is approaching and I would like to help spread some cheer. love to all- and peace callie |