Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 Well it seems that alot has gone on since yesterday and today... Without alot of *explicit information* a friend of mine called me frantically on my way home... she calls me and she is *hysterical in screaming* I am thinking she hit some body or someone hit her... Nooooooooooooooo..She is screaming because she got her a lil sumin sumin..Yeppers she did..and it must have been good, because I told her she was screaming to much and I couldnt understand her and she needed to meet me online to talk about this..Needless to say she never did.... Musta been good-Mami.. And yes gentlemen, we do tick marks above the head board. FO SHIZZLE! People might I add when you invite me and Diva to any of your parties, have straws on hand.. I found out that she is first class and only drinks something when accompanied by a straw... Bitoch ya better just get used to slurping out of my mason jars ok? I about had to drive to McDonalds order a coke and score major straws for her, but she went ahead and slurped away like any good friend would do.... Oh Diva, by the way- I heard this on the way home, and guess what?? I thought of you.. And of course I do not know who sings it, and all of the correct verbage, so I will mix and match accordingly... Please stand and place your hands over your heart, and sing this to the Finale ending tune of 12 Days of Christmas. 12 Mink Coats 11 Pairs of Shoes 10 Fake nails 9 Packs of Weave 8 Straight Razors 7 Mac products 6 Designer Draws 5 Munths Free Reeeeeeeent 4 Gold Rims 3 Diamond Rings 2 more SUVs And a Fyne nice tall rich maaaaaaan.... FO SHIZZLE! And in other headlines...Wanda..my new found friend.. This damn Guiness is for you, because Momma does not do Bud.... I first of all popped my *cracked pill* to late in the day..Therefore after dealing with my friend, reheating tuna casserole for my kid, I was feeling mighty crunk. So- I took it upon myself to change into my work out clothes and went to the gym.. Not only did I walk an hour and a half on the treadmill non stop, but I was still hype so I decided to do my own version of *spinning* ....Might I just say that spinning can kiss my ass? Do you know Wanda that by the time the clock finished I not only looked like a version of that Witch from the Wizard of Oz, but that I was heaving all over the place? Needless to say, had momma known she was going to be riding downhill after riding up it for some time, she would have worn the ugly grandma over the shoulder boulder holder bra, because the lacey Fredericks one, did not hold my titties in.. The twins were peeping out of the sides when I got home to take off my clothes to shower.. Oh and by way- I *stumbled* home..My legs cramped all up! Muchos Gracias Wanda! Love Me! People- for those of you that have not checked out some of the links to some really good reads, might I suggest one of the many in the funny category? Trailor Trash Laughs is awesome! And you really need to read about the Panty Stealing and the Coconut Shrimp and the Fancy Eatery! Trailor Trash Mamma, This Bud is For You! And that my friends is a wrap! Peace Out! callie