Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007 It seems that we all from time to time go through periods of the blogger block in which we do not have the words to say at times... Sometimes we find ourselves in a rut of *what will I be talking about today*........And yet that is when I like to go back in Blogger time and look at all of the things that have happened in my life that I so blatantly wrote about. I often tell people I blog because it is cheap therapy for me... It helps to get it all out and yet have people lend advice or bullshit. Whatever floated their boat.... What really caused me to think though, and yes perhaps become a tad emotional, is being able to re-read through posts that really created an impact on me and others... I read through posts where I debated against the War, I read posts where I was openly attacked and called racist names, I read posts where I spoke of my personal moments of being a woman...Emotional, Challenged, and yes lonely..... And then there were the posts that I wrote that were just purely insane and funny as all get out when it came to my driving in Atlanta, my meeting men at gas stations, my funny moments of Karaoke in Red Neck territories. *Yippie Kai Yay * And yes....there are those posts that still today tug at my heart of romance come and gone, and the friendships built that have helped me through a broken heart. I read through some of these today and actually allowed a tear to fall as I looked back over some of these, and said to myself "Oh yeah, I remember this one, and that one, and I remembered how I felt when this was said, or that was said." I read back through the ones, where I felt that Calliez Realm would no longer be around and yet where my friends pulled me back with love.... It is perhaps good that at times I do not have anything going on in my life to where I do not have anything to write about each day.. If anything it gives me a chance to be able to read the past and see just how much I have grown, and to see just how strong I am.....And continue to be.... Ok.....Enuff...cuz you know..I don't wanna cry.... Damn that time of the month and I am a little emotional. lurve you callie Big Phat Edit: Please Excuse the Scarlet Letter that Photobucket placed on my site in the interim that you visited and saw it. Funk That Noize... Someone flagged my site for nude photos...What the hell.. I got your nude photo whoever you are. And it's about ready to slap the ever loving taste out of your mouth virtual wise..... recognize. that.