Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Saturday, January 24, 2009 I decided to do something totally different a few days ago and I had to blog about this mission. I went to the ever so famous Craigs List and decided to put out an Ad in the Personals Section. yeah- duh. Before I did this I glanced at others just to see what it was about. I glanced in the Women for Women, Women for Men, Men for Men, Men for Women, ya know- the whole gamut and may I say- I was slightly disgusted, a little scared and perhaps a little intrigued at a few Ads. Upon submitting my Ad- which I stress I had sweaty palms at doing, because well for those of you that have been a part of the realm these past years you know my luck with dating and how I kinda despise it because sometimes, I ran into a few whackos including jabba the hut look a likes, and well, cheez and crackerz I just want someone normal for a change.Anyways- I did my Ad and received I kid you not- 95 responses! Ok....I lied...It was more like 7 with 1 potential. And the one that got my attention is someone I can roll with. According to his heartfelt response, my stomach is in knots. We exchanged numbers, but I want him to call me so i am doing my best to not dial him first. I am tired of always being "the one." And then- there were the dreaded weirdos that wanted to know off the bat weird things. Like- "do I pee with a slow stream or fast stream." Can I just say ew? and then there were the ones that were "Yo! whaddup! Check it- I got alllllll muh teef and can say fo werds- Mutha Fucka yous a fyne bitch yo! Send me yo number yo! I'll calllllll ya...." And with that, I just want to delete my Ad and say- flug it. I am done. I will just invest in energizer batteries and eat by own damn self from now on. Cheeze and Crackerz...!!!! Today is a good day isn't it? *smiles* ciao peeps! ~c *UPDATE YO* he did call- we went out last night for dinner and he TOTALLY RAWKS socks! I dig em, and he digs me- we shall walk the road and see what happens. If anything, he will become a great friend! |