Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, July 01, 2009 Dating! I profess once again I hate dating and the courtship thingy is just really taxing to me. First of all I am currently engaging in dialogue with a handsome gentleman who also happens to be a minister. Now- let me be the first to tell you, with all of my blogging experience and my dating experiences that I have blogged about- this of course is taking me on a sure Star Trek Adventure of boldly going where no man has gone before. I mean..... This is really hard on me, and I just finally had to break it down to him the other night to let him know that Hey, something has to give.First of all I had all of these little insecurities of "I can't cuss around this man, I can't drink around this man, I can't do this- do that- say this- say that" and finally it all just came to an angry halt. I cannot pretend to be something I am not, and if men cannot handle that no problem! Don't let that big heavy wooden door hit you in the ass on the way out. Know what I mean? He is not a drinker and stated that wine is poison to my body. I replied I am not a drunk but a social drinker and poison in someones body is the gas that infiltrates my house with his farting that he allows to slip once in a while in my presence. Needless to say- my wine drinking has not been an issue since. He informed me that he doesn't like gum chewing because of so called "popping it". I responded that hurling spit out of my truck window due to his allergy problems is grounds for having me open a can of whoop ass....... Did I mention that I threatened to stab him with a steak knife for smacking his food so loudly that he could possibly suck the yellow off a school bus? Yep. I sure did! He told me that I was at times out of control with the things I say. I told him it must be because he is a boring person. He doesn't like music or museums or artsy fartsy things like that. I told him no problem, it saves money by me going alone, and I had headphones for my jams. All in all. we get along fine. He still comes around every day and enjoys my company. I asked him why when he and I are so different and had nothing in common. His response: "Because your more than pretty. Your beautiful with a beautiful heart, and you make me a better man." What. do I say to that yo? Anyways- I will hit ya'll back laterz! ~callie |