Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 I signed on to my web site to take a lookie lou and a blogger sign came up saying www.callierealm.blogspot.com does not exist. I....bout....shit...people.. Can you tell me how I missed that one?On another note- i am working my ass off people. Ok so not my ass per se' although I would really like it if I did, work my ass some way off cause I think that shyte is tooooo big- anywho- yeah- I lurve my new job.... truly....I lurve the hours....truly..... I lurve my schedule....truly...... I am just tired of not being a millionaire. I am still counting days on my calender bookie thingy until my next pay date- which sucketh muchly... But I try and keep my head up by saying- "C'mon Callie, there are so many people that don't have anything... And then i shake that shit off like a dog with a tick and roll people, HOLLA! I have been out a few times, but you know what? I have basically called it quits... People are just freakin crazy I tell you. No really... They are..besides I am tired of being so ones this or that.. Take me as I am or keep it movin is what I say. I was doing fine before you came into my world I will be doing fine without........................................ Oh snaps! I like made the bomb tuna casserole the other night!!!!!!!!! I counted up all the change I had in my jeep ashtray and found a quarter on the floor, hightailed it to the Dollar General and bought two boxes of non Kraft Cheese and Macaroni and settled for Clover Field after checking the expo date making sure it was safe- and of course made some tuna casserole. People- it is cheesier than the craft let me tell you....ok so the recipe..... Fix Macaroni as directed Drain 2 cans of tuna Mix into the drained macaroni add milk and that cheese pouch stuff with a little butter. (You will know how much cause it will make that squishy wet sound when you stir.) Pour into a greased or sprayed baking dish top it off with grated Parmesan cheese..and hold onto your butts.... Top it off with crumbled cheez its (You know those cheezy crackers thingies) and bake till it all melts...... Holla at me if you make it....... Other than that...It's just me yo....I miss ya'll and hope you are all well and doing GREAT............................email me yo.... ~callie PS...for gourmet purposes- i also added chopped dried parsely on top to make it look fancy... |