Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Sunday, February 25, 2007 Thank you my love....I needed to show you how much I appreciate you and your thoughts....You see my dear readers, instead of me having to attend organizations to help battle addictions- I announce to you that - "Hello, my name is Callie and I am a recovering *Body Holic*". At this time of reading, I would hope alot of people can say across the pc screen- "Hi Callie".....I would hope that maybe one out of I don't know how many readers come to my page, but for shits and giggles maybe 1 out of 5 can relate to what I am posting about today...I am posting and talking to *you* my sweet sisters, that are being told that we are not pretty because we are either over weight or under weight. I am talking to you my beautiful sisters that constantly worry about a calorie here, or a pound there... I am talking to you my dear sweet sisters that sit crying next to their toilet after purging, or those looking at themselves in the mirror reciting the same words- "If I lose just a little bit here, If I can perhaps take this away, or If I can skip this meal, or that meal.....If I can just *Look* like her, he would love me......." I am blessed my dear readers to have found someone to look at me and get to know me, and love me for all that I am.... However, it has been a tough road and yet I still falter when it comes to acceptance...COMPLETE acceptance..... You see, there are so many of us- particularly women that are always facing the scenario of not being good enough, not being pretty enough, not being woman enough unless we look like *This*...or *That*.......We have come to a point of society in which we are being challenged emotionally and physically into believing that we are not *worthy* of anything good, or anyone good because we do not fit the mold so to speak..... I am now at a point in my life- later better than never to actually see and recognize that "Hey, you cannot tell me that I am not worthy because I am!" You cannot tell me that I am not deserving to be happy because of my current lifestyle or circumstances because "Hey, Yes I can- who are YOU to steal that joy from me?" Society can no longer tell me that I am not beautiful because I do not look like her, or her, or her because "Hey, I am beautiful because I am Me!" I am not to look like her, or her, or anyone else...I have been created amongst beauty......I am the only person on this earth with unique features that set me apart from others.. I am UNIQUE...I am gifted..I AM.......... My dear sweet sisters, I am calling on you today, to really think about this, and stand up for yourselves..... WE have a right to be happy, and loved without having society dictate what we are allowed to have or should have....We need to start reaching out to women all over this land in striving to see beauty in all forms...not just the thin, not just the full figured, but ALL of us...We need to be able to arise each morning and affirm in our mirrors- 1. I AM WORTHY 2. I AM BEAUTIFUL 3. I AM LOVED 4. I AM BRILLIANT 5. I AM SEXY 6. I AM ME 7. I WILL NOT SETTLE I challenge you to awake tomorrow morning and join me in believing that WE are magnificent-beautiful creatures designed each to give this world unique beauty...... "Hi, my name is Callie, and I am on the path of becoming a former BodyHolic." |