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I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Saturday, April 28, 2007 People, I HATE being the disciplinarian in my household. Truly I do.. I mean I can handle the verbal aspect of it, but I HATE being the one to have to deliver consequences when one keeps up with the charade...Example- On the way home yesterday while sitting a rail road track, I get a call from my sons teacher.. it seems that he has had ALOT of time on his hands lately and has been entertaining class mates for free.... Now, my son and I had this conversion before..I told him I do not appreciate him going to school cutting up. Teachers have alot on their plate- I do not send him to school to cut up and act crazy for the benefit of a few laughs and heckles.... I also told him, I did not want another call from his teacher telling me things of this nature or he would be in big trouble.. He agreed, said he understood, blah blah blah, Hell we even shook on it as agreeance to the understanding of the nature of his next punishment. I be doggone if not only has he been cutting up, BUT he has not been turning in his homework on time.....Ok..she is telling me all of this....I am listening...I am trying to be pro active... Thank God for rail road tracks people, because I needed that time to pray and ask for wisdom..... I get home, all the gang are at my house, I tell them to leave and I ask my son... "How was school today?" Ohhhhhhh- it's fine, things are good... yada yada yada.... "Ok.... how is homework going lately?" and by this time, he knows something is up... He THEN proceeds to tell me how he doesn't understand how to do this and that.... I look at him and say, "Wrong answer- because we go over homework here, and what you and I cannot figure out, you seek help in school or from the tutor.. So...tell me something new.." He then says- "I have just been lazy" ..Ok...so now I cannot be his friend right now, I have to be Dad-Disciplinarian... Keep in mind I do not do this often so I have to ask how to go about doing such things... Talking was not an option right now, nor was grounding, he had to be punished physically....So- I go through the process of telling him how disappointed I am, how rude he has been in disrespecting his teacher and others in the class, and that he was going to get a spanking.... He agreed and understood... Now- my son has freakin grown in the last month, which means he is taller than me... I also do not know or had anything to spank him with so I grabbed the best I thought would do the waking up job... "A Flip Flop" it wasn't your good sturdy one...It was like a 5.00 pair of flip flops with big flowers on them. I got them at Walmart...So...I tell him to hold on to the table, and he does and I start spanking him..Well,I KNOW it did not hurt...I know he squeezed some water effects for my benefit of trying to uphold what I said I would do if he got in trouble again... People, by the 5 whack the damn flower on my flip flop flew off, and it broke in half.... I tried to contain my laughter by just adding for special effect: "This better not happen again, go to your room you are grounded for the rest of your life here at home." I had to scram to my room where I laughed and cried at the same time... I cried because I do not like having to spank my child- he is a good kid, but he is also growing into an adult, a male leader.. He won't get breaks in life, and he needs to learn that at home..I do not give breaks when your being a jackass... I laughed because I looked at my poor flip flop and started thinking of the Jimmy Buffett song- margarittaville, where he talks about blowing out his flip flop, stepped on a pop top. Yeah, I blew my flip flop alright. I know...I suck don't I? |