Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Ya know my peoplez..Who ever came up with the saying" Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" needs to be bitch slapped. I mean so hard that their eyes roll around in the back of their heads...Like in the Exorcist ya know??? Why do I say that? Because words do... Poor Britney Spears.. I feel so bad for her...And yet- where are all those people that thought in the beginning she was all that? Let a person get sidetracked and people are out to crucify the poor girl..... I personally don't think she looks fat......My only gripe was that whoever keeps doing that horse hair bonding hair job to her needs to be fired... If you are going to do fake- do it well. Check this out.. I don't know if you guys have a Walgreens...Well basically alot of you outside of the US don't...But anyways- it's a little store that carries like drug store items with some extras.. We have a Drive Thru on all of ours.. I wondered why and then I just *had* to test it.. I would like to submit this report ladies and gentleman. I drove into the little drive thru area and the little lady came to the window and asked how she could help me... "Hello Maam, I need a box of Kotex brand Super Plus Tampons, A Caramel Nut Brownie Luna Bar and a Diet Dr. Pepper please." Do you know this little lady actually got all that stuff and rang me up??? I almost asked her for fries and ketchup but I bit my lip. Way kool eh? In other news... The Callie girl has been playing the hell out of some ghetto racketball people! Ok Lemme clarify this for all ya'll...You know some edumucation... First of all- I pay too much for my apartment with amenities to have those amenities changed and or renamed.. Hence the case of our Tennis Court.. It is no longer a tennis court- it is now the Soccer court thanks to my friends from Latin America... So now what do a few of us have to do? We have to mozey on to the freakin racket ball court and do the freakin dew there! People...I showed up on Sunday and played with my son, and I wish I could say and tell you all that I am badder than Superfly pimpin- but alas I sucked. He kicked my arse...Triple time! On the last set- he then looks at me and says: "Mom, can you teach me the FUNDAMENTALS of playing racket ball?" I look over at him as I am dry heavin like the roadrunner on crack and say: "Baby, we are playing racket ball with tennis rackets..How fundamental is that yo?" After the final set- he ended up half way carrying me back home where I had to sit and stretch for a good hour... I went and played the following evening again with him and I think we tied because Momma knew how to hit the ball in short strides when close to the wall to keep him running most of the time..... *people- I do not run* and yes....I played yesterday with some of my new Latin American friends...One was named Ronaldo *and he was cute all sweaty and such* the other was Javier..He reminded me of Jesus so I didn't stare at him as much...Anyways.....Ronaldo and I were partners and played with Javier and his friend- couldn't catch his name.... I would like to report that Ronaldo and I kicked major ass! I not only spared myself the embarrassment of dry heaving, but I bought a cool sports bra to keep the twins in and in place- which helped alot..... Werd! So....Tonight no game..But tomorrow?! Oh someone better be ready to bring it!..... Ohhhhhhhh...I sooooo forgot to tell you guys this....OK...for those of you that have been hanging with me through the year- you recall my experience with the neighbor downstairs right? REFRESHER COURSE for the new people: Keep up...*winks* Got this neighbor downstairs that times my coming in and going out. Tried to hit on me a few times- but I lied by telling him I had a boyfriend that worked for INS...and well he backed off majorly...Ok so....He did an Emergency EVAC! I got home on Friday and there was all this *stuff* in the apartment. My son is smiling at me like a happy pig in mud... He stated the little man downstairs asked if we wanted his stuff and he helped him bring it up.... People..We got a beautiful dining room table set - a new microwave, a large screened tv, and all kinds of pottery...clay pottery...decorative stuff..... I asked my son.."Is he coming back?" Nope! He said we could have it- he was going back to Texas..... Well people...I am gonna miss him somewhat..running and chasing me down with his beers...I shall have to drink one this weekend in his honor.... And now people....In your honor- I must take my leave because this luna bar is to good- and I cannot eat and type at the same time.... But hey! Who Loves ya? "ME"