Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 Let me tell you about last night while stopping in at the gas station. I go inside to pay for my gas and grab a chico stick because I was after all craving a little munchie thanks to PMS overload, and while I am in line- there was a gentleman who had a tad bit too much to drink- whom was throwing a tirade because apparantely he hit a few numbers playing the lotto-game card- and wanted his cash. Well, since I have never really played nor won- I am not sure of the specifics but the Store Cashier wanted to see some ID and have this man fill out some information on the back of the card before dispensing his winnings. Therefore- Mr. Man must have hit pretty good for them needing this info. Anyways- he could not seem to produce any id- nor could he recall the basics of information- and therefore proceeded to get angry because they would not give him his winnings unless he did so..... By this time- It is me in line waiting to pay for gas and a chico stick, a couple of more people are getting agitated and then this is where shit hit the fan. This gentleman then starts cussing about how America is not fair to him. He goes on about how he works for little to no pay- how he isn't being treated fairly because he won some money and America is keeping it...Blah Blah Blah..... and yes... I got kinda miffed... I mean now I have been standing in this freakin line for more than 5 minutes, I am a leaking faucet, and I am in need of my chico stick to squash the sugar craving- and then I have to stand there and listen to this bs. And yes..It is BS. You see.. It is BS in my opinion because although America is the land of opportunity- in order for you to capitalize on that opportunity you have to pay your freakin dues. He wants to talk about not being treated fairly- ok...let's talk about that for a moment. Is it fair that my taxes are paying for those that do not go through proper measures that can apply for benefits that some US citizens have a hard time getting? Is it fair that I have to apply for business licenses and pay taxes for that business while next door to me- I have someone selling Phone Cards and other merchandise from their apartment without contributing a dime to our economy? Fair? America was not built on the foundation of being "Fair"....... although we would like for that concept to become reality- it will never happen, not in my lifetime anyways. If I were wanting to establish residency anywhere in the world, I would have to abide by their ordinances- so shall it be to be considered a US Citizen. America does not owe anyone "illegally" shit. Oh and it really kills me to read some people that blog about how America is this- America is that- and yet they dont live here. Thats cool...Talk about our President and whatever else floats your boat- no country is perfect. Our laundry is just being aired more publicly versus the undercover stench that filters through some other countries. Amazing- we can get dogged out- and yet people from the outside still clamour to get inside the window, so much so that they are willing to risk their lives and others lives to do so. Mr. Man then decided to basically F America and Quick Trip -snatched his little winning card and stumbled out into the night . I paid for my gas and my chico stick and could not Flinstone it fast enough to get home and shower. and yet- I still replayed in my mind- America, not being fair? Whatever yo! Thought for the Day-"Eminem- break it down one time!" ~peace~