Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Tuesday, February 05, 2008 It's all about YOU! So today I am doing the official callie PEEPS AWARDS! dun dun duuuuunnnn..... For Pete in NZ. and his lurvly wife Lyn. Much lurve for thinking of me. and check this- I got your card back on yesterday when I got home cause I didnt have adequate stamps. I so sorry. Remailing right back out yo! To Hope- for her humor, her gratuitous nature and just for being REAL..FO REAL.....I lurve her mucho grande! To DAZD for being a real genuine super dooper trooper by listening... Your tops! For DIXIE and M.O.M.- laughter is great medicine and you bring it....funny....funny..... For Pele- the only other wahine that relates to how I feel about da kine. malama pono my sistah. Your such a sweet inspiration. For Blither, Bettina, and BoBo- .... All thats missing are gold teeth, gold chains and booty shorts and you ladies can have a dance group called the 3 B's, and I would buy your cd. Holla! Thank you for your stories, your charms. You are all bootiful. bootylicious... For Pete in SAfrica, Fancy and Anna-Lys: because of you all -believing in romance isn't hard. I am just waiting for Pete in NZ to land a big Maori Warrior for me. That will take time. For Pittchick, Kate and Seraphine- you bring me much knowledge and wisdom to the chaos. This Guiness is fer you. For Kev and Rimbina: Thank you for your emails and always letting me know that your ok and your still reading even though your travelin all over the world, acting like you have lost your freakin mind. HA...and please.....make sure you get me an autograph of someone important and make sure they write how much they love me, even they don't know me so I can show it off. And of course to the rest of you.. I learn something new each day- and I enjoy your visit....truly....relish in it people. Because of all of you- my blog is still going and I enjoy sharing my world with you....And now...On to the AWARD.... I give you all the: Baby Dont Have Back-but its all good because Groove Is In the Heart Award. Your song for the day is up and running! Just click on the DJ Video! PS. PHAT EDIT: I so screwed up according to email and left out my real partner in crime- That Guy. Dude- it wasnt that I totally forgot, I just wasnt thinking clearly since I dont hear from you anymore. Hope your feelin better and you forgive a sister yo!