Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Thursday, July 10, 2008 I am doing this post on the down low. But I just HAD to tell you all what I did last ! No- it wasnt with a man. silly. I was invited a few weeks ago- courteousy of my job to attend The Closer premiere party. Ok. so the invite read more like this:Come and Join us for The Closer Premiere Party free horsedouvers, chocolate buffet, mini massages, cash bar Meet- Gina Ravera! RSVP by this date. I debated...really I did.. I am getting tired of doing things by myself and would rathered played racquetball- but my son, and my mom and Hope were like- Go! It would be fun. So I RSVP for 2 people, couldn't get anyone that wanted to go-or couldn't go...So I went alone...Got lost looking for the Hotel for the event- "Gracias Yahoo Maps" you suck major assage. Anyways- I got there and verified who I was by droppin my business card, ended up being escorted to the 27th floor of this hotel with a handful of other people- verfied again who I was by presenting another business card, was given an arm band and was escorted into this room- overlooking Atlanta and drenched by food and music. I at first was sitting at a table- the big round ones by myself for a while, and then a few ladies asked if they could sit with me, and before I knew it we were chatting it up- networking, handing business cards to each other. I dined on Chicken Somosas, with chutney sauce my favorite, some kind of char grilled steak on a stick (I kept eating those and finally the hostess just kept stopping by with a plate asking if I wanted more) I had a slice of bruchetta and cheese and then....I overloaded on chocolate...I ate- chocolate covered fruit, chocolate something petite fours, chocolate espresso cake- let's just say- my ass was puckered within an hour, and today I am playing 2 hours of ball....... The hostess of the event then introduced the lovely Gina, who spoke for a moment and welcomed us, we watched the Premiere and mingled. I got an autograph and she is simply stunning and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo personable and sweet. As I am writing to you, she was that way with all of us. She took time and spoke one on one- she answered questions, posed for photos with people. She is simply wonderful. After that I finally decided I needed to go because I wasn't feeling well... On the way out they gave us goodie bags! I got free Movie tickets for a new Movie Theatre that serves "food" and has a bar, I got a cool The Closer T-shirt, free tickets to a Concert by some woman for late July, a free appetizer coupon for some swank eatery- and it was "fun"...The ladies I switched business cards with emailed me this morning to tell me how much they had meeting me, and invited me to check out their business niche and attend some events they put together...I had a blast......So thanks to ya'll that talked me into going. Click on the name to see whose autograph I got. Gina Ravera . Check out the show on Monday! Oh and yes, I did make an ass out of myself. While fixing a plate of chocolate fruit, there was a lady standing by me. I kept kinda staring because I had seen her but just couldnt place her. Finally I said: "Please forgive me for staring, but I recognize you from somewhere and cannot place it." Before she could even say who she was I blurted. "Oh Snaps! Your Jovita Moore of the News!" She is very gorgeous also! Nice too. She liked the Chocolate buffett also. *winks* glad I wasn't the only woman who lost her mind like as if we had won the golden ticket at Willie Wonkas Factory. ciao! callie |