Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Friday, January 30, 2009 And that is where it is left. My days are at most good, however Tuesday was not a good day. I broke down and told the landlord what all was going on and he sounded sad. So- needless to say I broke down after hanging up with him and blew snot bubbles out of mah nose for at least a good 20 minutes. I just cannot understand and still am amazed at the circumstances from time to time. And yet I keep in mind I am not the one and only person going through this. so- I need to just keep my faith and keep movin.My son has decided or shall I say is going through a phase of total lost his mind. perhaps it is me who engraved in his heart to maintain a sense of humor through the good and bad. Example- He ripped the tags off of his pillowcase and became nervous wondering when the FBI was going to break down our door. He went to Burger King and asked for a Double Whopper with Cheese minus the Double. (and the funny part was that the counter person tried to make it and was asking how.) He went to McDonalds and asked for a Whopper with Onion Rings. He told me he could no longer take baths because he had to rinse off with his own butt crack water. yeah- this is what is going on in our hood, it's how we roll. His afro is now really big. I try and coax him into me cutting it, but he starts to get defensive. He said it's a part of him being different and he didn't care if people laughed at him, but that he liked it and that's what mattered. In addition to this conversation he then indulges that he secretly tore up my mothers pac man game. He stated that he played it so much and beat the levels that it now starts to skip. yeah- can't wait for that phone call. I have lost a few more pounds. And how would I know that without being on a scale you ask- My pants sag in the front and poofs out which makes me look like I have a penis and balls. HOLLA. I have still been seeing Mr. Man who is very sweet. I enjoy his company a lot. And I am thinkin he is perhaps wondering about who the hell he is trying to hook up. We shall see. Maybe this year I will have a Valentine! if not no worries. I got yall. We can send cards to each other yo! (Even if I did have a Valentine- I would still send you one) And DAZD I am still waiting on your addy to send you a card dang it. And Blither, Bettina, you owe me new addys since your move. Ok. enough for now. I am hungry as a mofo and need to get my pancake on. Lurve you all! ~c PS. PETE in NZ- I got my calender and it is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and Lyn for sending it to me. Also you gotta know my favorite photo is the month of August. That one rawks socks! |