Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sunday, January 03, 2010 We are in 2010 people, and wouldn't you know it, I have already begun the tales of Callie in MyStyle Fashion! First off I must do a verbal backlash against Lane Bryant. Say what you want but "women" come in all different shapes and sizes. Some women can be tiny up top and spread like butter on the bottom. I am what they call pear- hourglass shaped therefore some clothes fit differently compared to others- which means I have to drape myself in clothes to accentuate. Lane Bryant was one of the stores I would go to for things like Blue Jeans and panties when I didn't feel like trampling in Larry The Cable Guys territory- better known as "Dat der Wal Marts." no offence larry- I still lurve you and think you are sexy as hell, but back to my vent. My son and I ventured to the mall today so he could try and score his own copy of Modern Warfare 2 and it just so happened I saw a glorious sight!!! 50 to 60% off people!!! Everything in the store....So...I HAD to visit!!!I found jeans, blouses, sexy panties, bras, look people, when I decide to engage in a night of fantasy at some point in time with a man of my own I am gonna be dressed! I think I collected myself a Fredericks of Hollywood closeout by the time I finished..and then I went to pay and asked that question..."Are you all making room for Spring items already?" It was like a slow motion answer from the Six Million Dollar Man jumping a fence..... "Nnnnnoooooo Maaaaammmmm, weeeeee areeeeeee CLLLLOOOOSIIIING dooowwwwwnnnn." People, I may have turned white right there in front of her....And do you know what the reason was? Corporate felt that it was not profitable any longer so they are closing a good majority of the stores across Georgia.....ok....so I have to ask the question... Those women that are full figured in larger sizes....What the hell are they to do???? What am I going to do?? Wally world skates by on what I get from time to time, but damn it! I deserve to look and feel sexy and don't want to have to worry about my boobs slipping underneath the cups because of cheap fabric... So- for any of my readers that are full figured like myself, and know what I mean about having to look sexy at the same time of having a menstrual cycle, we need to voice that! It's just not right..... Ok...I vented...on to another subject.... I signed up for the singles dating site called: Plenty of Fish.com I met one guy from there who talked a really good game. I didn't have my hopes up but I really thought he could be a potential "we can email, call, have dinner from time to time" type of guy, and do you know what? He was too chicken to tell me he wasn't interested...And THAT wasn't even the story...After we met, he was still texting me, calling me..."What's up beautiful, how's your day, " this and that, and "Oh, I could become addicted to you you smell so good, and you have eyes that are heartbreakers to a man" ya know...really laying it on peanut butter thick and then outta the blue, he just ignores me... Now- let me tell you this..I did not burn his cell phone up calling him and texting him, I got to a point sometime last year if a man is really interested he will contact me when he is ready. Give em space- continue doing my thing, go with the flow...... But to just all of a sudden treat me like that? he would send a text- asking how I was I would respond and say How are you? and nada...not even the sound of a fart squeezing through a constipated butthole people...So...I said screw it..... The site if anything has potential...Still- because of my fears of dating or whatnot, I still get the ones that message me and send me photos of them in bathtubs......or out of bathtubs....I just wanna puke...I get the ones that look like they should be Tony Soprano or Pimp Daddy G-Money or Pope Sweet Jesus in the fur coats and hats wanting me to sample some ribs...I even get the ones that want to just complain about how they wont even waste their time on me because I wasn't putting out.... (Yeah, I did mention I was not open for booty calls and wasn't sexually interested in anyone.) Well, ya know the celibacy thing ..... I am just tired of getting involved with someone and that becomes their focus on what they think makes a relationship....and it doesn't...And it just makes it into a chore, and blah blah blah........ And then there is that 2% where I would get a message from someone, and they seem so genuine and interesting and I think to myself, "Wow.... I would really like to get to know this person...and it just becomes so anxiety laden that I just stay away from it all....So- true to my word, and at the advice of some of you all, I am giving it another shot to get back out there into meeting men........ I am missing my Hockey games like a crack head needs crack! I am trying to schedule some things out with my patient to make sure he is covered while I get back into some me time....The gym thing starts tomorrow. I am looking forward to whooping some tae bo arse!!! and then some...... I will keep you all posted! as I am sure this dating service will be plenty of blog fodder for your decadent minds..... ciao babes!!!! ~C |