Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Thursday, January 25, 2007 Howdy ho all you blog pimps and pimpettes... Let me first begin by saying "I'm Sorry"... Momma has been somewhat in a slump lately.... I cannot really explain the slump- I can perhaps blame it on the weather, because after all High Class Whore such as myself prefer Booty tanning abilities, versus wind chilled chapped lips... Oh and don't think a whore does not have chapstick.. I have stock in it! Recognize!I have also gone through a happy phase in my life.. As you know or maybe you don't know because you stumbled into my sight like a drunkard in whore alley, I have downgraded my Fantasy Boyfriend List to the bare bone... Although * That Guy* is a long time friend he is happily married, and I am thrilled that he is..... The one that ended up stealing my heart though was none other than "ZHP".... Amazing what internet sex can do isn't it? Dude has skillz to curl a whores toes I tell ya! In other news and highlights- the SUPERBOWL PRINCE HALF TIME SHOW! Ok... I conjured up a bet and if anyone wants in on it let me know! This is what is going on.. As you know His Purple Badness is no longer bad according to his newfound religion, therefore he states he no longer perfoms any of his old songs... FUNK THAT YO! So.... Myself along with a couple of other rejects- decided to guess which songs he will do.. Whoever has at least 3 out of 5 wins- and yes, you do get prizes according to what your wagering.. So- without further ado here are my 5 choices of what I think Prince will do- 1. Let's Go Crazy 2. KISS 3. Musicology 4. and 2 more songs from his Musicology list... *Sorry but after he stopped Humping the floors I kind of lost interest- so I am not familiar with his new stuff....* I am wagering for the winner- a FAB retro brown bag special... I know you just licked your lips did you not? I am bringing snack attacks back callie style! From my stash the winner gets- A Choice of Vanilla, Banana, or Chocolate Moon Pies- *and yes, the bitches will be the originals!* A Variety of the ever famous Now-And-Laters to assist in popping out whatever dental issues you may have or had. PEZ collections Fun Dip Stix Chico Stix and the ever popular- Pop Rocks- for those kinky fetishers out there.... So there you have it! Thus far the Callies Realm gamblers consist of - Da Diva, Christy *tookie*, and Sheets....... *That Guy* if you want in great- but we want something cool from your end.. Perhaps a photo of your platoon with your pants dropped mooning us would be classic...... OH and If I win- someone better ante up a pack of OREOS...Not the double stuff, mint, or chocolate covered.. I want the originals. There you have it! Stop whining and join in the fun..I am really stoked to find out what I will be winning in this grand sweep! *winks* Have a Great Thursday All! callie |