Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 Yes I am.. I find these truly neat and love to see the answers! Check a few of these puppies.I swiped this link from someone off of ZHP's page.. *laughs* I will send you a coupon for a 6pack of beer!
"I have no idea what all of that means, and perhaps Saskia can enlighten me, but it sounds nice. I am *posh* and *uppity.* Laughs. The Bible Quiz- You know the Bible 88%! Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic! I was really proud of myself, however I was stumped on one of the questions and took a guess..Amen... Yin or Yang? Your Are More Yang Creative Angry Spring Summer Morning Sun Space Active Wood Chocolate I saw a wonderful Violinist who played the National Anthem at a hockey game who had a t-shirt on that said "Just Yang It"... Of course this was his last name, but Hey, Is it ok if I had one made or me that said "Just Yang It"..I so dig the concept.... But out of that list, I am not angry or masculine. And Sasha- screw the What Super Hero Am I quiz... I did mine and got stuck with some damn cartoon by the name of Carrot something rather, that had brain powers, and drove a boat! Funk that Noize.. I wanted to RAWK! I wanted to wear a nice costume that showed cleavage, and I wanted to puuur and meow and growl...Instead I got a character that looked like a rabbit on crack! I was so not going to put that one on my board.... I tried to do one concerning a rejected crayon, but it asked what color panties I had on, and I put none, and it came up saying *Whore Color not Found*.... *laughs* Sweeeeet. On the way to work this morning I was held up by two car accidents. One was of a low rider that was swiped heavily by a lawn and garden truck.. Needless to say Low Riders bumper and grill along with the fake spinners were lying in the middle of the road.... The other was of a School bus that ran into a Semi...I cannot see or understand this visual, but hey it happened.... I went and worked out last night, and made it home in time to see Prison Break which Rawked people! The suspense is killing me! On last evening I had my son call *grandma* and play a joke on her.. So in his best British Accent, he called her and said- "Granny, Granny?? I have a school report to do and I need to ask you a very important question...Can you please explain to me in great length, what it was like to eat Powdered Eggs and Government Cheeze and peanut butter when you were growing up?" Of course my stifle in laughter and his was beyond a Kodak moment.. And she was really falling for it! She started explaining to him about where she grew up and this and that, and then he egged it on even further... "Granny, Granny, did you have a tv? or Pop Tarts?" the things you can make your kids say and do I tell you what! It is worth having kids, just to watch them do things that you put them up to doing..... At any rate- all in my realm is fine...calming down from the storm.... Hope you all have a great Tuesday.... callie |