Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007 I got this MeMe in my inbox today- and all I have to say is "You must not have anything to do at work but be a perv..." *laughs* So- here is the Meme and I am tagging people to complete it...damn you slackers...Ever see "like water for chocolate?" here is a list of food ... what would you do with it if you had a chance? be creative! we'll start slow and then get more difficult. 1. whipped creme!- spray and spread 2. chocolate sauce- drizzle ontop of the whipped cream 3. a cucumber- under eye puffy soothers? 4. guacamole- grab the chips! 5. cherries- add on top of the whipped cream and chocolate drizzle 6. oysters- snot in a shell- I don't do them! 7. ice cubes- ever played the game hot and cold? 8. champagne- add pop rocks and you have a tingle 9. marshmallows- ever play chubby bunny? 10. mango- drizzle with honey and serve. What Muse Am I ? Your Inner Muse is Euterpe You are most like this muse of music.While you may or may not be musical... You love music and set life to your own personal soundrack.And you are good at making anyone's heart sing! And of course you can find these HERE I know I have not been dishing out alot of juice details and all lately... I guess it is because right now, I am in need of some mental downtime.. Not that it's anything bad, I am just drifting... I am content..I am happy..... I am also concerned for a few of my blogger friends as well..A few of them are going through some valley moments and they are on my mind... For those of you that have been reading my blog for sometime "That Guy" who is one of my posters is also a very good friend of mine. We grew up together- lost touch and found each other again...As some of you know- "That Guy" has been serving in Afghanistan for the past year......It has been a while since he has last posted, and he weighs heavily on mind... I ask that those of you that have been a part of my blog to remember him in your prayers as well as those others serving- remember them in your day and ask for a safe passage home. I know his family misses him, and his best friend- Me- misses him greatly... Have a Great Wednesday All... callie |