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I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 You know, something came over on last evening that really bugged me and because I am me I figured well hey, thats something to talk about...And voila! Here it is my wonderful readers. I received an email on late yesterday from one of my blogging friends, and she had mentioned that someone posted a nasty remark on her page about her being a *home wrecking whore*. She seemed to not be upset about it, but I know, deep down inside that it did hurt her feelings...It would hurt mine....So I responded to the poster. I did not sharpen my cat nails to swipe at the poster or anything. I kindly gave her a little of Callies Philosophy though.... For someone to post something so hurtful and not knowing someone truly- that my friends is bull shit. For someone to post something to someones board and flame them without the facts, well, that is more than bull shit, that is put on your boots and tread lightly in dinosaur shit..... As I explained to the poster- for her to call my friend a *home wrecking whore* she must first look within *her* home... Her spouse or whoever- could have told my friend one thing, and went home and told her something totally different. If that is the case then you have what I see as a break down in communication. Once that goes well your in for all kinds of hell....And then listening to the radio this morning- it was the same Jerry Springer episode..... People cheat for different reasons, but the ones that I have heard personally that seem to be popular.... 1. We are in the middle of a divorce 2. My spouse-partner is not interested in what I like and won't understand 3. We are seperated Most of the time it is the number2...... I think it is a *society* thing, because growing up- especially for women, we werent really given the low downs of what to expect in relationships and marriage..We had to take a crash course. *Oh this gets freakin greater..Da Diva just calls me and she is upset because some lady called her bitchin because she found her number on her spouse somehow!) OK Ladies...and of course Gents...more so Ladies....This is the school of Callies Hard Knocks..If your man is cheating on you, it is not because we are out looking for him...They come to us.And yes, I have it happen *ALOT* and it does not make me a whore. First of all my definition of a whore is listed in a previous post, just look for it..Second of all...I am a *High Class Whore* check the definition...Third of all I am a *Ho* for the right man... Not for every man, but for specific men that I am engaged in long term relationships in... See, it isn't all about what you won't do, it's about what you are willing, and can do...No GOOD man, wants to come home and listen to you yap about everything and anything...No GOOD man wants to listen to the word *no* all of the time just because you think that shit is funny and you pull the strings.... And yes, there are some of us that go the distance in trying to be everything for our spouses, and it still can happen....Been there done that.... But basically don't get pissed at the player- get pissed at the game! If I were to teach a class on being a Ho...this is how it would go... Ladies, be a ho for your man... In all ways....not just bedroom. If you keep saying no to everything He will find someone that will say yes.... Ladies, listen to him and be supportive Don't take being a housewife and mother to the extremes of being a *nothing* You are a powerful and beautiful caregiver taking care of and running the castle. Ladies, take time to pamper you...It is no good for you or for him to be all zoned out because you are to tired from doing everything all of the time... Forget washing the dishes-cleaning the kids room for a day or two...Spoil you. Be inventive and stop being scared to go out of the norm...If honey wants to have sex standing up in the laundry room, find something sturdy and go at it. If honey wants you to dress in something ultimately out of the norm and asks you to dance and take money from him, request hundred dollar bills! And for you men out there....Have the balls to help your woman out! If she has been telling you how she is not feeling sexy and this and that your azz needs to be on the ball and explaining why she is. If she has not done the dishes or your garbage is over flowing, roll up your sleeves and pitch in- Don't be so damn lazy. And that saying of "Well I work and pay the bills"... Pullleeeeze... She works and helps you to organize the bills..It isn't about "I" in a relationship..It's a "We" thing..... If she is not understanding of your sexual needs and desires and wants, how about instead of you running off to find someone- that you take the time to find out why she feels that way.Keep in mind alot of women had to grow up with mothers that did not explain shit! Of course she is not going to understand and say no if your pulling out all kinds of mechanisms and trying to take charge with no prior warning..... Learn to talk and communicate!.... Funk That Noize! Take the time to listen....I know I know...You Listen but you don't hear! Sometimes, women say things and it is emotional...However don't look at it as nagging all of the time...She may be trying to tell you a few things like- She is tired of doing everything...She is needing you to hold her....Give us a freakin chance! All in all...I feel bad for the poster that said what she said..I feel bad that my friends are mixed in with men that have no balls to be a man and have to sneak around like cowards... It's bullshit with simple resolutions if both sides can look at the terms and come to an agreeance about some things.... Hot damn..I need a drink now...I am stressed at 11am. callie