Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Friday, January 05, 2007 It's Friday All! And I am soooo glad. Before I go any further...I must do this for a special person..A Wonderful friend....Who is starting a new year with a great great purpose..... SHEETS!!!!! Oh his blog people- is listed in the blog roll under "Between The Sheets"...He is a up and rising writer and I know he will be on your local bookshelves soon... Watch for him...in the mean time get to know his blog so when he gets famous you can say: "I used to read hiz stuuuf and now that he on Oprah he act like he don't know nobody" *laughs* And Now Sheets....I shall do my best Marilyn Monroe dance and song for you.....Ahem...*clears throat* HAPPY BIRTHDAY................... To YOUuuuuuuuu............... HAPPY BIRTHDAY.......................To YOUuuuuuu................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY...................MR. PREZIDENT.................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY...................To YOUuuuuuuuuu...................... It's ok to blush Sheets..I know that you kinda broke a sweat from excitement as I straddled ya while I tried to sing to you....*winks winks* *laughs* All in good fun mind ya...In all sincerity SHEETS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from CALLIES REALM....May it be one of new awakening and dreams come true..... And now peoples for your FIRST Friday Shout Out of 2007! Today's shout comes from none other than Da Diva....Wit her cute self...And PS...jus cause I said you cute, does not mean I am gay...*laughs* inside joke. So people, I give to you, none other than the Queen of makeup and hair, long nails, and straw sippin- plastic fork eating......Da Diva!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooh my goodness, Ooh my goodness.... This is such a honor! First, I would like to thank God for making me the Diva that I am.....*laughs* *The sound of the horns* IT'S FUNKY FRIDAY SHOUTOUTS Callie- I want to thank you for giving a sista like myself a chance to shine Put on your boots and ride that bank like a horse.... Things will get better- Trust me! Sheets- My darling darling baby*smiles* Do you need a roommate, because as you know Da Diva Does-It all sweetie Mr. Erwin Loyd- I don't know much about, but in Callie's words *YOU RAWK*. I enjoyed your music, you're the bomb baby! That Guy- What can I say, I miss your sarcasm.........*LOL* Trailor Trash Momma- I know I can hang out with you and have a "good ole tyme" Tookie- You're hilarious....... A white woman trapped in a black man's body, Who would've ever thought? I'm so fabulous!.......... Good Day People!...... and there you have it..Your highness like Elvis, has left the building. But what she says is for all of you basically...Some of you are lurkers, and hey if that floats your boat ok. But for everyone that visits, that stops by to say HI or just to check on me, Much Much love and Peace to all of you! callie- and your thought for the day- "Say what you want, and you shall have it.Keep silent, and you miss out and regret." |