Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Friday, January 19, 2007 It's Aloha Friday No Work till Monday ku'uipos! (sweethearts) So what are your plans?? My plans consist of cleaning, and reading... Nothing more nothing less..Spending some more *me* time.... At any rate- January is almost at a close.. For all of you searching for a Valentine, I do hope that you find someone that steals your heart away! LIVE today and don't wait for tomorrow! You only have one! And now for your Friday Shout Outs! That Guy- you were missed...Thank you for your comments- your replies, your thoughts, your tough love...Your my best friend, and I love you...AND a whore has to order the freakin Friday DVD for part one because it seems *every body* likes it besides you and I..... DaDiva- Thank you for your friendship, your words... You mean alot to me, and I am so happy for you and Mo... Mo, welcome to the family. PS Mo- Diva has her eyes on the cutest Valentine underware...*winks Sheets- You are stronger than you think..Your post today totally touched me...Your an angel... Ammie and Wanda- Be safe and have fun this weekend..I do believe that tomorrow is "A wear a hat day"...*laughs* Go wear hats, have ice cream, and just enjoy the sun.... Fancy- no need for the chocolate instruction...Thanks for sharing any ways though.Your blog writing is so beautiful. Tookie- "Tell Unemployment you demand fiddy and hour!" Drink up! Chris- I do appreciate the gift of the photo and tried to post it but no matter what it takes up the whole page, so I have it as a screen saver! Erwin- R and R... love you and J. Saskia and Sasha- CANNOT WAIT for the new book..I am on pins and needles. Mr. Trinidad- *smiles* Thank you for the most numbered comments on one post...44..I have never been so lucky... and it was sweet.... ZHP- "When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings."
And to the others that come and visit or browse, and those I did not name by name.... Thank you! Imagine if everyone posted something from each of the nations that visit this blog, It would be awesome! So- you people better get that shit done by my birthday! That would be an awesome gift.... Take care and be safe- love , peace, and happiness from me to you! callie |