Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Saturday, January 27, 2007 I was online till 2:30 am last night. Which is rare because I am normally in the bed by 10pm.Awake at 6:30 to the sound of someone thumping outside the door.... I drag myself out of the bed, and tip toe through the living room where piles of kids are sleeping. *Yes, the neighborhood boys camp at my place every weekend*.. I look outside my door and there is no one there... Ummmmm, must have been dreaming. Back to my bed I go- back to dreaming of...... and I hear it again! I sit up in the bed and strain to listen for the thumping noise and then I heard it again, but this time it was more audible.... "Oh Yes! Harder, yes! " thump thump thump You have got to be fucking kidding me! Who ever was banging the next door neighbor, I can assure you it was not the husband because he is out of town... 7:30 am, as I am still listening to Ms. Thing cattle call- I decided to get up and shower, pop my vitamin, and go for coffee.... 8:15 am- I am back home in the kitchen cooking- arousing the senses of 5 young boys. french toast bacon juice and I have to add that powdered sugar sprinkle stuff to the frensh toast. Juan- "good morning ms. callie...may I have cereal?" yep "good morning mom- wow french toast and bacon!.....how did you sleep? mom, can i spend the night at juans? mom do you think tomorrow after church we can stop at walmart? mom- this is great. are you ok? you look tired?" yep...... "good morning maam...- ummmm my mom doesnt fix this for me at home thanks!" yep "good morning- can I have cereal and the french toast please?" yep "mom- we will clean up the living room after we eat ok? dont worry about doing it ok?" yep As all are eating, I then decide to say something more as I am sipping my coffee.... "is everything ok? anyone need some more milk or juice? more food?" I get head shakes that things are a-ok because mouths are full.... "Well, since everything is ok- please rinse off your dishes and place them in the sink. I will wash them when I get back home" My son- "ok....where you going?" "I am going to finish my coffee and then throw myself off of the interstate bridge." All mouths stop chewing and eyes stare at me. "I am kidding....I am going to the gym- and then I am going to run errands, I have a Valentine project to finish and need some things." So.......this is my life on a Saturday morning.....Love it! callie EDIT- It gets even BETTER I tell ya! I just got in from the gym and guess who I see outside who starts waving at me? Yep- Ms. "Oh yes- Harder"..So I removed my headphones and this is the conversation. Her- Hey girl! How are you its been a while! Me- Hey you! yeah, I am working and then at the gym and all you know how that goes. Her- yeah I do. You look good- how much have you lost? Me- Thanks your sweet, but I'm wearing clothes so I am being deceitful. *laughs* but I have lost 20 punds and have 15 more to go and it's the hardest. Her- yeah I bet.... Me- hey where has you husband been lately I haven't seen him in a while? Her- Yeah he has been gone for a weeks, you know we are moving. he isnt my husband but we are getting married in march and he is out of state because he bought us a house, so he is getting that together. Me- Oh really? well thats great! congratulations! he is such a sweet guy! I ran into him when he was carrying trash out and all he talked about was you, which is why I assumed you two were married. Her- yeah girl, he is a sweet man. I love my boo.. Me- Girl, I can tell.... Me- well listen, I need to get inside and do some things and besides I think I need a nap due to this mornings alarm clock. Her- oh really? Me- yeah.. I think one of the neighbors was like really sexual because they woke me up at like 6 something this morning! Her- girl stop! Oh shes not laughing anymore...In fact I laid it on a tad thicker. Me- Oh my gosh you didn't hear anything? normally I dont hear anything because of the way the apartment is set up, but girl, with all of the yelling she was doing, you would have thought ole' boy would have muzzled her or stuck a sock in her mouth or something. Her- she snickers and starts fiddling with her shirt... Her- wow.....well girl I need to go, but take care. Me- yeah me also... Hey tell your fiance' congratulations for me...he has a real winner! Her- ok! Bye! Skank.......... |