Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 Roh-Ro !
Could it be??? A Bird? A Plane? No! It's : That's right ladies and gents! I have been sold and ousted by Pimp Mail! Unlike most of you, I do not get *fan mail* I get disgruntled mail... Let me explain... As you may notice I have signed up for My Blog Log and I have met and seen some incredible websites....blogs....what have you...Majority of them that I have come across are persons that utilize their skills in improvement in ones abilities to succeed.... *I* on the other hand use my abilitiy to talk about my own issues being a woman in day to day situations...... That is a gift people! Where else can you go to find out what women really think and feel during a menstrual cycle? Men should bow and kiss my feet and relish in that. For it is women like me, that save you from eating TV dinners during that crucial time of the week. HOLLA. But I digress...The email that I got was from a lurker who was very kind in telling me that although they thought I was funny, * I don't try to be* they did not feel it was appropiate to link me to their site because of my so called Adult Links section........ Ok.......give me a moment while I replay this in my mind..And yes I will try and be most delicate in my *open reply*....Here goes.... Dear Email Sender: Yes...I have an adult section on my board.. I am a woman and I like sex- hard core sex at times, as well romantic sex....However I am more into talented writers and People in general. I enjoy reading Erotica, and have met aquaintances that are most gifted and talented in that arena. I also enjoy PEOPLE....... Yes.....I am auditioning for Condi Rices job because I am a diplomatic whore for *PBTAP: PEOPLE BEING TREATED AS PEOPLE Coalition.* I have in my cabinet, Sensual Sadists, Hookers, Alcoholics and perhaps a few drug addicts. I also have in my cabinet ladies that are abuse survivors and no longer victims...men that have been divorced and are saddened...What I have in my cabinet Dear Email Sender, are diamonds in the rough.... With a little love and care amongst all of us we are gems...Priceless ones.... Dear Email Sender, I do appreciate your email..And I am sorry that you feel I cannot be added to your so called precious list because of the company I keep in my blogroll. However the company that I keep I do not plan on giving up because they are my friends, and my family....I wish you a good day! I think that sez it.....Much lurve to ya all... callie |