Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Thursday, May 17, 2007 Random Whirlwind Thoughts- cuz *you know why* Calculate the dates my friend. Here we go.1. I want a bar of chocolove chilis and cherries so bad- that I am willing to buy another case for 30 dollars. 2. I bought a cup of white chocolate coffee this morning from a different Dunkin Dougnuts and it tastes like scalded milk without the vanilla and chocolate..It shall be going back to the store at lunchtime... Buleedat! 3. I got a flyer in the mail advertising for new sex toys at a sex store..Oh pardon me- I got a flyer from a *novelty* store advertising for new *novelties* for my personal pleasure. A bitch is rapidly stocking up on batteries. Of course for my headphone player silly... 4. I hate these dolls: They are called BRATZ...I call them DOBs..... *Dollz on Botox* 5. Men right now in my mind are like a pimple on my ass....*irritating and ready to be busted* however I am sure in the next 24 hours I will change my mind...I always do.... 6. The rate has not only gone up on gas, and postal stamps, but also on Tampons and Pads...I am so stocking up. 7. I put my deposit down for my cruise in July....I hate going alone, but what the hay- me time is probably best. 8. I start my part time job on Saturday working in a hair salon.....The owner sounded real happy when she and I spoke.....Only problem is I have to do my best to understand her because she speaks Korean and very fast......God bless me..Amen. 9. I am craving a Carnival Cruise line peanut butter and jelly sandwich...People say that sometimes food tastes much different according to your current experiences and destinations...I agree...At 3 am while sitting on deck bundled up in a blanket wishing I was fucking Kate Winslet having a moment with Leonardo without the Iceberg mind you, I sat in silence listening to waves, staring at the moonlight and totally inhaling the best PBand J that I have ever had...I tried to re-do that experience in my own home minus the ship and all, and my sandwich sucketh muchly... 10. I am a wimp when it comes to romance and being romantic however I am now at a point in my life where I am wanting someone to reciprocate....Someone told me that just because I do such things- I should take it as that...Because I want to, and that I should not expect it in return... Well, to the person that told me that... Bullshit, Horseshit and any other type of shit ya wanna layer on that....Everyone deserves reciprocity..... He wont stay in a relationship long. 11. I think one boob is bigger than the other... 12. I think I am losing weight due to stress and anxiety...Many people have told me I have lost weight...I don't see it cause my butt is still big. 13. I told my son on last night that he was the best gift I could have ever wished for.. He smiled and told me that just because I was dumped that I was the best gift and they would be sorry... God bless him. Amen. 14. Panang Shrimp Curry Rawks my sox 15. Reading all of your blogs give me joy 16. I watch and laugh my butt off on Diary of a Mad Black Woman. I do believe that at least 90 something percent of women can relate to how that young lady felt.....I wish I had a Madea in my life.... and yet after I watch it- I sometimes go to my room in private and cry... 17. Can I sue Burger King for ingesting Trans Fat Burgers and Onion Rings? 18. Thongs kill me..... 19. My cable provider are scalpers....So..I did what any one in their right mind would do- I terminated services and went with a new one..Shpank you very much... 20. The beach is calling me.....I am so diggin the weather.... Peace-lurve-harmony callie |