Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Friday, June 15, 2007 People! We have once again made it to Friday! Feel free to ditch work early, or if your really good- Just get up and grab your stuff and say calmly:*I need a break* and walk on out. You may or may not see a pink slip on Monday morning- but the odds are that people will think you just hit a burn out level and it was much needed....Try it and let me know how that works out. As you can see, I have added something very special to my blog wall... HUGNATION... If you are inclined to read about the story of Grandpa Caleb- please click on the large button and sign up... Other than that- You need a nice- warm meaningful hug virtually? Just ask me. I am available... *smiles* In the meantime since your all still shy and trying to figure out who this woman Callie is- I will just give you one: People, this morning driving to work, not only was I being humped by a volkswagon beetle, but I also made a quick slam on the break movement when I noticed from afar a group of people with big signs and balloons that read: "KRISPY KREME DOUGNUTs FOR SALE" Of course I had to stop! Are you crazy? Who can resist those Golden Hot Sugary goodness of sex in a box??? although, at the moment of writing this I have yet opened the box because I am smart. Instead I am enveloped in the aroma of sugar- and instead of visions of sugar plums dancing in my head, it's thoughts of me jumping up and down on my big sized bed with doughnut in hand happy as all get out! Oh- snap. Yeah..I still do stuff like that. It makes me feel younger. Don't. Hate. you should try it. Recall my telling you all how my son dissappears when we go to Wally World? It is because his *mom* is inclined to go to the toy department and shows everyone how to Hula Hoop...Around the neck, waist, and foot. Recognize. You have one life... Live it and Lurve It. I was thinking about posting something totally political on my board this morning, but a few of you are really funny with your emails. You all were like..Damn, she's kinda deep... *laughs* Ha...yeah I can be... As I always say- When you do not know your rights or take sides for the things you believe in, you will then become a slave to society. And by the way- incase if you don't know.. You dont have to be *black* to be a slave. *winks* Other email questions that I figured I would toss out there..For you inquiring minds: Yes..I am better... No I am not dating anyone and I am lurvin it. Yes I am still Crazy Sexy Kool No...really...I am celibant... and Lurvin that. So there..yeah I get asked all kinds of stuff...ya freaks...*laughs* At any rate- I am wishing you all a great weekend... Oh Snap... HAPPY FATHERS DAY- YO! to all you fathers out there! Much love and peace, callie |