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I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007 People! Recall this blogging episode about my snapped Flip Flop? *and yes click on the text* Check it. I had been waiting for a couple of weeks now for my sons report card. I even thought and admit that he was hiding it from me at a point. All of the other kids were getting theirs..Therefore I would jack his 2 best friends for the info. "You guys get your grades and test scores in?"Nope...So I went a step further...The principle assistant. She confirmed what they were saying...Yesterday I get this call.... Me- "Hello?" Son- "HI mom. I got my grades in..I failed one class...." Me- "blink-silence-blink-silence" Son- "Mom? are you there?" Me-"ummm yep.....yep I am..." Son-"I was just kidding! I was trying to be funny but I guess I wasn't" Me-" ok....great! Let me take a look at everything when I get home". release.a.diamond.from.my.butt. So I get home- and there meeting me at the door was my son smiling proudly! and he was not kidding..My kid went from sloppy to preppy since the Flip Flop incident... 3 B's 2 A's 1 C which by the way I would consider it a B because it was a high C...someone told me this morning it considered a C+......basically in my-eyes Honor Roll People! Hootie-Whoooooooo! I am thrilled because his school, his homework and all of that other stuff about wore me the heck out! So now I have 7th grade to look forward to, or as he corrected me : Junior High...I am so proud of my munchkin..Of course I can't call him that around his friends but I can say it here right? Oh....and what is this crap that they sent home with his test scores? A school list...Check THIS stuff... 10 pack #2 wooden pencils 1 box of pens blue or black 1 red pen for correction 1 3 ring binder notebook 1 pack of assorted color pencils, markers, or crayons 1 pack of dry erase markers 12 3 prong folders with pockets 6 spriral notebooks 6 compostition books 1 pack of glue sticks 3 boxes of kleenex 1 roll of papertowels 1 box of bandaids 1 bottle of sanitizer 1 lock Ok....as I looked over the list- few things came to mind.... "Paper Mache classes, Classes in the Art Form of Huffing, and last but not least, First Aid during Cooking." Why??? People, explain to me WHY my kid has to bring paper towels, bandaids, different colored markers of crayons *and do those have to be flesh tone applicable?*...I mean....where have all of the days gone in which all you needed was a stainless steel lunch box and notebook paper and pencils. Now they have gone Hi-tech because you *know* I am going to have to start buying him the other extras not mentioned on his little flyer... Compass, Protractors, spell checker something, currency convertor thingies...Know what I mean? So....I guess Dollar Tree will be our store of choice this year along with the ever crowded Wally World... Oh Snap! Gotta Wally World vent right here! Little Ms. thang in the 15 items or less line in front of me...I hope to not ever see you again. How dare you pile your buggy up with more than 15 items and then split em between each other in counts of 15...Do you know how pissed you made the people behind me? I so wanted to take a can of those Pringles at the check out counter and just bash you up side your head....From now on, take your chances and move to the regular check out counter. And oh- your coupons were expired which is why the scanner was not picking up on them..Sister gurl that is when you should have grabbed your stuff and moved it on over to Customer Care...But nooooo...The little girl behind the counter had to tighten her lips, wring her hands, and pull on that little light flicker thingy to alert a manager and everyone else in the store that there was a jackass in aisle number 1...... move it along sister. That is the Wally World code of ethics..Thank you for shopping at WalMart, please...Don't come again. and that peeps is all there is... Make sure you send my kid some Woot Woots! and CONGRATS to all of you parents that have to relive school through your children.. and with that people... I. Rawk. -me |