Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, June 04, 2007 Peoples! It's Java Time and I am sliggin you some good vibes *cause I roll like that* through my pc and keyboards to all of you!Recognize People! So sit back with your am beverage and lets do this! First of All- Ladies! Did you *seeeee* the big caption on Yahoo today??? The Rock-getting a divorce! Oh.My.Stars. "Yo- Dwayne- Talofa!" Swing it this way! let momma rawk you to sleep...Sorry all- but there is alot of male fyness wrapped in that samoan tattooed body of his. Although it is sad that they are divorcing...Ok I will stop gloating....but hey, I can think about it right? Salivate over the thought of a game of football of me being tackled by him, or better yet- having him softly body slam me in the bed and he will look into my brown eyes and cock his eyebrow ever so famously and say: "Callie, my erotic beauty, can you SMEEEElllll what the rock is cooking?" Yes people, let this chick on the opposite side of this pc screen dream...Just let me for a moment keep this smile on my face. Ok...my skirts on fire let me deal with that for now...*Ha* ALSO- I spent yesterday after noon with my son- and all together now *his friends* watching movies...These were our picks: 1. Chronicles of Narnia- Lurve it! 2. Monster House- Lurve it! 3. Last Holiday- or as my son said ever so politely... "Mom, since this is a chic flick we are going to the pool. Do you need tissue?" Ahhh excuse me? No I don't need tissue..Why would I need tissue..I mean, it's just a FAB movie about a woman who is too scared to do anything out of norm, finds out she is dying, and blows her savings on having the best holiday of her life, along with being chased and romanced by LL Cool J and those freakin sensual lips of his! No...Why would *I* need a tissue....I mean...it only turns out to be a cool romantic movie and chicks dig it......Nah, I don't need a tissue...I need the box! So yes ladies and gents..by the time they got back from swimming, I was sitting there with raccoon eyes and tissue stuck out both nostrils thinking I was looking cool...And then I was conned into cooking. I like cooking....really...but since my son doesn't enjoy the kind of cooking that I like to do, I have to adjust to what he craves from time to time, so he doesn't starve- so...I made Non Fancy Monty Cristos...You want the recipe? Sure! Raisin Bread Cheeze: American plain tastes best Slices of Ham and Turkey You know how to make a grill cheese right? Well there ya go...Just use raisin bread instead and add meat....Ham or Ham and turkey together makes it better.volia. IRK News......Things that IRK me..... getting calls from people that need to speak to someone but don't know who or why stepping in dog poo when you don't have a dog going to the restroom to wipe the bottom portion of your skirt off because your truck door slammed on it without you knowing. daydreaming about LL Cool J, and the Rock being on a deserted island with moi and realizing that there isn't enough foliage to cover their assets...*winks* Such. A. Shame. muchos besos! callie PS.... THAT GUY....you are the only other that I know of that has lips like LL.....but you ran oft and got married...such is life...*laughs* cheers! |