Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007 People...Have you missed me? Go ahead and nod and say aloud *Yes* we have! Well you know what? I missed you all also.. Yes I have been checking in on each one of you as I always do. At times I leave my little million dollar signature to let you know that I have been there, but other than that unless you have a stat crawler, you will see me on your radar on the downlow.I am sorry if I have seemed somewhat *melancholy* lately... I will not pretend that I have not been somewhat down... and Yesterday I just had to release it all you know? which is why I did the small post .... I just got to a point in my life, that I was tired of being weighed down by lifes drama...the pains of growing more and more into myself...I finally had to just let it all go and refocus on some things......So- I am here... I am back...I may not be all that funny for you all to laugh at or about all the time, but you can bet your sweet cheeks that I will not shy away from expressing *me*...my highs and lows from time to time that is..... But....now you know... So......my weekend high....Friday night..I decided it was a good time to go see Spiderman..People.....I must tell you...By the first hour and a half I was ready for Peter Parker to die... That was the longest movie I had ever seen...At least Titanic kept the edge on you know? But I be damned if Spiderman kept dragging forever and a day..I wanted someone to grab a can of raid and just super spray him to death... I think I nodded off somewhere during the movie though, because I found my son prodding me saying I was *loud.* Excuse me? Loud???? "Yes mom- you snore"...... Ok so I found out something new.... 3 hours, 1 ginormous Dr. Pepper, 1 chicken taquito, and a bowl of nachos and cheese with extra jalapenos later- we ventured to my truck to head home... Son- "Mom, you were sleeping in the movies" Me- "No I wasn't. I saw you nod a few times" Son- " I may have nodded but I wasn't sleep, you were sleeping without nodding and with your eyes open." Me- "yeah right" So- on our way out of the parking lot, we notice a car sitting in the middle of the road with it's hazard lights on. I look into the parking lot and I see this big burly guy grabbing this girl, and she is screaming and crying and running- and he is chasing her.. So- I turn around and drive back to the police on duty and tell them- "Hey, I am not sure of what's going on but there is a guy chasing a girl in the parking lot area." Not only did they want to play 30 questions, but they jumped in the fastest mobile that they had available... *A Golf Cart*....they took off to where I directed them... Now- this is what made this amusing....Not so much of the incident itself but of how my 12 year old thinks at times... Son-"Mom, when we go back that way to leave the parking lot, just keep driving don't stop" Me- "ok....so ummmm why do I need to keep driving?" Son- "Cause if they were not fighting then the po-po will want to ask you some more questions and you will be embaressed." Point taken...So..upon exiting we see the cops in the golf cart parked next to the abandoned car- they are running on foot chasing this guy down- and my son is whispering and yet boldly- "Drive Drive Mom, don't stop!" Why do I feel like at that moment that I was a part of a crime??? *smiles* Onward.... We get to a red light and behold- my son starts yelling about the car that drives up next to us... Son- "Cool! Mom thats the car I want. A Too Fast Too Furious Car so I can drift!" Me- "and where do you plan on drifting at- the overlapping freeways of downtown atlanta?" Son- "Mom your funny...roll down your window and tell him he has a cool car" Do what???? Son- "Mom please?" So what do I do? I roll down my window and Antonio Banderas looks and smiles at me.... Me- "Hi!" "My son likes your car" He smiles....and I am thinking...Damn your cute... Him- "Thank you...You like my car?" Me- thinking... I like whats in the car.... Me- "Yeah it's cool...." and then to make this situation even worse...my son....trying to pimp me out to Mr. Too Fast- To Serious... Son- "Mom, ask him out on a date" People...if I had the ability to turn white at that moment- Casper the ghost would have nothing on me....Because Mr. Man heard it, I am speechless, my son is still gaga over a car with green neon lights underneath the floorboard... and I just wanna die... the light changes thank God... I say my good byes...Mr. Banderas number 2 blows me a kiss- and I drive off....fast..... Son- "He blew you a kiss" Me- "nah, I didn't see it Son- "He did.....you should have asked him out" Me- "Dude, I don't even know him" Son- "How do you get to know someone if you don't ask them out?" Needless to say- I shut up- drove home- and just kept thinking.... When did my son change from a baby and child to a grown up being concerned about his Moms dating habits...I don't recall this chapter in the Dr. Spock Manual..... callie Me-" |