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I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007 This morning, is kind of a somber morning for me, however I will post something else later which is I entitled this as One of Two....I felt it necessary for me to do this one first......IN MEMORIAM: Definition: Pronunciation: "in-m&-'mor-E-&mFunction: prepositionEtymology: Latin: in memory of -- used especially in epitaphs I have been having some dreams lately in which I have been doing some follow ups on.. One in particular was of a former High School teacher- who's son went into the Marines about a year or two after I graduated. I found that the highschool I graduated from, had created a web site in which we all could post our current locales, what we are doing now, you know the ever catching up. As I was going through all of this information I found myself smiling looking back at all of the high school photos of people I knew back then..The hair dos- the club organizations. It brought back alot of memories. I then noticed the link to the far left..... In Memoriam I clicked on that link and clicked on the graduating class that I had been a part of. It was there and then that my eyes welled with tears as I looked through pages of online archives of those I went to school with, befriended. I stared at each one- with the Before Photos and After Graduation Photos. One that I looked at- I struggled with. Not only was he a friend and a part of my Drama Class- but he died from an automobile accident 3 days after we graduated. We each hugged each other at graduation and vowed to keep in touch. But of course that never happened. And then there were the others. I basically could seperate them in 2 categories. Those killed by car accidents, those killed in Iraq. Majority of my high school class, went active duty and were killed in combat. The list. Long. I received a call from my best friend Anne on yesterday. Amidst the laughter of things past, I asked her: "Hey, have you heard from Shane any?" Anne- "Oh.....Oh dear...did I not tell you?" "Ummm Nope. Tell me what?" Anne-"Shane died about a year or so ago...It was an overdose." For those of you that are new to my board or what not, I spoke briefly about my friend Shane. Not only was he a gifted musical artist- having worked on many European record labels, but he also suffered greatly at the hands of Heroine and Alcohol abuse. Anne- "I know. I was devestated too. I saw his mom and she told me that she went to his room and knocked on his door that morning. She found him laying in his bed where he had choked in his sleep. The autopsy showed an over dose." I was stunned.. I didn't have the words..And Anne, if you are reading this, I hung up not because I was close to getting home, but because it was a silence that came over me that I had nothing more to say at that moment. You see...Shane- was a brilliant- philosopher type of guy. We met when Anne and I ventured to do Karaoke one night. We both spotted him on the Floor doing a fab rendition of New York, New York...He was wonderful. He came and sat at the bar with us, bought us a drink and talked to us about his love for living in Norway, how he arrived in Georgia, what he did. Anne, asked me to sing a song, and I did. afterwards Shane came up to me, and said: "You sing with such passion!"...."Would you ladies mind taking me home? I have a piano and a studio and I want to do some music with you." Of course, writing this I am laughing somewhat because Anne and I had discussed taking this guy home, reluctantly, and then my telling him when we got into her car- "There are two of us, try anything, and we will hurt you." We got to his house, and sure enough in the dining room there was an elegant piano. He fixed us a drink, sat down at his piano and started to play. He took out some music, asked me to sit next to him and sing. And I did.... It was on that night, I met his mother who was so medicated due to the recent loss of her husband, I had the honor of meeting his grandfather who was in his 80's- suffering from Alzheimers- but was ever so alert and pleasent as he sat near me and told me to *project*........ Shane and I had a rocky friendship- as I learned of his heroin habits. He and I would talk often about it. I would offer advice, try and convince him to seek help, whatever I could do. He would discuss with me how his mom never knew because he would shoot up in his ankles and feet so as to not have tracks show on his arms.... And then..he became more agitated and abusive in his speech with me. One late night phone call- things took a turn for the worse, and I had to let him go. I knew it was the drugs..Not my friend.... Through out that time, I would call to leave messages letting him know I was thinking of him. I would send him cards..... In 2005 december, I got a call from him out of the blue. We spoke briefly but he told me he loved me- and that I was the best friend he could ever have.... He asked me to send him some lyrics. I did. Life took a hold of all of us. I became to wrapped up in my circumstances and dilemmas that I neglected to keep in touch....When things did slow down I called and left messages with his mother, my cards were being sent back. I had assumed that he was still angry, or was on tour...More so- on tour...And on yesterday...I was told the truth....and this is all that is left of my friend.... Shane S. Moritz Tue, 12/13/2005 - 5:53pm By: The Citizen Shane S. Moritz, 33, Peachtree City, died Dec. 7, 2005. He was born Jan. 26, 1972 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Services were at Holy Trinity Catholic Church with the Rev. Father Walsh officiating. Survivors include his mother, Linda Moritz, Peachtree City; brothers, Edward Keathen, and Scott Keathen, both of California; and sisters, Cindy DeLong, Missouri, and Kame Moritz, California. Carl J. Mowell & Son Funeral Home, Peachtree City, was in charge. And I am angry. With myself, with him...He didnt have the strength to hang on...to try.....such beauty and talent, and it's gone..... I cannot bring him back.... I want to...would if I could....but I know I can't..... So....my friend.....I could not let this day go by without telling you, you are missed..you are loved...and I am so sorry for perhaps not being there when you needed me....I miss our talks, I miss our singing..I miss you.... -me |