Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Saturday, December 29, 2007 I am doing this early, I know. But I wanted those of you that are a part of my blog to know that I was thinking of you- each of you especially those that are beyond the sea and of course time zones.I really do not think you truly understand how much I value each of you. Regardless if some of you I have not had the chance to meet, I have come to great passions in appreciating each one of you and honored to call you "friend". Some of you have been here since the conception of the Realm. some of you have been gracious enough to carry my burdens and I in turn have been humbled by carrying some of yours. I look back on my year of 2007 and I think it royally sucked. Deaths of people I knew, Deaths of relationships that I have had, Deaths of my spirit at times. And yet, here we are. WE survived and continue to survive. So- it is now the beginning of a new year. 2008. We made it. although with sweat and tears we made it. If there is anything that I can say that I will be asking for in New Years resolutions it would be perhaps things that some will not understand or agree with..So..bear with me as I pour my heart, and allow each word I type to touch some part of you, because it is indeed out of true warmth that I extend these to you. I wish for all of you peace amdist your storms. I wish for all of you passion in living, not merely exisiting. I wish for all of you the grace of forgiving and forgivness- as this is how all must truly move on in life. I wish for all of you zest and awareness in others as also of yourself. I wish for all of you love....love in every aspect and in every fiber of your being. I wish for all of you joy in each day. If anything joy in knowing that *someone* truly is thinking of you and wishes you well even if you do not think so. I wish for all of you a true awakening of your spirit to desire and dream. Though some of us have felt or believed that dreams do not come true, or will not come true, I believe they do and will...I want you to believe in that also. I wish you all health. I know that some of us are riddled with aches and pains in ourselves as with watching those we love suffer in this way. I wish you all health in every area of your life. whether it be the heart, mind, soul. And last but not least, I wish you all adventure! Adventure in challenges that may seem to take you out- or those that cause you to just sigh in amazement. I wish you all excitement and adventure that causes your hearts to soar to the limitless skies. THIS is my wish for you all. Let us now within the last few hours of this year, look back as lessons learned and experiences treasured. Let us look forward to Life again in it's fullest with the appreciation and knowledge of experience. I so love you all....and I am blessed to know you- and continue knowing many more of you. ~callie07 |