Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Check Em Out Yo! I Support The Beauty of Women
Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 I am worn the hell out people! As I tried to explain I have been running around doing this and that- and creating a few other blogs of things that I like to talk about and do- outside of gas station stalkings, Chris Tucker drooling, and of course Guniess Guzzling and Margarita slingin when the time permits. I know. I am so special and you all lurve me, and I lurve ya back. Hard core yo!So- Updates- One of my blog additions is entitled: BLISS *and yes you can click on the word to go there* Basically this blog I think will become very special in time. It is a female blog and what I want to do is bring more to light the thoughts of women from all over. I have included in the blog roll a lot of female bloggers that have just really impressed the shit out of me with their thoughts and I think they rawk. Some of them are new additions, some are from this blogroll but now have another home to visit. Now- yes, men..you can visit and post comments, but I will tell you honestly- any kind of nasty-bashing remarks to any of these ladies and I will hunt you down like I am on the show cops! *laughs* But I also think it would be interesting to get male points of view from time to time, and yet you all can get insight from women. It's a good deal. I have also thus far left the comment section *open* so everyone can comment. But beware- once it gets to rolling and I start seeing obscene attacks on anyone being done- I will moderate lock it up tighter than a butthole. get my drift? So- it is 2 days new. I am still having some issues with mybloglog putting the counter on it, grrrrrrrrrrrr and I am still adding more ideas and things to make it homey. Bear with me ok? Puleeeeze????????? And for kool introductions....A person that I truly love and admire has agreed to Help run Bliss.....Hope is new to the Blogosphere and I am trying my best to get her involved to air her trials as we all do..LOL She is awesome and I am thrilled to have her aboard!!! Other Updates- My son is doing better, his finger swelling is just about down and thanks for your kind words and emails! I will no longer be doing the bootylicious tour as they didnt pay enough..Ok...I lied.I had no sponsors.LOL I did not do the Lemonade diet, but I opted for the South Beach program and I am lurvin it like McDonalds McRibs. *and by the way- why did they take such a good thing off the menu?* Valentines is Coming up- I do not have one- so all ya'll need to spread sum lurve this way yo! and I am available to spread some as well. We are supposed to get some snow in Ga tomorrow. That my friends is a lie. It is actually poor mans snow. rain and sleet mixed in with exhaust fumes from vehicles that do not follow the clean air campaign act creates a sludge like material called black snow- or better known as black ice. Other than that- Life is good people! Holla! ~c |