Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Thursday, January 17, 2008 Semi Snow is defined by moi as droplets of flakes that are good enough to make a shoe imprint, but not well endowed to create a Hallmark Card Scene. Yes people. this is what we got late yesterday evening, and it was lovely for the moment. Heck, I even jumped out of my truck, threw my head back and relished as the cool droplets powdered my face. And then after that moment of bliss I laughed my ass off as I watched my Latin Brothers and Sisters all bundled up like snow tires trying to scoop up enough semi snow to make a snowball. and I laughed as I watched the insanity of my own child lie in the yard to make what he called a *snow angel*...Little did he know the more he kept flapping his arms and legs, the more semi snow dissipated and he was basically rustling up twigs and leaves...He could have started a forest fire he was flapping so hard. Alas, this morning I woke up to no more semi snow, but now ghetto fabulous black ice snow. Work with me people. I am trying my best to deliver a visual as best as I can. However keep in mind that now it is raining and has been all throughout the night, the air is mild and yet cooling to a woman like me in pre menopausal states, and now all of Atlanta has to try and drive to work in this sludge and possibly black ice. Black Ice is that sheet of glass on the asphalt that you cannot see, but you sure as hell will feel as your vehicle starts to glide through a red light. I drove to work people doing 35mph and dared someone to honk. I turtle humped it this morning all the while praying to God to get me to work safely, along with listening to my used to be boyfriend SEAL * and I am going to say something real quick..kinda a shout out, pour my heart out...SEAL...I Lurve you!!! Oh you and your dark Hershey colored skin, I would have lurved you long time!!! and we woulda had some purty babies! Trust!* Ok...back to reality....I turtle made my way to work, almost hit a deer and the rest of its clan-and the only reason why I missed was because my cd started skipping and I was trying to work that kink out so Seal would not be stuck in repeat mode on Cra-Cra-Cra-Craaaaazy. So now here I sit...entertaining all ya'll while drinking my soy fiber shake wishing I was the one curled up in the arms of Seal...*sighs* Ok...a blogsnob can dream right? ~Holla~ callie