Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Thursday, February 21, 2008 I watched the Eclipse last night. I was hungry, cold, agitated from sitting in that chair and my neck hurts from looking up at the sky for what seemed liked eternity. Shoot I need a massage with a quickness to get the cramp out. But to appease my son- I did it. Other times it never mattered you know? But because this was the first one that he has ever been able to understand and view- I figured what the heck. So- I carried out a few chairs grabbed my heavy sweater and a glass of wine and sat outside watching this stage of scientific proportions. Alas, I ran out of wine, my neck was hurting, and we had been out there for a good 45 minutes to watch a show that seemed to drag on forever. I asked my son perhaps a million questions... "How long will this take? How long are we going to be out here? What time are we going to see some action? Ooooooo what planet is that? Oh! Snaps my bad thats a plane because it's moving." you get the point. Never the less it was...errrrr...eventful...... I have once more begun throwing my resume' out in hopes of a better paying gig. I am looking more into the industry of being a certified beck and call employee that can travel all of the time and use my boss's American Express Black Card to charge major frilly items because after all- I am the Betty Suarez of the day and I am good at that. Heck for the last company, I use to mellow my boss out by giving him PMS tea- and he never knew . In fact he would call and ask me to bring him more. That my friend takes skillz. Guess what shawties? My birthday is in-11 days! I will be 38! I still have all my teeth, my hair, my boobs and my booty. Holla! and I have been sex free for I dont know how long which I think qualifies me for re-virgin hood. Ya dont wanna know what one of my male friends said- unless you wanna email me....*winks* at any event make sure you lurkers, bloggers, crackheads, all YA'LL drop by to say Happy Birthday to me.... I was digging through my music archives and for some reason I decided to listen to someone that I did not know- that was in the news. And behold as I started listening to the song, I recognized it and started singing to it-- BUT I had no idea that the person singing it- was the one in the news lately... Amy Winehouse! You go girl... Let that wanna be man of yours find his own path and you get your game face on and nail it balls to the walls my friend! You got support!!! And today I am playing your song because I feel you!!!! Much love to you all peeps! ~c to the a to the l to the l to the i to the e~