Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 The following post was intended to show sympathy for women all over the world. No humans, animals, or other living, breathing characters were harmed in the process of this post. Dear Alcohol- Thank you for being my friend for the past hour in helping me expedite the services of relief from menstrual cramps. Your frothy-cool liquid slid down my throat in earnest as I sought relief that the 7 midols could not give to me fast enough. Thank you for allowing me the ability to smile and be alot more cheerful due your aptitude of creating the perfect buzz to get me through the day. Amen Dear Elastic- Thank you for your comfort in stretchy material as I had to lie on my bed to zip up my first pair of pants this morning. It is to you that I owe my undying gratitude because without you hanging in my closet I would have surely exploded because of water retention and that bloated feeling. Amen Dear Fruit of the Looms- Thank you for the occasional once a month time in my life where I have to rely on you for extra comfort and security. Although I hate granny panties may I say that you come in handy to help avoid those *accidents* due to surprise leakage. Not only that but your ugliness on my bloated body right now is really appreciated because no one knows that underneath my clothes i feel like a grandma with no sexiness at all..Amen And last but not least-To You Mr. Tampon and Mrs. Pad- In holy matrimony you are so appreciated. Although a whore hates having to plug up her precious jewel with you Mr. Cotton rocket, I so am grateful because I feel like a leaking faucet. Who would have ever though that women would come to appreciate you every 28 days. You allow us the ability to run, skip, and swim all in the same month. And to you Mrs. Pad. Thank you for being woman enough to back up your man Mr. Tampon because he sucks ass when it comes to control. I so appreciate you catching the little accidents and preventing me from ruining pants and skirts because I had no idea your husband could no longer hold out on his duties. Although you make me feel like I am wearing a diaper at times, I do value you..Amen And to the rest of the world, I am so getting ready to order this freakin t-shirt to display to the world just what kind of a brave woman I am to speak boldy about having a period. Ladies- Order this shit! I so freaking RAWK people! callie