Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 I know....I have nothing really great to talk about this morning or this day. I have swallowed 6 Tylenols though for my cramps and currently drinking vanilla-black tea so I am cruizin right about now. I feel realllll good which could explain my goofy grin....I could also announce that SATURDAY PEOPLE IS MY BIRTHDAY! I want a page load of Happy Birthday greetings. No if's and's or buts...*laughs* Do It....Just Do It...... I also think I am having a little pre- birthday drama..You know the getting older thing? Gravity having its hay day. And then this *all of a sudden internal body changes*. I was actually told by my doctor at my annual check-up that the reason why I have been so ..... What's the word I am looking for...... *amorous* was because I was hitting my sexual peak.... Do What??? yeah- I am a slow learner... But she was so non chalant about it- all I could do was turn 6 shades of red...Keep in mind she was between my legs at that time as we are having this conversation so I am more than 3 times ready to hide under the table sheet....... "Ummmmm OK...so....What do I do to stop it?" yes this was my question to her..She of course laughed.... "Stop it? Oh honey, are you seeing someone?" "Ahhhh yes, but I dont want to kill him!" "So how do I stop- what is happening to me?" She of course laughs some more...And then she tells me to invest in aides.......Now, I don't know what all other women discuss at their gyno visits, but.....PULEEEEZE help a sister out cause this is all new terrain for me..... I mean....you would think the 20's were and are when you start having these moments..Needless to say It never happened to me...But now that I am in my mid to late 30's- you gotta be kidding me! I feel like such a perv...*laughs* So- I have taken it upon myself to try and slow things down...ALOT..... Spinning......Courteousy of Wanda...I have calculated that if I do this when ever my body temps rise- that I can spin my ass into oblivion- pretty much passing out- and then I can wobble my tired and cramped legs home and just pass out. It worked well last night. I was in bed by 8:30 pm or so. Cold Showers- They are hard for me to adjust to, but once that ice hits my naked flesh, thoughts of erotica become-"Holy Shit!" I am instantly healed. Frumpy Clothing- If I stop dressing sexy and wear frumpy clothing...*Yeah- I can see that happening* Tea- Lots of Tea....did you know there are certain teas that can slow down your libido state? For example- the one I am drinking...This Vanilla-Black tea with concentrated Damiana is to help greatly....."What?"...."re-read what Damiana is for?" Muttering Damiana: has been used for many years to increase libido. It has been noted to increase frequency of sexual intercourse for men, increase possibility to reach orgasm in women, enhance sexual desire and sexual performance, increase intensity of orgasm and may help to overcome sexual dysfunction naturally by allowing sex hormones to peak. Well, I be a monkeys uncle! No wonder why the past few months I have been like this....... Perhaps I will just check into nut cases are us? No Seriously......Any advice from any of you savvy beautiful women that know what I am going through??????? callie |