Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007 I needed to take a break today. A moment. just totally write from my heart on things that are swimming around in my head. Don't mind me.I miss the ocean I miss the mountains I miss the taste of rain- falling on my tongue I miss the touch of a lover I miss the taste of a piece of decadent chocolate I miss the sounds of the sea I miss the walks on sand so soft it reminds me of powder And yet when I look at this- I see that what I miss is something I can have or will attain in the future. Therefore it is no longer something I miss - but something I look forward too. I spoke to God this morning. I have been doing that alot lately. I was just told to look and listen, be still and know that he is. And I did. and it was music to my soul. I received a phone call while I was at lunch. A voice message was left- no name- just a message saying: "I was calling to see how you were." The thing about it, is that it was from a person that hurt me deeply. How am I he wonders..... "I am great...because you no longer can hurt me with you being gone from my life." I just needed this moment to exist in peace. Not of distraction. just peace. My son made me a card. It is the sweetest. He used up majority of my scrap booking decor. But it simply says: Me+ You= Love only it was more of ME *stick person* + YOU *stick person* = a *heart* We played Yahtzee last night, and I so do not understand the scoring system- but he won 3 times. I spent hours at the hospital late last night with a close friend whose mother is in ICU. I am prayeful. My heart is heavy right now. I cannot explain why- nor do I expect any of you to understand, but it is a heavyness that tells me to be prepared. For what, I do not know. Miracles. I believe in them. I need one. want one. My dear friend Pete in Africa. It's time. callie |