Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine South Carolina born, Hawaiian Embraced
Monday, September 24, 2007 A- is for the freakin acorn that fell on my head while walking to my office...I wish I had a sling shot to beat that squirrel down that I heard heckling me....B- is for the bags under my eyes from not enough sleep this weekend. I will have to invest in hemorrhoid creme this afternoon to fix that problem. C- is for the movie CRANK that I watched last night and it totally freaked me the heck out! Jason Stathom rawks ladies.... D- is for the Imitation Dairy Queen that gave me the runs...I think the ice cream was old...truly...I am crampin still like a mofo since Saturday. E- is for the excitement I had prior to the Dairy Queen episode- because I got a library card! F- is for the FINGER that suddenly appeared when someone cut me off and he blamed me instead of his own recklessness..Yeah- screw you too butt muncher. G- is for the re-incarnation of Ready Freddy Mercury- imparted upon the jogger wearing bright bright BRIGHT orange booty shorts that were so tight- they could have advertised how latex paint looks on skin. H- is for the hearty har-har I belted out as I saw that sight! I- is for the Indian Mango Chutney that I used for my coconut spring rolls for my movie munchies on last night, and the itchy rash on my arms and neck 30 minutes later.... J- is for the jackass in letter F. K- is for the kickass Hawaiian Potato salad that I am sure my friend Pele knows of..Want the recipe? Holla L- is for the Lurve I have for all ya'll! I know...I rawk.... M- is for the money I lost at the imitation Dairy Queen..I doubt they will give me a refund.... N- is for the NO I told my son when he wanted me to leave him alone at the Library while I attend a womens meeting on Saturday...He is still my baby.... He will get over it. O- is for the Oh My exclamation that left my lips when I witnessed the late Freddy Mercury in those bright, bright, BRIGHT orange booty shorts. P- is for the poo experience from said imitation Dairy Queen...... Q- is for the .......Q is for the........ Q is for the.....Hell....you name it....... R- is for the much needed rest I need. S- is for the sexy black dress I am wearing to a gala event to Kentucky Fried Chicken. A single woman such as myself has to create her own date nights. T- is for the book The Thong Also Rises that I am reading. It is really funny and I recommend you look it up on the internet for a synopsis. U- is for the Undersink problem I mentioned to you all a few months ago that no man answered.....slackers....Anyways- it seems and turns out it was my faucet. The water was leaking under the faucet itself which in turn created the puddle..... V- is for the question of: What would happen if I took Viagra? W- is for "What the Hay?!" Letter V don't matter... X- is for.........X is for..........X is for.....whatever..... Y- is for YO! Z- is for zee you later on peoples! lurve, callie |