Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Sexy Comments From Red Cherry Tags I Support Da Kine
Thursday, May 31, 2007 People! What the heck is going on in the world right now besides Shootings over extra chili packs and then some?All I can say is- it is going to get wilder. Just remain *calm* I don't want to see any one from my blog being on Jerry Springer or Oprah because ya flipped your minds or something... I'm jus sayin yo.... News- Glorious News....... 1. TB patient ID'd as Atlanta attorney, 31 By COLLEEN SLEVIN, Associated Press Writer 2 minutes ago DENVER - The tuberculosis patient under the first federal quarantine since 1963 is a 31-year-old personal injury attorney who practices law with his father in Atlanta, a federal law enforcement official said Thursday. The official, who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to talk about the case, identified the patient as Andrew Speaker. A medical official in Atlanta also confirmed the name on condition of anonymity. (Errrrrr..Stop. The.Bus.) (Not only is Atlanta being featured of having a major jackass with TB on the loose, BUT also a *personal injury attorney*....talk about practicing what you teach! Dude, I am glad you and pops are in that field because you have a heck of a trial coming up and your experience is one doozy. I dare you to call *Objection*...realize the Judge will be most happy to say- *Over Ruled*) (Another thing that bothered me...His name was leaked, and notice how everyone says- "Oh the persons name you have is so and so, but PLEASE- I need to remain anonymous because this is confidential information...Well, it isn't so confidential if you just told us you jackass. Had I been the reporter, I would have blasted the so called informant- and then I would have claimed *Anonymous*) 2.Off-duty Conn. policeman critically wounds teen who sneaked out of house Updated: 11:37 a.m. ET May 30, 2007 STRATFORD, Conn. - An off-duty New Haven police officer shot and critically wounded his 18-year-old daughter, apparently mistaking her for an intruder after she sneaked out of their Investigators said Tasha Scott left her home late Monday to meet a boyfriend. She triggered a backyard motion sensor light as she tried to enter through a basement door. (CLASSIC! Not only was she sneakin off to meet apparently a not so good *boyfriend* because hey- if he was she would not have been sneaking around- but I feel pretty bad for her having to possibly explain later on in life about the scar on her leg from the bullet wound.... Can you imagine???? Their 3rd Date- Him- Ummmm, babes, not tryin to pry and all, but what happened to your leg Her- I was shot Him- Oh Snap! I'm sorry...were you in a robbery or something? Her- Nah...my dad shot me (Give this guy five minutes to start thinking of an exit route.) And last but not least- This is a list of 15 of the most Sexiest Beautiful Women over 35 comprised of people votes and judges in society. 15. Gwen Stefani 14. Lucy Liu 13. Liz Phair (Who is this???) 12. Elle McPherson (Was this Stacy's Mom???) 11. Cate Blanchett 10. Elizabeth Hurley 9. Mario Bello (Who is this???) 8. Monica Belluci 7. Jada Pinkett Smith (Errrr..ok but she is 35 not over) 6. Giada De Laurentis (Who is this???) 5. Queen Rania of Jordan 4.Naomi Watts 3.Diane Lane 2.Halle Berry (I agree) 1. Salma Hayek (I agree) So...what's wrong this picture of choices? Is it perhaps that they all wear nothing above a size 6? What makes them sexy???? Is it a physical look, or is it what drives the imagination? I am sorry but I beg to differ.. I do agree with Halle and Salma..Mainly because I see them as strong assertive women, that give back to communities and take an active role in *women*...And yet still carry that grace and other aspects that make women sexy and beautiful in so many other ways than Looks... I also KNOW alot of other women that are sexy and beautiful that aren't mentioned in ads or magazines.. Those women are right here on my blogroll...Not only are they beautiful, and talented, and smart, but they all have that driving uniqueness force of juggling so many things at one time, and yet still be able to carry themselves with grace and sexiness...And ya know what else? They aren't plain janes....AND you can converse with them without the papparazzi. Get to know them...Take time out to say hello and read about them and their lives...That my friend is Sexy Beautiful.... Extra Phat Edit: And yes my lovely friend Wanda, you also!!! callie callie rocked you at12:28 PM 0 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, May 29, 2007 That's right peoples! I am brrrringin it to you : Bow Chika Wah Wah style! All fresh and such cause that people is how I roll.... By the way- if you have not seen the AXE commercial of the Bow Chika Wah Wah- someone needs to post it via youtube because it is one of the funniest commercials I have ever seen....*Bow Chika Wah Wahhhh* I hope you all had a relaxing weekend but were also able to spend some time reflecting for our troops serving abroad and in your local areas... Much love to those of you that I know of that are....*Hugs- and Thank you for your sacrifice* Onward- Onward! People! I went and saw Pirates 3! Arrrrgggghhhhhh... Mouche knows this song better than anyone.... Yo Ho Ho! The movie totally rawked. Johnny Depp has become the heart throb for women all over- *makes a piratess wannabe-blogger throw on some Pirate gear and start swashbuckling I tell ya* Oh but don't think I did not think this movie plan through mind you...See, Saturday night I told my son I needed him to go grocery shopping with me. Of course there was that sullen *alright* that escaped from his lips, and then I told Juan, *his best friend* that his mom needed a break and that he needed to come help also.... First stop...The Dollar store... They thought I had lost my mind because I cleaned out my purse and bought all this candy and soda in bottles * because hey, you cannot pop a canned soda open in the theatre in case the movie cops are in there* winks.... When I go to pay for everything my son blurts out... "Mom, are you ok or are you pregnant?" *Keep in mind he has no idea what I am doing this for*... Onward... We high tale it and I pull into the movie parking lot and they were ecstatic! You would have thought they won a prize of a Wii or something..It was a classic Kodak moment..And then the arduous task of candy and soda smuggling...I got majority of the candy in my purse...But I had no room for my Snapple or the other drinks...The boys decided they could smuggle it in their pants pockets until my son started walking and his pants started falling down...So without further adieu Juan says: "Look Look Look- we can do it like this!" He stuffs his soda in the elastic part of his underware- gives us a funny look on his face of cold shivers and then relaxes..my son follows suit, and I decide to buy a soda. All things go well, we settle in our seats and I start to dish out the sugary goodness loaded into my purse... Raisinettes, gummy worms, reeses cups, kit kats, sweet tarts..*Yeah..they were both loaded and cramping by nights end*...And then suddenly.....The movie was on..and the theatre crowd erupted in singing : Yo Ho A pirates life for me!!! Arrrrgggghhh People! Poetic Justice we were. And then- sweetness graced the screen in Pirate gear and jewelry and ohhhhh...You just gotta see it....! That Is All Needless to say, the remainder of my weekend was filled with being chased by 5 12 year olds in an ice cold swimming pool playing marco polo, spending 4 hours in Barnes and Nobles.. *I picked out 2 books that I wanted to get but cannot till payday so I read them there*, a few hours visit to Einstein Bagels, and last but not least....More movies compliments of Block Buster....... I am for a change movied out...But it was time spent well......I got a gold star award for being the coolest mom in the neighborhood..I am sure the other moms are hatin by now.... *winks* And for my weekend vent.... *You know I had to have one right?* Mr. Man in the theatre who just did not grab the concept of the commercials of silencing your cell phone... Not only did you did not get the hint the first time, when everyone started yelling at you to turn it off, but you still did not shut it off completely and allowed it to go off again during a crucial scene of Johnny Depps! Instead of me chiming in with my yelling along with other people, I took a hard sneeze and found one of my milk duds slowly slicing through the air in which it landed square on the back of your head. Matrix Style! *Score*! I saw you look around skeeered as you tried to silence your phone in which you dropped and now has disappeared under the seats somewhere. You now are panicked as some big guy has threatened to beat your azz- and your huddled on the floor by using someone elses phone light to find yours...I see your little head pop up again and you apologize to everyone.... You get the Jackazz award for that evening.... PS... be sure to wash your hair reallll good, as my milk duds melted in my purse and the one that mysteriously shot out of my hand was somewhat gooey. And that ladies and gents...Is my movie rant for the day. Yo Ho Ho A Pirates Life for me! Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh callie callie rocked you at8:24 AM 9 Comments: ![]() Friday, May 25, 2007 I can do this people...I can...really....1. My car stalled on me this morning at a railroad track... So I did what I could..Jumped out and lifted the hood, went to my trunk and pulled out a hammer... A guy pulls up and says "Need any help?" "NO thanks..I can do it..." I went back to the front of the truck and hit my battery cables with the hammer a few times and cranked her up... VRooooooom she purred..."Daaaaaammmn he smiled"... I can do this . 2. "Mom" the toilet is over flowing!! yesterday when I got home... I stop washing dishes grab the plunger and my flip flops and pray there isnt shit floaties... I turn off the water and proceed to plunge and flush a few times...Turn the water back on and flush and all is well.... "Gee thanks Mom your the best." I can do this..... 3. "Mom!" my son comes in crying again on yesterday.... "I fell off the skateboard and hurt my leg and it's bleeding!" "Calm down and suck it up dear..Can you move it?" "Yes" he cried through sniffles... "Ok...give me a moment... I grabbed the witch hazel and cotton balls, cleaned his knee, applied shea butter to it and told him all was well..." "But mom, my jeans are ripped." "No problem" I told him.. I grabbed an old shirt and ripped a piece off of it and my glue gun, melted it together and voila! "Now you have cool jeans babe!" "Thanks Mom, your awesome!" I can do this..... 4. I am now asleep...The time is 1:30 am... "Mom" I heard him say... "Mom, I threw up"... "Ok babe...Did you do it in the bathroom...?" "Yes..." "OK"... "Need some tea for your stomach?" "Yes".. "OK"..... I get up and stumble to the kitchen to get some tea started and walk into his bathroom to get him a wet wash cloth when suddenly the smell hit me as I turned on the light.... "Oh Shit! there is puke all on the floor! I thought you did it in the bathroom??!!!" "I did" he moans... "Oh Shit...I can't do this!" Have a great weekend angels. callie callie rocked you at1:02 PM 9 Comments: ![]() Thursday, May 24, 2007 People..My days lately have been Mary Poppin Glorious I tell you..I have had more chirping birds flutter around my head than I have had orgasms! for shits and giggles I even learned the words to *Spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down* And then....It busted! My Mary Poppin bubble busted on the account of the new Dunkin Doughnuts near my job...I ordered once again a vanilla white chocolate..Oh and it was sweet this time, thank you muchly..I ordered an apple fritter also, but changed my mind at the last minute and opted for a Cinnamon Raisin Bagel- toasted with light butter..People I got to work, opened my little bag to eat my bagel and what happened??? A GLOB...I mean a Ghostbuster GLOB of butter fell onto the F,D,S and V letters of my keyboard... What the Hell????? Needless to say seeing that, cleaning it up, I just ended up throwing it away thinking about how my insides were going to spew butter, should I have to take a dump. Now I am hungry - I missed the cafeteria breakfast, and I am sippin on white hot chocolate digging through my purse for a pack of crackers. I know... I. Roll.Like.That! Oh- how about when I got to church yesterday I passed out! CLASSIC I tell ya! I was playing the congas and suddenly the room shifted, I broke out into a sweat and landed ass first in a chair on the stage. The questions that took place during this ordeal... 1. Are you ok? 2. Are you pregnant? 3. Would you like some candy? 4. Have you eaten today? 5. Would you like some water? All I could do was laugh..I thought it was funny..See I knew my ass would come in handy one day. *winks* But seriously though, my arm looks like I have a deformity because it is swollen and I have track marks....3 punctures from where Ms. Red Cross dug the needle, took it out to put somewhere else, dug- took out...you get the picture. I am considering writing a letter letting her supervisor know that she did an expedition on my arm as a digging site. What do you think? Oh! and I cannot let this driver off the hook without publicly spewing my verbals on him....So here goes: Mr. Man in your Hydro-Hybrid wanna be macho imitation Hummer.......When the light is green you go..When the light is yellow go very fast..Red means stop..Now...What do you do when the intersection light is blinking???? It means asswipe that you have to yield and cross accordingly to the right of way of who gets to the intersection first! There is a order and procedure that must be followed... YOU assumed that I did not know or understand that order because You came after me which meant I had the right of way. But NOOoooooo you wanted to test my intelligence by pulling out at the same time I did which caused a halt and swerve impact on both of our parts... Funk Dat Noize reject.... I about body slammed your piece of aluminum ride into a pole! I have no problem humping your mobile because hey, I am a cowgirl by the way- and while humping your ride out of my way I would have then Climbed further on top- and monster rode your ass into oblivion! Cowgirl Up! Oh! and by the way..What was with the Homer Simpson *Doh* look for? Did you really think* although I was still smiling trying to be gracious versus me getting out of my truck and jackie chaning your tired azz* that I wouldn't catch what you were trying to say? Riddle Me That.......... I memorized your tag number butt wipe..For your sake according to your driving skills in the lack I hope we don't meet up again. PS.....Your hairdo of Flock of Seagulls went away with Duran Duran...Snap out of it! And that people..was my vent for the day..and I am so much better..Hungry, sore, but feeling better. And your word for the day: *Jonesin* example- I am jonesin for a hamburger. peace. callie rocked you at7:50 AM 14 Comments: ![]() Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Hey Peoples..Wednesday..Almost through the week and a long weekend it will be! Memorial Day. Anyone, please feel free to invite me over to your place for some BBQ and a stout *Guiness* don't forget...Other than that- I feel bloated or something. I gave blood during my lunch break and the little girl kept complaining that I had deep veins, and that it was taking to long for the blood to flow through the bag, and oh yes the best gripe for last. "This is taking way to much time- I am going to miss getting lunch." Ok Ms. thing..I politely tried to make excuses as to why my blood was a little slow by blaming it on my current menstrual cycle..It seems my tampons dont have an issue collecting blood... At any rate- she blew a vein by playing twist the needle here and there....I now walk around with 50 layers of cotton gauze strips to clean blood dribbling down my arm, and a glob of hot pink velcro to keep it tied on... BTW- this velcro stuff is HAWT...no more handcuffs for intimacy..Go Velcro! I did score a cute t-shirt to give to my son and YESSssssss Nutter Butter Cookies! They Rawk! But now it is an hour later and I am feelin a tad tipsy so bear with me. With respects to the post I did the other day entitled "I AM".....thanks for the feedback...And you know just to clear the air...for some of you men that may have read it, and did not respond or whatever.... It is NOT about bashing men... My post was bascially me releasing alot of things and coming to grips about my Feminimity...*is that right? it doesn't sound like it is spelled right and I am a little dizzy..Woohoo!* Anyways- I think that women today and every day need to be empowered and inspired.... It is time for me and other women to take back what seems to have been taken from us and move on... Sure, it's ok for men to write books and have shows thinking they know us- or better yet trying to dissect us..However until a guy can squeeze a kid out of his ding dong leave the what women think and want to us...After all...We know..and if we don't know- then we need to find out... Which brings up my other thought.... My lovely female readers...Your challenge today should you accept....*winks* Before going to bed tonight- give your self some time..Tell hubby-boyfriend-mate- you need some time alone...put the kids to bed..and make you a nice drink..tea, coffee whatever...Grab a pen and grab something to write on... Here is your question... and YES... be brutally honest! which is why you should have no distractions..the honesty will pour out from the deepest of your being.... Name 20 things that you would like to do..... Do not center on why you can't..or anything like that..Just do it...*smiles...Your next challenge will be listed tomorrow..Oh and this is *yours* not for anyone else so yes be honest, and keep in a safe place. and that...folks...is all I got..I need to grab something....sugar?? I dunno...something...the room is spinning. woohoo! callie callie rocked you at1:15 PM 8 Comments: ![]() a QUICK post but not my post for the day: PETE- in NZ: Guess what I got today??? A most gorgeous painting of a whale fluke by an artist named :PETE IN NZ....go figure! *winks Pete, it is even more beautiful in person! I am thrilled and blessed! I LURVE IT, and I am so touched my friend! It is you that is precious.... thank you! callie
callie rocked you at10:06 AM 3 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, May 22, 2007 People...Have you missed me? Go ahead and nod and say aloud *Yes* we have! Well you know what? I missed you all also.. Yes I have been checking in on each one of you as I always do. At times I leave my little million dollar signature to let you know that I have been there, but other than that unless you have a stat crawler, you will see me on your radar on the downlow.I am sorry if I have seemed somewhat *melancholy* lately... I will not pretend that I have not been somewhat down... and Yesterday I just had to release it all you know? which is why I did the small post .... I just got to a point in my life, that I was tired of being weighed down by lifes drama...the pains of growing more and more into myself...I finally had to just let it all go and refocus on some things......So- I am here... I am back...I may not be all that funny for you all to laugh at or about all the time, but you can bet your sweet cheeks that I will not shy away from expressing *me*...my highs and lows from time to time that is..... But....now you know... So......my weekend high....Friday night..I decided it was a good time to go see Spiderman..People.....I must tell you...By the first hour and a half I was ready for Peter Parker to die... That was the longest movie I had ever seen...At least Titanic kept the edge on you know? But I be damned if Spiderman kept dragging forever and a day..I wanted someone to grab a can of raid and just super spray him to death... I think I nodded off somewhere during the movie though, because I found my son prodding me saying I was *loud.* Excuse me? Loud???? "Yes mom- you snore"...... Ok so I found out something new.... 3 hours, 1 ginormous Dr. Pepper, 1 chicken taquito, and a bowl of nachos and cheese with extra jalapenos later- we ventured to my truck to head home... Son- "Mom, you were sleeping in the movies" Me- "No I wasn't. I saw you nod a few times" Son- " I may have nodded but I wasn't sleep, you were sleeping without nodding and with your eyes open." Me- "yeah right" So- on our way out of the parking lot, we notice a car sitting in the middle of the road with it's hazard lights on. I look into the parking lot and I see this big burly guy grabbing this girl, and she is screaming and crying and running- and he is chasing her.. So- I turn around and drive back to the police on duty and tell them- "Hey, I am not sure of what's going on but there is a guy chasing a girl in the parking lot area." Not only did they want to play 30 questions, but they jumped in the fastest mobile that they had available... *A Golf Cart*....they took off to where I directed them... Now- this is what made this amusing....Not so much of the incident itself but of how my 12 year old thinks at times... Son-"Mom, when we go back that way to leave the parking lot, just keep driving don't stop" Me- "ok....so ummmm why do I need to keep driving?" Son- "Cause if they were not fighting then the po-po will want to ask you some more questions and you will be embaressed." Point taken...So..upon exiting we see the cops in the golf cart parked next to the abandoned car- they are running on foot chasing this guy down- and my son is whispering and yet boldly- "Drive Drive Mom, don't stop!" Why do I feel like at that moment that I was a part of a crime??? *smiles* Onward.... We get to a red light and behold- my son starts yelling about the car that drives up next to us... Son- "Cool! Mom thats the car I want. A Too Fast Too Furious Car so I can drift!" Me- "and where do you plan on drifting at- the overlapping freeways of downtown atlanta?" Son- "Mom your funny...roll down your window and tell him he has a cool car" Do what???? Son- "Mom please?" So what do I do? I roll down my window and Antonio Banderas looks and smiles at me.... Me- "Hi!" "My son likes your car" He smiles....and I am thinking...Damn your cute... Him- "Thank you...You like my car?" Me- thinking... I like whats in the car.... Me- "Yeah it's cool...." and then to make this situation even worse...my son....trying to pimp me out to Mr. Too Fast- To Serious... Son- "Mom, ask him out on a date" People...if I had the ability to turn white at that moment- Casper the ghost would have nothing on me....Because Mr. Man heard it, I am speechless, my son is still gaga over a car with green neon lights underneath the floorboard... and I just wanna die... the light changes thank God... I say my good byes...Mr. Banderas number 2 blows me a kiss- and I drive off....fast..... Son- "He blew you a kiss" Me- "nah, I didn't see it Son- "He did.....you should have asked him out" Me- "Dude, I don't even know him" Son- "How do you get to know someone if you don't ask them out?" Needless to say- I shut up- drove home- and just kept thinking.... When did my son change from a baby and child to a grown up being concerned about his Moms dating habits...I don't recall this chapter in the Dr. Spock Manual..... callie Me-" callie rocked you at8:33 AM 4 Comments: ![]() Monday, May 21, 2007 Loved peace Grace beautiful Patient Driven Hopeful Calm Forgiving of Myself Tranquil Lifted Guiltless wiser appreciated Confident Durable No Longer A Victim free I wish you could see me now I wish I could show you how I'm not who i was
callie rocked you at1:44 PM 11 Comments: ![]() Friday, May 18, 2007 Tell me something good! Tell me that you like it...yeah......! Whooooooo! Gotta Lurve me some Chaka Khan when that song rolled from her lips!!! People!!! It's FRIDAY... Hootie Hoo... and I made it! Oh dear ones I made it! cuz I was having a few breakdown moments there..There are only so many days that I can handle non washing of the hands after playing penis patting projectile pissing men, and of course the gas prices..I am so hittin Craigs List for a scooter- moped...anything that is cheaper right now..Oh and don't think I won't put my Martha Stewart creations to the test on that bike..I will be adding a few ribbon streamers and a bell AND will throw in a few cards on my wheel spokes to give it some flare! Xibit won't have anything on my pimped out bike mobile! Holla Xibit! I still wanna have yo baby! You are my boo!! Also in the news..It is confirmed people...especially to the ladies..YES one boob is bigger than the other...Perky as heck- but still one is slightly bigger than the other..And men..don't think it is noticeable..We women just tend to notice things alot more with our bodies than men... so chill..... Thank you awards- Go out to those that stop by my page from My Blog Log...Thanks to you I may hit the 9000 stat mark on my neo counter quicker than you can say Shazaam! Since I am always talking about my life, and all of that nonsense, I wanted to do something a little different...I want to know about MEN... I have some questions for you men, and I want some feedback please...I don't care if you want to sign in, sign up, or respond anon..I just want some feedback, and I want some truth...... Thus far, I know MOUCHE is a real trooper and responds to anything and everything, If you should read his blog you will see he is a real ladies man, he rawks- but I want other feedback as well......And yes Ladies and Piratesses, please feel free to respond or ask away.... Get your Coffee, your beer, whatever you are drinking and : Lets..Do..This... 1. Guys, do you worry about your penis size? 2. Guys, women have different versions or ideas of what *romance* means...Without you having to google or wikipedia the term for a definition, what does it mean to you? Example- my ex husband thought this was romantic.... After having intercourse, as we were lying there, he was tracing my tummy area with his hands..... What flops out of his mouth was this: "I just love your stretch marks, it's like a roadmap of life." Needless to say not only was he not the best in the sack, but I did want to open up a can of Jackie Chan whoop ass! He thought *that* was romantic.... 3. Guys, why is it that majority of you find Model type women more attractive than non model types? 4. Guys, why do you always leave the toilet seat up and little splashes of pee around the rim??? 5. Guys, why do you think it is cool for you to bust a fart and high five your friends, and let your mate do it in front of you all, you berate her? 6. Guys- Why is it so hard for you all to be honest? 7. Guys- why do you cheat or feel you need more than one woman in your life when you married a great one? Ok...I am sure others ladies have more...I am just getting it started.. Leave your answers in the comment box...Much lurve to you all though! I am just wanting to know how men think for a change...... PS... this might become debate time as well, but hey no worries, this is how we learn about each other.... callie
callie rocked you at8:12 AM 17 Comments: ![]() Thursday, May 17, 2007 Yes...a glorious MeMe from none other than lovely Snavy.....Be on the lookout- since I have been tagged- you lurkers could be next!!1.What was the name of the teacher that was most influential in your life from grades K through 6? Ummmmm....during that time I would have to say Ms. Johnston..She was awesome as a grade school teacher with a direct eye to eye contact and a booming voice of charisma and enunciation like that of Sidney Poitier and James Earl Jones. She captivated my spirit. 2.Did you argue with teachers? Only with one...Ole man Watson..He taught history...This particular event was in reference to teaching the civil war and slavery...He was kind enough *sarcasm here* to explain to everyone by picking out a few minorities ahem- and saying that *we were not slaves but are colored.* Well this did not sit right for me at my age and I raised my hand and told him- "That if he could find my color in the crayon box then so be it, but other than that- I was black hispanic and I did not recall Crayola giving me my own crayon." well this did not sit right with him. He told me I was being rude and impolite. I replied he was wrinkley and racist. Got sent to the principle..She called a meeting...He was nice the rest of the school term. 3.What subject did you favor in high school? English Lit and Drama 4.Did you attend a university and if so, did you attain a degree? I did not have University patience but I did go to school to get my extra lern on. Graduated in Early Childhood Dev. and a Legal Program..*I cant discuss which Legal program cuz I will have to pop a cap in ur azz.* 5.Do you learn best through books, by watching, or hands-on? I failed Sex Ed....what does that tell you??? 6.Has education been an ongoing process for you? Yes...Although now, I appreciate learning more now that I am getting older. 7.What seven people are you tagging to do this? Wanda, cuz she always does my Memes and she is soooooo freakin smart I tell ya! ummmmmm let's see... Fancy, Anna-Lys, ahhhhhhh... *THAT GUY* with your cute lurkin self..I know you have been here.. Holla at me!, and ahhhhh....I dunno...... Oh KEV would cuz he is my homey. and PETE in South Africa..... callie rocked you at12:19 PM 4 Comments: ![]() 1. I want a bar of chocolove chilis and cherries so bad- that I am willing to buy another case for 30 dollars. 2. I bought a cup of white chocolate coffee this morning from a different Dunkin Dougnuts and it tastes like scalded milk without the vanilla and chocolate..It shall be going back to the store at lunchtime... Buleedat! 3. I got a flyer in the mail advertising for new sex toys at a sex store..Oh pardon me- I got a flyer from a *novelty* store advertising for new *novelties* for my personal pleasure. A bitch is rapidly stocking up on batteries. Of course for my headphone player silly... 4. I hate these dolls: They are called BRATZ...I call them DOBs..... *Dollz on Botox* 5. Men right now in my mind are like a pimple on my ass....*irritating and ready to be busted* however I am sure in the next 24 hours I will change my mind...I always do.... 6. The rate has not only gone up on gas, and postal stamps, but also on Tampons and Pads...I am so stocking up. 7. I put my deposit down for my cruise in July....I hate going alone, but what the hay- me time is probably best. 8. I start my part time job on Saturday working in a hair salon.....The owner sounded real happy when she and I spoke.....Only problem is I have to do my best to understand her because she speaks Korean and very fast......God bless me..Amen. 9. I am craving a Carnival Cruise line peanut butter and jelly sandwich...People say that sometimes food tastes much different according to your current experiences and destinations...I agree...At 3 am while sitting on deck bundled up in a blanket wishing I was fucking Kate Winslet having a moment with Leonardo without the Iceberg mind you, I sat in silence listening to waves, staring at the moonlight and totally inhaling the best PBand J that I have ever had...I tried to re-do that experience in my own home minus the ship and all, and my sandwich sucketh muchly... 10. I am a wimp when it comes to romance and being romantic however I am now at a point in my life where I am wanting someone to reciprocate....Someone told me that just because I do such things- I should take it as that...Because I want to, and that I should not expect it in return... Well, to the person that told me that... Bullshit, Horseshit and any other type of shit ya wanna layer on that....Everyone deserves reciprocity..... He wont stay in a relationship long. 11. I think one boob is bigger than the other... 12. I think I am losing weight due to stress and anxiety...Many people have told me I have lost weight...I don't see it cause my butt is still big. 13. I told my son on last night that he was the best gift I could have ever wished for.. He smiled and told me that just because I was dumped that I was the best gift and they would be sorry... God bless him. Amen. 14. Panang Shrimp Curry Rawks my sox 15. Reading all of your blogs give me joy 16. I watch and laugh my butt off on Diary of a Mad Black Woman. I do believe that at least 90 something percent of women can relate to how that young lady felt.....I wish I had a Madea in my life.... and yet after I watch it- I sometimes go to my room in private and cry... 17. Can I sue Burger King for ingesting Trans Fat Burgers and Onion Rings? 18. Thongs kill me..... 19. My cable provider are scalpers....So..I did what any one in their right mind would do- I terminated services and went with a new one..Shpank you very much... 20. The beach is calling me.....I am so diggin the weather.... Peace-lurve-harmony callie callie rocked you at10:10 AM 7 Comments: ![]() Wednesday, May 16, 2007 Roh-Ro !
Could it be??? A Bird? A Plane? No! It's : That's right ladies and gents! I have been sold and ousted by Pimp Mail! Unlike most of you, I do not get *fan mail* I get disgruntled mail... Let me explain... As you may notice I have signed up for My Blog Log and I have met and seen some incredible websites....blogs....what have you...Majority of them that I have come across are persons that utilize their skills in improvement in ones abilities to succeed.... *I* on the other hand use my abilitiy to talk about my own issues being a woman in day to day situations...... That is a gift people! Where else can you go to find out what women really think and feel during a menstrual cycle? Men should bow and kiss my feet and relish in that. For it is women like me, that save you from eating TV dinners during that crucial time of the week. HOLLA. But I digress...The email that I got was from a lurker who was very kind in telling me that although they thought I was funny, * I don't try to be* they did not feel it was appropiate to link me to their site because of my so called Adult Links section........ Ok.......give me a moment while I replay this in my mind..And yes I will try and be most delicate in my *open reply*....Here goes.... Dear Email Sender: Yes...I have an adult section on my board.. I am a woman and I like sex- hard core sex at times, as well romantic sex....However I am more into talented writers and People in general. I enjoy reading Erotica, and have met aquaintances that are most gifted and talented in that arena. I also enjoy PEOPLE....... Yes.....I am auditioning for Condi Rices job because I am a diplomatic whore for *PBTAP: PEOPLE BEING TREATED AS PEOPLE Coalition.* I have in my cabinet, Sensual Sadists, Hookers, Alcoholics and perhaps a few drug addicts. I also have in my cabinet ladies that are abuse survivors and no longer victims...men that have been divorced and are saddened...What I have in my cabinet Dear Email Sender, are diamonds in the rough.... With a little love and care amongst all of us we are gems...Priceless ones.... Dear Email Sender, I do appreciate your email..And I am sorry that you feel I cannot be added to your so called precious list because of the company I keep in my blogroll. However the company that I keep I do not plan on giving up because they are my friends, and my family....I wish you a good day! I think that sez it.....Much lurve to ya all... callie callie rocked you at9:43 AM 4 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, May 15, 2007 People- Friends, Far and Wide lend me your ears! Ok...so maybe not your ears...Lend me your eyes and your imaginations! I know you all missed me...I saw it all on my comment board when I stated I was running off to get married.. You all are my peeps! I have better class than that. I would have at least sent you all an EVITE and then eloped! Recognize!
I do hope that you all had a great weekend though. As for me it was quiet. I ended up watching movies and more movies... can I just say once again that Daniel Craig freakin rawks my sox while playing *Bond, James Bond* ???? Lurve. That. Man. "YO" Oh ok let me calm down for a moment.. Other than that I have been just pondering a few things... And when I get like that I tend to just sit back and think about some things at times.. No worries *mon*...... Oh...While I am at it- I know you all have missed my words of wisdom lately, so let me go ahead and get this out of the way right now! *Ladies!!! Although we all come in different shapes and sizes please recognize that there are some things you should NOT wear! To YOU Ms. Madonna-Like a virgin wannabe....Sweetie.... white lace spandex that you re-rolled 6 times above your knee cap is a no no... You look as if your trying out for a goalie position on a hockey team.....And by the way- the big wide neon belt....tsk tsk.. Unless your taking over the position of a street light..No...* *To YOU Mr. Man who walked out of the bathroom to hand me your key card with *dry hands*..... Your gross....No way to say it...You went to the restroom, probably blew that shit up because hey- I timed ya! You were in there for a good 12 minutes (which means you took a crap) and then proceeded to hand me your access card...I looked at your hands mister, there was no misty water effects! Did you not notice how I pretended to be on the phone and just smiled and asked you to lie it on my counter??? Dude...your nasty..You are carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction on your hands!! It's called E-Coli........Your nasty!* *To YOU Mr. "I need to get my coffee and doughnuts really fast because I am late for a meeting do you mind if I cut in front of you"? Ahhh Yes! I do mind! I along with 6 other people have been waiting patiently while my little friend Nasim has been doing her best to get us all out on time by smiling and asking how many sugars! yes I do mind, because your azz should have been up on time and in line like the rest of us...Oh and you looked shocked when you asked me. Normally I would have said "Sure go ahead" but I spotted you before you ran in mister.. I saw you sitting in your car on your mobile phone laughing away...Laugh this way mister! I bet it's not funny anymore is it? Get in the back of the line!* And last but not least........ *Ms. lady with that wild ass animal of yours you call a child....First of all I am a true woman lover of kids..If I could I would have more- but for now let me just school you on some Callie Advice..Bless your heart, I know you think you mean well, and I am not saying that you are a bad parent..Because I do not know your situation.But I know enough to tell you sweetheart..... "Your child is a demon in disguise! Sybil does not have anything on your kid! I saw him bite you, and scratch you when you told him to put the candy bars down...I saw the terrified look in your eyes as people watched your child call you names, blow snot bubbles out of his nose while he screamed at the top of his lungs "candy"...... 3 words momma....just 3..... Body.Slam.Him. ok...so you can't do that...But you are the parent...You should have jacked his ass up and threatened to send him off to boot camp....You need to master the evil eye look...the I dare you look.... and then for extra effect- showed him the ping pong paddle that you bought at the thrift store for a quarter. Girl, you better get a hold of him...Quick......* And that is all...Enuff for now.....Until then, may you have a great Tuesday, may someone get laid- because it aint happening here.... And for my friend Lily: HAPPY Birthday! peace! callie callie rocked you at12:14 PM 8 Comments: ![]() Monday, May 14, 2007 Mon- no worries! Ran away to get married- but will return soon.... No Worries Mon! callie callie rocked you at1:35 PM 8 Comments: ![]() Wednesday, May 09, 2007 I am plum out of excitement today peeps. I have been kinda mellow..Although I did take pleasure in sniffing some guys body cologne who is from Scotland. I just kept asking him dumb ass random questions just to hear him talk. I know..I need a life don't I? Don't hate. I have plenty of that. I am just taking my time- and then like the Piratess that I am I will ride the ocean waves like a horny cowgirl on a mechanical bullride! 8 seconds really is not long enough...Give me the full 24 hours. *winks* So- I decided to visit my Blog Questions site and did a few quizzes that I figured I might share.. Because after all, that is how I roll... "Give it away, Give it away, Give it away now!" Gotta love the Red Hot Chili Peppers... Number 1. What kind of Beauty Am I? You Are an Exotic Beauty! No matter what your ethnic background, you've got a unique lookAnd your one of a kind beauty makes an imprint in every man's mindYou hardly ever wear the same outfit twice, and your hair is always changingAs a result, your look is always new and fresh - never outdated or stale. *I likey* Number 2. What kind of Sex appeal do I have? You Are 82% Sexy My sex appeal Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts!Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it.You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. *seeeeeee....forget the 8 second bull ride. I am just warming up.. Yeah, I am a tease.* Number 3. My Porn Star Name Your Porn Star Name Is... Alotta Vagina *that was some Bull...Why in the hell would I give myself a craptastic name like that...Can you imagine the Roll Credits??? "And Introducing- Alotta Vagina"...I don't think so... What about "Callistre St. Johns"...or " Callistre Kai"....damn that alotta vagina....* And last but not least Number 4. My Lust Factor- Your Lust Quotient: 48% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it.Your friends would be surprised to know that you'r secretly very wild! *I'm not really wild, I'm just drawn that way.* Interested in doing some of these for your posts? You can find it here: BLOGTHINGS Oh but before I forget..I was listening to something on the radio this morning, about a woman who is mid 40's, who has been talking to this guy online for a month who is 22.... He asked her to marry him and she said yes... The catch...Hold on to your butts people... They have never met.... He cannot come to see her because- he has no car or license.he was arrested and had it stripped from him..She cannot go see him because she is still married.... But- yeah..they are getting married..... I am being sarcastic.....and I am not saying that internet romances don't happen..I am just saying, or perhaps just askin...."What the hell is wrong with this picture??" yo! callie rocked you at9:58 AM 8 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, May 08, 2007 We interrupt your locally scheduled program to divulge in conversations of *bs news* in our part of the world and yours.Number One: Actually, spiders in boy's ear 'They were walking on my eardrums,' 9-year-old from Oregon says ALBANY, Ore. - These guys weren’t exactly Snap, Crackle and Pop. What began as a faint popping in a 9-year-old boy’s ear — “like Rice Krispies” — ended up as an earache, and the doctor’s diagnosis was that a pair of spiders made a home in the ear. (can I say wig the hell out! People I slept with cotton balls in my ears when I first saw this piece of news. To hear something in your ear gnawing, and scampering...and oh Sweet Jesus, I would just freak the hell out! and then to have the doc flush it out and see them or one still alive...!!!) Number Two: Not feeling sexy? Chug some Peruvian frog juice Blended drink is said to cure asthma, bronchitis — and low sex drive LIMA, Peru - Carmen Gonzalez plucks one of the 50 frogs from the aquarium at her bus stop restaurant, bangs it against tiles to kill it and then makes two incisions along its belly and peels off the skin as if husking corn. At least 50 customers a day ask for steaming beer mugs of frog juice at Gonzalez’s countertop-only restaurant in eastern Lima, and many treat the concoction as their morning — and afternoon — cup of coffee. (Instead of some guy having me at *hello* This chic slapping that frog against the counter had me at good-bye....*laughs* I do not think I have ever been that lacking in sexual urges to watch someone pull out a frog from the frog basket, kill it in front of me, and then throw it in a blender with ice and other items and serve it for me to chug..Funk Dat noize. I will resort to porn and toys...... But hey, if it works for them...Ok.....) I saw this on my friends Saskias website and had a good laugh this morning...Click on the bold text... EDIBLE ANUS and it comes is chocolate or vanilla...Imagine that.... In other news: I DID IT PEOPLE...and of course regret it..Trying to please my kid and impress his friends to not think his mom is a whimp- I was kind of tricked into watching a scary movie..What they said was: It isnt scary, It is a thriller suspense type of movie...So I made movie foods you know: popcorn, hot dogs, chips and dip a few cookies... They already had the movie in the DVD player so I didn't get a chance to see the name..I asked but they kept saying.. "It's a surprise!"... May I say in the very 2 minutes of the movie I was already screaming with my hands over my eyes peeking through my fingers...May I add that 20 minutes into the movie, I had to start drinking my bottle of wine...May I add by the end of the movie, I was slightly buzzed, my chest hurt from lapses in breathing, and my butthole was so tense I could have squeezed a diamond out of my ass! And this ladies and gent was the movie unveiled after it was all said and done: Although I am curious about the other 2 and how the game so called ends, I am just too freaked people..In my slightly buzzed slumber I dreamt of people being hacked up..My heart can't stand it, and they laughed at me... my kid and his friends laughed....Oh the shame...So...if anyone can tell me what happens in 2 and 3 I would appreciate it.... Other than that- I am wishing you all a great Tuesday..... lurve you callie Thought or Question for the Day: On MSN in the Health-Sex section- they had an interesting article on Anal Sex being the last sexual tabu....Is it and Why? PS. BIG PHAT EDIT: In respects to the Paris Hilton issue...Chic- pack a duffle bag and make plans for that pooch of yours...Serve your time and quit whining... Maybe the first time- ok..Second time, your pushing it..Third time- It's a charm in the simple life of things....I am curious to know how this will all pan out..It will either show that Hey-Mom and Dad can buy you out of anything, and you are better than anyone else or it will be Dad stepping up to the plate and saying- We love you, we care, however my business was not built on weaknesses and you are not weak. Do what is right and required of you. I see this as blatant disregard for those that have not and those that do...If she walks, I won't be staying at another Hilton Property ever again...If they are willing to cut corners by keeping her from the real world, how many corners are they cutting from those that patronize their business? callie rocked you at9:15 AM 11 Comments: ![]() Friday, May 04, 2007 FOR YOU PETE IN NZ:
Your painting is simply beautiful! Please do not get discouraged and tell me that it is not worthy to place on my wall.... It is beautiful not only in my vision, but because YOU took months and hours, days, minutes and seconds to paint something on my behalf at just a request..... That gesture makes this painting all the more beautiful. Just like you.....I am Blessed my friend...... And for those of you that would like to know what I am speechless and tear jerkin over please *click the bold text* to visit ARTISTIC VIEWS to see what I am referring to... And I hope he does not mind- but Pete I am showcasing the finished product of this beauty..And yes, I want it, and you need to tell me how to go about getting it...*kiss PRESENTING: Callies' Fluke By: Pete Moulder callie rocked you at8:09 PM 6 Comments: ![]() I know you lurve me people. You don't have to bow and kiss my pedicured feet, I recognize such beautiful affections and tokens from those of you that send me a shout out from time to time. I thank you!!! So- what's going on in my world right about now? Nada..Not a damn thang people. I am tired, I am restless, I am just wanting to curl back into my bed with my ceiling fan on and just pass the heck out.. Oh but that's ok... I will be reved and ready to go come Saturday... Cinco De Mayo People!!! May 5th!!!! My motto- *Party Like a Rawk Star*...or if your already a rawk star like the group NERACRUZ- then pretend to be a Rawk Star. I am absolutely freakin bored people... CNN is more interesting than I am right about now... They at least can tell an entertaining story to enchant you all into Never Never Land. Oh speakin of Never Never Land: Queen Elizabeth.... Going. To WalMart. THAT my friends would be a cool Never Never Never Land moment...Would you not agree????? Imus...you sniveling piece of a wanna be man... Did you not have to walk a plank not too long ago?You were very remorseful as I can recall, and now you are trying to claim 40 mill. because you were fired inappropiately? Give me a damn break man...With all of the money you were making before shit hit the fan, you should have invested it more wisely. WalMart, KMart, yugo vehicles. you know what I mean???? But noooooo... Oh pity you...you were fired... Well jackass, they gave you 2 weeks before deciding they were canning your tired lame azz...Oh but I digress..your entitled to it arent you? Go ahead...Get your money, and I hope those beautiful goddesses sue your azz! If you really want to know whats its like being fired for no reason, come work in the state of Georgia... happens all the time...*Homey* Did I mention that on my cable channel they have a ton of work out programs and I decided to do something different last night.. Of course I waited until my son went to bed, but I took the beginner Strip Tease class.... I learned how to do the catwalk....the slow bend......the head throws......I tried to be really graceful and all, but I know I sucked cause I was stripping for a tv..Not for a real person.... and I didn't have a pole so I can swing around, and climb on.....It was not alot of fun.... So I decided to just skip that after 15 minutes, and finish on my jog and walk program..... it was alot more intense...May I add that those senior citizens ran my ass off??? I have a hole in my carpet.. fer shure.... and then after an hour of that- I hit my local grocery store and bought a pint of Ice Cream...Howz that for a workout? And here I sit ladies and gents...Here at my desk on a cloudy Friday...wishing I was somewhere else, with some handsome man bringing me a drink, and giving me a massage... Ahhhhh....2 months people...2 months and I shall have that wish....... Until then, suffer the wrath of blogology from a certifiable Piratess such as moi..... Be safe. Have fun. Lurve you all. callie Thought for the day: No No my friend....First the lime juice in a glass of ice, then the coconut rum, then the coke- top it off with another lime..That is the perfect Cuba Libra..Now pay me for teaching you how to make it! callie rocked you at9:47 AM 5 Comments: ![]() Thursday, May 03, 2007 I want to ride it all night long! And I do people! Work with me here ok???? I woke up at 5:30 am this morning and I was like full of life- Oh.My.Gosh. You could have mistaken me for Julie Andrews from Mary Poppins. I woke up with birds tweetering good morning all around my head- chipmunks and squirrels sitting on my window ledge talking to me-..It was a Disney Moment..I shed a tear.... NOT.. I instead got up and worked out on my stair climber for a good 30 minutes, showered and while getting dressed an IDEA popped in my lil pretty head. Of course I had to share this wonderful idea with my best Piratess friend- Diva...and here is the jist of that. Text Message- Me- Let's go get our nipples pierced. Diva- U crazy So.....later on in the morning on the way to the gas station *Which by the way- Nation Wide strike on May 15th- Don't buy gas! those Bastards....* Oh as I was saying- I decided to call my friend and egg it on even more so- Me- I *know* I am crazy, so while I got the bug let's do it this weekend!- hung up... A few moments later she calls me back- Diva- "You have got to be out of your GDamned mind!" "I know your crazy and you will do it- which is why I am saying no" she blurbed some more about how crazy I was etc etc... But I am people... As I asked Mouche earlier- Gold or Silver? People- when it comes to so called new beverages of mind altering side effects I am like Mikey and want to try it.... So if ANYONE in Atlanta knows how I can buy a case of these flavored popsicle- alcohol laced beverages for my enjoyment- HOLLA! The weekend is almost here people. As Diva said yesterday I am broker than 17 jokes, but I plan on indulging in something, even if I have to create a game of *quarters* and chug jello shooters, I will be lounging by the pool, with my new piercings, corn on the cobb, and hopefully my case of SPARKS...ahhhhh Life is Good..... thought for the day: "Tell me how you like it" callie rocked you at9:54 AM 14 Comments: ![]() Your quick mini thought for the day: "When Life throws you a hurdle- Climb It!" callie rocked you at7:26 AM 4 Comments: ![]() Wednesday, May 02, 2007 For You Greg: Because I *know* how you and so many others appreciate
such fanciness - This drink is for you. Hope it brightens your day! -me Jimmy Buffett - Margaritaville Lyrics Nibblin' on sponge cake,watchin' the sun bake; All of those tourists covered with oil. Strummin' my six string on my front porch swing. Smell those shrimp They're beginnin' to boil. Wasted away again in Margaritaville, Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt. Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, But I know it's nobody's fault. Don't know the reason, Stayed here all season With nothing to show but this brand new tattoo. But it's a real beauty, A Mexican cutie, how it got hereI haven't a clue. Wasted away again in Margaritaville, Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt. Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, Now I think, - hell it could be my fault. I blew out my flip flop,Stepped on a pop top, Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home. But there's booze in the blender,And soon it will render That frozen concoction that helps me hang on. Wasted away again in Margaritaville Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt. Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, But I know, it's my own damn fault. Yes, and some people claim that there's a woman to blame And I know it's my own damn fault. callie rocked you at10:40 AM 5 Comments: ![]() out on some vacation days with a batman quickness soon. Recognize! Spiderman, Spiderman Slingin webs as fast as you can Leapin high, leapin low, Spiderman where did you go Love. Me. People. When your still drunk you too can crank a fancy jingle and not worry about getting paid! I am so looking forward to Spiderman, and Pirates of the Caribbean..Arrrrrgggghhhh.. but you know, I am not about to pay scalper prices for bootleg tickets on opening night. So I will have to wait....*sighs* Oh lest I forget, *MOUCHE* because you lurve me soooo much, I took it upon myself to enroll you in a special league of your own for history lessons. Cause- what kind of woman would I be to not enlighten you with my wisdom? So..Jus Fer You, click on the bold text.... Why I LURVE Spam You can shpank me later. People, I am so happy that the weather is clearing, the pool will be opening Saturday at my place in which I will be showing up with a Keg of something. Buleedat.... AND I can practice on my swan dive while savoring a corn on the cobb at the same time. What? I am the Piratess of the ghetto pool people. I am Rawkin it like sauce. I spent the other night watching movies with my son and his friends *which I now dub E's crib, because it is no longer my house. It is just a place that I rent out from time to time and supply the furniture,food, and other items needed to live on*..... They just HAD to pick a movie that was gory- The Hills Have Eyes...May I just say that not only was I saddened because of those poor people that lived in those hills, but only a jackass would listen to some man with no teeth at a bummed out gas station detour them from an actual road, *on a map* to one that isn't... And he stated he was a PI...Rigggggghhhhht....jackass.... Yesterdays plans did not go as expected, but I did have my coffee with my friend, and I had a cool lunch break with another, and then spent a good deal with Diva..So I was surrounded by lurve people! So much so that I could have popped a skittles-rainbow out of my ass AND could have possibly shown you how to get to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. By the way- have I mentioned how much I Lurve All of you? Well, just some of you...*laughs* Ok.. I am kidding...no. I. am. not... *winks yes..I..Am... So with these thoughts in mind, may you all have a shpankin good Wednesday. Laugh muchly, and be sweet. callie Thought for the day: "Funk That Noize Yo" callie rocked you at8:37 AM 2 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, May 01, 2007 Guess what? I am at home today...Yepp...I needed a break. I have 2 weeks vacation time left for the year, and figured well hell, before I snapped on anyone else, I need to make it a Ferris Bueller Day off...Only there will be no parades, no fancy vehicle to wreck, nor will there be any impersonations of *The Great Sausage King*.... If anything there will be a hot bubble bath in silence, a lunch date with my Marine friend, and hours at Barnes and Noble book stores listening to jazz through the over head speakers... LOVE. ME. PEOPLE. Updates Updates because I know how you all like to be in my buizzness from time to time. No problema! My friends daughter Bri- did go to prom and I must brag and say that I can beat a mug down and do some hair! She was absolutely freakin beautimus people! Her mom wont allow me to post photos though...something about her picture could be used as Internet porn. Therefore I shall abide by that golden rule of respect...But she was beautiful, I was tired, but she had a GREAT time, and EVEN hooked up with some football player that had liked her all throughout school, but he did not want to impose upon her thing with Jason.... I did not get the job at the attorney office that I had been praying for. But that is ok...It was not ready for me...They were very *cold* in their office atmosphere, and no amount of money would make me happy working in that kind of atmosphere- so I am happily stationed at my current job, with benefits, and yes a raise... Go Me! My son is no longer grounded..He was off groundment protocols a few hours after the flip flop episode.... All is well again....23 days left of school people, and he will be gone at the end of May until August.... What kind of trouble can a beauty like moi get into? Riddle.Me. That. Batman. I have once again changed my travel plans. I know I know...I want to do so much but I am basically taking an easier fun trip...another cruise... I know- recall my last cruise episode? Only this time, I am sailing with a more reliable person that can party just as hard as me, or maybe more than me. We shall see how he holds up in the beer competition. Batter. Up. Other than that- all is well in the Realm...But- I can tell I am getting restless... I so need a burst of energy and excitement to rev my engine and get my juices flowing...I am ready to fly into the danger zone. *winks callie