Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Thursday, June 21, 2007 People! I am BIG TIME like other kool bloggers out in the blogosphere! Can I start singing and dancing now? The song by Peter Gabriel is kind of fitting, I say kinda because I do not agree with all of the sayings of the lyrics, but it's mighty catchy to dance to.....FREAKIN HOLLA PEOPLE! I am dubbing myself: For the day! People, you need to click on my blog roll and check out the article posted by Diogenes from * Fine Art Of Blogging*. If you are to lazy to do that just click on the highlighted bold text that I just typed in..... How awesome is that? To see my words put on someone elses site that think I contribute something meaninful. I am truly touched. Oh wow. Me thinks I am going to have some eye wettage. Oh Snaps! Recall my episode the last time I went to the drugstore to purchase tampons and pads and had the run in with the make up teen? Well here it is for you once again, *MAKE-UP TEEN*because I had to make an emergency bee line run back to the store, coupon in hand mind you- and people. She RAWKED. she scanned my products, smiled, and I was finished in lightening speed. No callls for 5-0 backup. No issues about my coupon not scanning. Nada. I even had her throw in a pack of BC Powders for good measure * cause momma is crampin like a mofo- truly all* And she did good. I am proud of her..We still have to work on that Marylin Manson thing she has going on though because she is to cute to be all ghosted out and chained from lips head to toe..You get my meaning I am sure. And what would Callie be without yet another rip roarin vent?! It would not be the same without one every now and then I can attest to that...So here goes.... and I dedicate this one to you Churchs Chicken. In all my years of living- I appreciate your frying up greasy chicken that you serve with jalapeno peppers on the side. I appreciate the fact that not only do you serve really good friend chicken, but that you also are considering bringing back the sweet potato pie thingies. Hell if you really want to get ghetto fab country bunkin with it- start serving slices of watermelon to top it off.. All of this topped off with a gallon of sweet iced tea rawks my sox! But dang it! If your going to tempt peoples taste buds with all of that delectable goodness in a box, at least hire people that can freakin run a register! The little girl that has now been there for a month rang me up for the 15 piece special for 2008.35.........AND she didn't know what else to do after I told her that my chicken must have been gold because that was a freakin house payment for a few months. Bless her heart she just stood there smiling, as if I was really going to pay her.... Riddle. Me. That. People, my chicken by this time is losing it's flavor- my sons pies are getting cold- the ice tea is now trickling bits of perspiration and she is still standing there- smiling as if expecting a huge tip. Hell to the no! So I look at her and smile back and say...... "Do you really charge 2000.00 for chicken?" Ooooops...she blurts. "Oh so sorry, so sorry! I need to call the manager hold on." By this time I am waiting while a manager is being hunted down, which isn't hard unless she had to drive to another state to get one because this store is only a few hundred square feet mind you, there is now a line of smelly construction crew workers that are behind me probably sniffing me up like bloodhounds, and to top it off, my stomach cramps have now traveled down to my ass and thighs as if the thigh master has been put to use by me for the last 48 hours. I.Am.Done. 5 hours later *winks* the manager shows up with a ton of magical keys to open the register to clear out the 2000.00 mishap.... *geez* all this for some chicken for some 12 year olds and one big ole 15 year old who now shows up at my house like he is Brotha Man from the show Martin. Look -Church's...from now on.....either make a device that is easy to open to prevent traffic in your store, or either keep certain people off your register and have them maintain the fry machine or something...I'm just sayin yo..... Other than that- that is my only gripe for the week...unless you wanna how much I am overdosing right now as I type off of BC powders and doubled over at my desk...at work.....typin you all some of my labor intensive goodness... you guys are freakin spoiled. Any who- I am outta here like Elvis on speed. holla back and don't forget to check out that post at Diogenes site. Love.peace. and cramps. callie PS PHAT EXTRA: People, Momma is about to hit the 10thousand Mark. Tomorrow- Party is here at the Realm. I expect ALL Ya'll to say Congrats. I don't care if you gotta translate it- convert it- whatever. You all better represent your state- country- whateverz on tomorrow...Got it? *smiles* Bada Ding Bada Bing |