Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, June 25, 2007 Peoplez! Hope you all had a grand time of a weekend! As for me- I was once again sucker punched into attending the drama of Yugioh and Naruto at the local mall. Great....Just Great...and yes..Sarcasm oozing right about now. It was hot, it was a sea of sweaty nerdy teens wearing the same head gear trading multiple cards and announcing wins... I just wanted to barf....I busied myself by sitting on a bench outside of the store doing more people watching, and reading a book. I did go to Bath and Body works and made a small purchase on 2 great products originally 8 bucks each- they were on clearance at 75% off- and guess what? I lost those goodies. Yep.. I think I left the bag at the little Pretzel Stop..... I wanted to cry...But instead decided that someone else will smell like Lemon Verbina besides me. *sighs*I did spend time at the pool on Sunday. Once again it was hot, I was surrounded by sweaty nerdy teens, and I wanted to barf. Instead I made do with my little plastic cooler of goodies of wine in a plastic container- and errr...more wine in a plastic container... Found it especially funny after sitting by the pool for an hour or two and then swimming for a little bit, I went home to shower and just as I was getting in the shower I walked bare ass in front of my wall to wall mirror and laughed at the outline of my bathing suit. 2 piece for all you nosey people, and the necklace imprint on my neck. Yeah..looks a tad freaky. But my body looks good with tan lines. Recognize that shawties! Ok so- now onward to the 7 Random Facts Weird Things About Me: List according to my new friend on my blogroll BoBo... Not only is she funny, but she is wafer thin, and teaching me singlanese! Check out her blog, *You can click on the name* say hello and Lets.Do.This. Rickety Tick style. 7 Whateverz About Me: 1. I lurve Guiness Beer. Alot of people look at me like I have lost my mind. But I love the taste and it is the only thing I can drink tons of and not get buzzed or drunk on. In one night- during my bar hop days- I downed 5 cans. peed alot...But hey I was fine. Lurve that dark gold coolness and listening to the rattle ball in the can.... Try it... Pour- let it breathe- and sip.....Ahhhhhh 2. I hate bugs especially the ones here in Georgia. I do not know nor care what the hell you call em, but I call them roaches. And these things fly at you, and pick you up and carry you off and then dump you. They scare me. I cry when one lands on me, and I am considering moving out of my apartment because I live around alot of trees and those sneaky bastards I am sure hide in all their combat gear and wait for me to walk by just so they can laugh at me pee on myself in fright. Hate them... 3. I am a Hot Dog eatin freak! It is the best meal.Cheap and versatile. Lurve em. And if I go out to buy one from a eatery, I have two of my favorites: Dairy Queen and Mikes Chicago Hot Dogs. I of course prefer at 100% Mikes though... Those hot dogs make you wanna slap your momma and pass along the taste. And their home made milkshakes! Makes you wanna scream Little Richard Style. They Rawk My Sox. *info- if your ever swinging into the ATL just ask me for directions.* 4. I don't do haunted houses and things of that nature. I was banned from the military Haunted House years ago. Some jackass decided to chase me down a hall carrying a chainsaw, and another jumped out at me from a closet and I sniper attacked him yo! Not only did I do that but I kinda knocked down their little make shift wall...Needless to say the Hoorahs were not on my side that night. 5. I am a body clean freak... fresh breath and body order care are a must for me. I am self conscious. I shower 2x a day- and do the womanly thing of layering. After a shower or bath- moisturize- then deo.. then lotion then a perfume oil...I carry in my purse- breath mints, deoderant, and feminine body wipes. I also carry an extra spare change of clothes and shoes in the event I may need them in my truck. Not sure why...but it's a thought....*laughs* 6. I am an organic chocolate lover. I am sure you know my tales of woe about my favorite chocolate makers making that limited edition chilis and cherries chocolate bar at Valentines Day. I called every Whole Foods store in Atlanta, and ended up calling the company who in turn called another store and bought a case back and sold it to me. I now have in my hope chest under lock and key the last 2 bars for an emergency melt down. I feel like Charlie finding the last golden ticket. 7. Last but not least.........I am living a new life. Not many can say that. But yeah I am. and I am lurvin it. That to me is weird in a sense because people rave about the 20's and this and that. Your 20's will suck... Your still figuring stuff out. I am alot more mellow and balls to the wall now versus then. Who would have thunk it. Bobo...hope this satisfies some of your curiousity about me. Thanks for sharing the Tag.... And now... Who do I tag?..... well...anyone really.. I am always looking to know more about all of you! Just do it. callie |