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I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, July 30, 2007 Just thoughts yo! 1. I just finished off a slice of double fudge chocolate cake. Sucks because I don't have any milk. 2. Be nice to people on the phone when it comes to the Department of Revenue concerning a suspended license. Yeah got a letter on Saturday- called first thing this morning only to inform them my vin number was incorrect. All is well. 3. I taught my kid how to sorta drive last night. I was nauseated by the third circle around the parking lot. Alot of dry heaving herking and jerking from him pressing on the gas and braking. Still he did real good. and yes- I am teaching him early in the event something happens to me at the wheel... Don't freak out. Besides, I learned how on a farm driving a tractor. 4. Baked spaghetti rawks sox! 5. Found a lump in my breast. I am betting its a cyst - but I have an appointment on the 13th of August. no worries 6. Mamograms suck major butt holes. 7.My friend Hunter Rex on my blogroll gave me the honor of being a Comic Book Super Hero! Check It:
Danger Girl is her name. I always wanted to be a Bond Girl! Hawt Damn! 8. I still get hate mail anonymously..Only it isn't so anonymous when you have their log information...CLASSIC... 9. I made it through this day- Amen Lord! 10. I am still waiting for Mouche to get back to writing about Glama Llama...Sheesh....
PS... YOU all are awesome and I lurve you long time! callie callie rocked you at1:40 PM 17 Comments: ![]() Friday, July 27, 2007 My friend Ed Philly is going through Callie withdrawl symptoms. Anytime someone comments they gotta wait for a few extra days for some random quips from me is in need..Therefore Ed- your wish is my command...How bout we look at our world today and sample some World News!1. Maid jailed for serving up urine: Wed Jul 25, 9:00 AM ET HONG KONG (Reuters) - An Indonesian maid has been jailed for six days in Hong Kong for serving her boss a cup of water containing urine, a newspaper reported Wednesday. The 29-year-old pleaded guilty to a charge of "administering poison or other destructive or noxious substance with intent to injure," but insisted she had used the urine to treat a skin condition and its appearance in her employer's cup was a mistake. Her boss, Szeto Ching-han, smelled the urine after asking for a cup of water, and then asked the maid to drink it -- which she did. Szeto, however, kept the liquid to have it tested in a lab, the South China Morning Post said. (Laughs- I did not quite get this- did he have the skin issue or did she???? Second of all she was one brave soul to guzzle her own urine to satisfy this boss of hers.... You think her boss was pissed?" 2. Dentist wins case over tusks in mouth: OLYMPIA, Wash. - An oral surgeon who played a practical joke on his assistant, and got sued for it, ended up getting the last laugh Thursday. Dr. Robert Woo, of Auburn, temporarily implanted fake boar tusks in his employee's mouth while she was under anesthesia and took photos that later made the rounds. The employee felt humiliated and quit, later suing her boss. (Mr. Woo would have become nutless after this episode. See it is quacks like this that you gotta wonder about when your at someones disposal when it comes to anesthesia.) 3. Qatar sheikh delays plane over seating:MILAN (Reuters) - A Qatar sheikh held up a British Airways flight at Milan's Linate airport for nearly three hours after discovering three of his female relatives had been seated next to men they did not know. When none of the other business class passengers agreed to swap seats, the sheikh, a member of Qatar's ruling family, went to the pilot, who had already started the engine, to complain, an airport official said. But the pilot ordered him and his travelling companions, the three women, two men, a cook and a servant, off the plane. The London-bound flight took off nearly three hours behind schedule.Traditions in the conservative Gulf Arab region bar women from mixing with unrelated men. ( With this posse you would think they would have just had their own private jet...Other than that- from now on....Do not use Expedia to book your flight.) 4. Shoplifter leaves address for police: BERLIN (Reuters) - Police called to investigate a supermarket theft were surprised to discover the culprit had left his contact details with a shop assistant. (Laughs..ok....I recall a long time ago where there was a roberry at a Taco Bell, the robber climbed through the roof- and was wearing a Kentucky Fried Chicken shirt with a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket over his head with holes for his eyes....He not only gave himself away- but his address also. The Kentucky Fried chicken where he worked was next door.) Yes people- we live in a very strange and funny world....Ed Philly- you can stop sweatin me for the time being. *winks callie callie rocked you at9:41 AM 14 Comments: ![]() Thursday, July 26, 2007 We are half- hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition, when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.
C.S. Lewis callie rocked you at10:11 AM 12 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, July 24, 2007 You told me once- a while back that if I needed a compass I could use yours....Well, I need it...May I borrow it? callie rocked you at2:25 PM 10 Comments: ![]() Monday, July 23, 2007 Bear with me people. it is Monday and I have been going non stop since Friday which means that the weekend was totally gone before I could even get it started. First of all on Saturday I went to my part time gig and was worked the heck out! We did so many Highlights that day- if need be we could have invested in Reynolds Foil wrap and may have received some coupons or something because that is all she wrote that day... Every client that came in wanted- High lights- low lights-... I still have signs of chemical dye on my nails..Ewwww... but it looks alot better today than Saturday......Oh- I have a question and what better person that I know of to ask then my good friend Dazd because he trains dogs and all- by the way Dave- so does Pete in South Africa! He has I think the kind of dog that is in your photo.... Oh snaps- ok so...my question.. I am outside cleaning the windows of the salon, and 2 great danes walk up to me..Just like it was a sunday stroll, and of course I stop what I am doing because I am a dog lover and I have to show them some lurve and then it happens..That embaressment of tail wagging and crotch sniffing...Why??? I mean- I showered, I know I am lilly massengil fresh- so why are these dogs trying sniff my crotch? Riddle. Me. That. Needless to say by my shifts end- when 9pm rolled around I was in the bed..To tired to even get up and shower- and that people says alot because I am after all a shower person. Sunday..I crawled out of my bed and literally sat in the shower...I just could not move....That hot water did some good though because I was much better for the remainder of the day....I spent it once again at the mall...and you know why right? Of course you do! Because now I have to drop my poo bear off to the mall each weekend to compete in those Yugioh tournaments.... So of course I am there waiting with him until things get started and guess who starts giving me conversation of the creepy kind? You are correct.. Mr. gweeble himself...Like I really care about what cards are out- and if they sell ice cold sodas or not..Like I really care to know that Naruto is better than Yugioh...Okay already..enuff...So I left and went to walk around. Now this is the Second part of ask a question...... As I am walking around the mall and I stop in one store- one of the sales people comes up to me and asks if I need help..etc etc..No thank you was my reply.. And yet *he* kept asking questions that started to no longer be sales ettiquette.... So- you live around here How do you like atlanta are you single... Errrrrr....*insert tire squeals here* So I smile and I look at this guy and politely ask... "Why are you asking me all of these questions?" and of course he then tells me- you seem like a very nice Lady and I would like to ask you out. and people...I did not know what to say...literally...so.. I just said what came to my mind and lips... "How old are you?" and of course it was met with: "How old do I look?" so..I tell him.. I am 37. and he looks and smiles and says- "I am 32 and I like older women, not that you look old because you are very pretty and young to be 37- but I don't mind. " So with that, he asks again. "So, may I have your number so I may take you out- get to know you." by this time my son comes walking up and I of course introduce my son to this gentleman.. They shake hands, my son walks off- he looks at me and tells me how my son looks like me and that he is still waiting for an answer...and what do I say? "No..sorry".... and I walk to the other side of the store... Well as I am leaving the store Mr. Man walks up to me and gives me his business card with his cell and work number and asks me to call him if it makes me feel better..... And I am sure by now- you all- my faithful readers can give me much advice because I am rambling...I mean..he is very handsome, and his smile...lights up a room..and yet I do not know if it is the age thing I am struggling with- or if it is just me in general because I am so content with the path I am on- that I do not want any distractions, and yet- I miss the company of a nice man........ Crap...Ok....fire away...... callie callie rocked you at9:23 AM 14 Comments: ![]() Friday, July 20, 2007 People. It is Friday and I am stoked! This has been a long week for me. I have just been busy and with that assisting my friend, and I am just ready to get the hellup out of here! Does anyone else get like that from time to time? I hope so..that way I don't sound crabby all the time.... So- last night I watched a movie called GOAL......Lurved it people. And yeah- I had a small amount of eye wettage at the end. It's a good movie, and the actor was all kinds of fine. Oh check it- yes it is a movie about Futball-Soccer- whatever- Guess who made probably 15 million dollars to make a small appearance in a nightclub? You guessed. Bend it like Beckham himself...playing...Himself....He is a cutie too....tall.....whateverz..Anyways- it's a movie worth watching......Alas- People...I lurve watching the Discovery Channel from time to time- animal planet- you know the deal..But I also lurve to watch the Public Broadcasting Station- When they do shows on things like- What state has the best sandwiches, HotDogs....and then this one made another debut for it's curiousity that I just lurve to watch... "OKE NOODLIN" alright....now- I know in different parts of the world there are a few of you that are all about fishing, hunting, etc.etc. And while watching this and of course laughing, I decided to touch base with someone that could clarify a few questions that I had about this type of Fishing Sport...So...I went through my blogroll and thought...Janus does not do this type of hunting or fishing-besides he is in S.Africa...and then I thought.....I know who to ask! None other than this man: PIMP DADDY HUNTER REX and yes, please feel free to click on his name which will lead you to his site..... So...I sent Pimp Daddy a questionaire and thought I would share it with you all- cause Thats how I roll people.... Now....Noodlin from what the man in the lake was defining- is the art of Hand Fishing.... But it is not just any fish- it is Cat Fish...You know..the ones that have the long cat like whiskers? Only thing is...It is not your normal looking grocery store in the tank swimming fish...It is scary fish..Ginormous fish...that bite....sting.....Bitch Fish people! And well......these men......mainly....climb in the murkiest lakes, and go *looking* for these fish....And when they find a decent spot they then stick not only their hands, but sometimes will submerge themselves into crevices, to grab these freakin bitch fishes.......Yeah....to me...it is kinda like going into a bear den, and looking for a bear and when I find it to yank it by the ear and try and bring him home to be stuffed....Smart eh? But I digress...Onward with the Noodlin Interview. Me:Noodlin- Is it really a sport- or is it to prove that macho thing? You know...manly? Pimp Daddy Rex: It is a sport and manly, kinda macho too. The name noodlin is pretty lame, down here it is called grabbling. Me:Do you just jump in the creek or what ever and start sticking your hand in- or do you like learn how to by other means.....? Pimp Daddy Rex: no, you ease up on a spot that a catfish may be laying. they get in logs and holes to lay their eggs. the males and females then have to keep water moving over them to get them to hatch. A loud noise and the fish is gone. We grabbled out of logs, you block the end with your body, run a pole in and when he trys to get out, you get him. *Me thinking- who in their right minds will actually volunteer to be bait?* Me: I kinda figure...Men that do this might practice on their lovers...But is it game for the women Noodlers to practice on their men? Jus askin yo. Pimp Daddy Rex: any kind of grabbing or noodling with a woman sounds fun to me *Me thinking- sure it might...only I wouldn't want to be flushed out of a log.* Me: The guy said catching cat fish like this is Slippery When Wet- which is why they call it Noodlin- because it is like a wet noodle...Ummm ya think who ever came up with that was listening to Motley Crew at the same time? Pimp Daddy Rex: maybe, to catch them, better wear leather gloves, you run a rope in their mouth and out their gill, tie it off and pull him in the boat. this is not a technique to use on women, by the way. *Me thinking- duh ya think? I wish some man would try and string a piece of rope out of my cheek. He would get a major beat down.* Me: Wanna have a beer with me? Pimp Daddy Rex: that sounds really good Me: OK..so...do you know of any Noodlers? *The reason I asked is because Noodlin is considered illegal in certain states according to Game and Wild life Officials.* Pimp Daddy Rex: most people down here have tried it, one way or another. Me: What advice do you give to fellow wanna be Noodlers? Pimp Daddy Rex: buy a wet suit and heavy leather gloves *I would also like to add perhaps a face mask- with heavy netting, a rifle to ward off snakes, damn just...don't do it!* Me: When do you want that beer? Pimp Daddy Rex: soon as I see you. *Me thinking-We aint skinny dippin or chunky dunkin (for people that aren't skinny to dip) in no lake to freakin Noodlin or Grappling. I will open a bottle of Jackie Chan whoop ass.* Me: Is it true that Professional Noodlers taunt City Guys because they are to chicken to Noodle? Pimp Daddy Rex: yes, damn yankee cowards *Me laughing as I look through my blog roll... Ed Philly, rent a dive suit and prove em wrong!* Me: I would be shit scared personally.... So.....how bout that beer??? Pimp Daddy Rex: a cold beer after doing it helps settle the nerves and makes you feel great! *Me thinking- Funk.That.Noize. More like Tequilla!* Me: Thank you for your assistance in helping me understand the true Oneness of Noodlin....It is not something I will attempt, but ya got guts.... Pimp Daddy Rex: I am attaching a pic of a log that we run every now and then. We always turn the fish loose. this is my cousin running the log. *Yeah- I know it is blurry, but hell, you do not *need* an actual clear view to know that he conned his poor cousin to get in that water- while his ass sits in a boat drinking beer!* Pimp Daddy Rex: Now about that beer?................ Me: Your on! Thank you Rex for your time! Look forward to that beer! callie callie rocked you at7:25 AM 8 Comments: ![]() Thursday, July 19, 2007 People...Can I just say that when stuck in Atlanta- in already 70 suemthing degree temps with a humidity of Satan breathing on your ass that traffic bites! My commute to work is around 20 minutes...However on this day of sun- my commute was an hour and 10 minutes! Thank you to whomever you were to cause not one- not two- but *all* lanes to be blocked from *all* directions. Sitting in my truck I had time to put on my makeup- drink my soy yogurt stuff- and heck I even had time to get a good jog in by jumping out my truck and running around it a few laps. Holla! Ok..so I did not do that- but it was a thought.....I hate sitting there people...Hate it like liver at a pot luck luncheon after someone tells you they are bringing fried chicken. I want to beat someone down and repent afterwards. People.....School is almost back in- which means a grouchy 12 year old. I think he is just having a moment you know? He did confide in me that he signed up for Drama.. Like thats something to be ashamed of? I had to break it down momma style: Me- "Babes, I don't see why you feel ashamed to mention that around your friends..Do you know that all those men you see in the movies and tv they had to start somewhere- so they took drama..in school....One day I will be going to see your movies!" People-he hugged me and told me I could see them for free! Recognize! I aint paying for one single ticket! On the other homefront news- Can someone give me a *logical* reason of why there is a small puddle of water under my kitchen sink- when the pipes are dry? Because apparently the assholes at my apartment complex- cannot fathom a reason..... So- if you come upon this post give me some ideas because I am at a loss..... *ps - yes I have a trash disposal- but that connection is dry as dirt also. and no- I have no chemical spills from any cans or anything of the sort.* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Jimminy Christmas I sooooo have to update you all on the Neighbor who loves me..LOL Ok...so...recall my telling you all months ago about the little man downstairs that has my time logged ....For those of you that do not know- I will fast pace caffeine high tell you. I have a neighbor who is Hispanic who is married *but does not think so* who is always running out to meet me when I leave for work, and come home from work...He like knows my whole schedule. And so- to try not be mean- cause he is a nice guy- I told him I had a big boyfriend that was a bounty hunter that visits from time to time, and that he is also on TV...*laughs* so- any ways...I was out yesterday doing some things to my truck..ya know..the coolant - oil-transmission refills....little stuff..And behold..he comes out..offers me a beer.. * I decline* and then he says: Him-Hello! Me- Hi- Him- Hey, you know what cho doing? Me- umm yeah...it's easy stuff why? Him- I can help no? Me- ahhh no... and I laugh.... Me- How is your wife? Him- my wife? Me- yeah..your wife...how is she? Him- Oh she fine....she mean Me- yeah?- cause your mean? Him-Me? nahhhhh...I not mean....I like you Me- Dude you so need to go back in your house Him- I jus kidding...Hey you need a hug? Me- nope..... Want me to hit you? Him- O you mean too! Me- yeah..I can be.... and I laugh some more....and this is where he says his little good byes and scurries back into his home.....Oh- yeah- he goes back into his home- and heads straight for his living room window. How do I know you ask? because when I jumped in my truck to crank it- I saw him staring at me through his blinds....Yeah.....he has issues....Time to think of a new plan... We had a burglary in my office a few days ago....And it was not like it was major stuff that was taken..Only little things- like mustard packs, ketchup packs, raisins...things like that...And then one day I heard this hellacious crash- and there we caught the thief! What made it funnier- it fell through the ceiling -was wrapped in all this fiberglass and wire and was still holding the box of raisins it stole. Aint THAT a bitch! Have a grand Thursday ya'll I am so squirming for Friday already.
callie rocked you at8:32 AM 6 Comments: ![]() Wednesday, July 18, 2007 What kind of woman are you- or have we been broken in to? This was really eye opening to me because of course- I did not think I had any serious issues...Truly... And then it came to me.... I *did* have a problem as does every woman and every man.... We all needed to be *validated in who we are* Since this is my post- and I am trying to relay this to a broad spectrum of women- I felt it humbling for me to express some things about myself in order to express to you- that Hey! I know what it is like... I know how it feels to be so caught up in dilemmas and not think I would never amount to anything...I know.... Been there, wrote the book, took a photo, created a t-shirt, wore it, and became the manager of printing it. *laughs*I know........ My need for self validation came not in the form of drugs, or alcohol, but in the form of men. I bounced in and out of long term relationships thinking that *hey- they love me- I have never felt that- and therefore they can tell me who I am, what I am, and how to become all that I want to be* May I be honest with you, in telling you that self validation does not come free- nor is it cheap when you are looking for it in or through other people. It will only cause you to be used........and heartbreak. I will also be honest in telling you that self validation as a woman is also like being a steak to hungry lions...Men..... What Men do not openly admit- is that they TOO need to be self validated therefore they get it from women. See the connection? Men do not go to other men and ask- "Dude, do you think I am pretty? Am I fat? What do you think?" No....they go to women..And if there is a woman around to give them that validation then it builds them up, which is why it is so important to seek that Beauty inside you. Which brings me to another point in which I think most men are weak. If they cannot validate themselves, what makes you think they can validate you? What kind of woman- today are you? Are you Desolate-Dominating, or Arousing? Desolate meaning needing validation- Dominating meaning- You have it all under control and your way is the best way-screw everyone else- or are you Arousing- meaning accepting and embracing of your femininity? I can openly admit that I was Desolate.....I had that *something* inside me- but could not place it- so I looked for certain men to define it... Now that I have that A-Ha moment- I am in the phase of Arousing....Not in the sexual tense- but in the sense of my Femininity as a woman. I am: inviting and open to others I am tender and full of forgiveness and compassion I am nurturing I am strength I am sexy I am adventure I am Love..... Because of that embracing- THAT is where you find your confidence. Ever notice how when your at the mall and you look at people and wonder- Wow they are too cute to be with that person how did that happen??? It was what the person has on this inside that flows on the outside. It was their Beauty. This can be for women as well as Men.... I know men that have gone through that phase of validation- and it oozes out of them- and they are just beautiful in that light and others flock to them because of that... I also know men that still seek that validation and prey on womens needs of validation and in turn they fill their heads with all kinds of bull shit in order to make them feel *manly*. Oh yes. I am putting it out there and calling you out. You are the men that are married- or have so called girlfriends- that know nothing of each other- and then sneak out to meet another woman to help validate what your *current lady* is not... You are the ones that are blatant in seeking women that have needs of validation- by telling her- "I Love you, but I also have other needs that you cannot give me- and then you prey on more women to validate your so called needs..And yet you FEEL it is ok because you have permission from your partner." What you do not realize is that the day will come when they will wake up out of their brokeness and will kick your asses to curb- and will rise up to become the Beauty that they are meant to be..... My sweet sisters....It is ALL ABOUT YOU....It really is...You have the right to be Feminine and Beautiful in every way. You have the right to say no for not sleeping with someone- or yes if YOU want to...You have the right to be strong, and sexy, opinionated with grace and dignity...It's ALL ABOUT YOU...... And yes...It is scary..It will be when you take the step....To live in this type of Beauty and light, we have to understand that there will be no guarantees that our hearts will not be stomped on...There are no guarantees that someone will accept what you have to offer..I know this all to well also...To give willingly and lovingly- to only have someone weak just abandon you because of their own insecurities. And yet- I do not stop or block that Femininity.. It is who I am.....And yet I did not offer it to just anyone....Only select few.......and when you face that in your life- it's ok to cry..It cleanses your soul....... And then in time when you heal you get back up and keep living! Ladies, don't stop your beauty from growing because of doubts and fears.....Don't bury it because of heartache from the past. Today is a new day..As long as you are breathing, you have another day to live. Live- don't just exist. Another of my favorite authors C.S.Lewis writes about a womans Beauty being rebirthed....Here is a sample: "If there is a real woman-even the trace of one-still there inside the grumbling, it can be brought to life again. If there's one wee spark under all those ashes, we'll blow it 'til the whole pile is red and clear." C.S.Lewis So it is here my sweet ladies of Beauty. Bring her back out.....And I am one that will continue to blow on your embers into full ignition............................ callie callie rocked you at7:31 AM 8 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, July 17, 2007 I was trying to figure a way to do this post- without being one sided- and then it dawned on me- there really is not a way. Either you are-or you are not. So- With that being said this post is not directed to *everyone* or is it? The other portion I was thinking of when doing this post was based on my beliefs.... True we all have our own beliefs- and I am not saying you all have to agree with me- we can agree to disagree- however in order for me to do this post as with others I have had to lived it per se'- and believe in something in order to coincide with my thoughts....... So with that....Let me proceed.......
As you know for the past 5 months I have been going through a completely different phase in my life. Some of you know of it personally and some of you only know what I have posted in lil bits and pieces here and there... But no one truly knows but me... I am quite astounded by what I have learned of myself in these months- and have been also in communication with a few other people via email and discussion boards-groups- in sharing my thoughts, my growth, my views...... We all at least I think majority of us all have heard of the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden.... For those of you that have not heard of it- I will paraphrase it in speedy sense. Bascially God created everything- including Adam- and out of Adams rib he created Eve....Eve was stunning in *every* sense of the word...She was created in the image of God and had imparted upon her Gods essence. Now- in this garden were a few trees that Adam and Eve were able to partake in- but there was one in particular they were instructed not to eat.. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil......All was well- until something so beautiful in disguise approached Eve- and deceived her into basically saying "Hey, it's ok to eat it..God just doesnt want you to be all that- like he is." And so she does....Not only does she enjoy it, but she offers it to Adam who grubbed on it as well......Therefore the fall of man has begun and so has the Big Lie............... The Big Lie I am referring to has been imparted on us Ladies since the time in the garden- and throughout the ages... Since before we were born- this same deceiver has been plotting a course in which to annihilate women all together.... Why? Well, depending on what you believe think about it..... Eve was created with a purpose... In her creation she has all of these spectacular attributes AND is able to carry within her the ability to give new life. Now- I am not about to get into the debate of Abortion- Religion- or anything of that nature. Not that I can't- but I just do not choose to in this post... This post is to inform my sweet sisters that since we have been born we have been plotted against- and therefore have lived under the lie that we are nothing......... Let's look at a few things.....Women have had and constantly have to fight to be recognized- whether at work- in the home- wherever. There are women in parts of the world that are not able to speak- and are challenged in how to think. There are women that are mutilated physically to dehumanize them...to take away their pleasures as being women.. And yet that deceiver still prowls and throws us other things in the mix- to break your spirits.... Those words whispered: "Your worthless, ugly, fat, you think to much, you are dissapointing, you don't matter, your too sensitive...." I am sure by now you get the point..I am sure you can think of more.... I am sure that majority if not majority *all* of us have heard it and can perhaps write a book.... And yet the deceiver still eggs it on upon our backs...He incorporates- The concept of Beauty....Beauty is to be this- not that, and if you do not fall into the THIS category you do not matter........The deceiver then begins to set up obstacles in our path to keep us hopeless..... Family members, friends, and what better tool than that of Men........... My sweet sisters all over the world- we have been living under a lie. The Lie that we do not matter and this is why. I am here to tell you that is further from the truth.... YOU and I have been created with qualities and gifts that you cannot possibly imagine. And yet when you live your life in that saftey zone - it is impossible for you to recognize it.. I have explained or more so mentioned a few times that a womans Beauty is her worth! Some of you have sent me emails and have mentioned that you did not know what that was... Your worth my dear friends- is your Heart- you Inner Depth and Spirit....It is the focal point, that so called wellspring of what makes you- YOU...You have a need in you to be Romanced, to be Needed, to be Protected, To be Loved and Cherished with that sense of Adventure. And yet throughout the years and ages- we are told that we have to give up either or more in order to be so called accepted...I ask you this question...Accepted By Whom????? When you recognize that worth in you- then you get to that A-ha moment which is what I have gotton to- that my Beauty is WORTH being pursued, fought for, and cherished. And then there is another lie that the deceiver has imparted upon women..... Being Alone.....in life......therefore we at times seek relationships out hoping that it lasts- hoping that it fills the void..And deep inside it doesn't...Because we are still living in that lie... I can assure you- that once you embrace your worth, the other lies will dissipate- as will the lie of being alone...Does this mean that I personally want to be alone for the rest of my life? Of course not.. I am merely stating that because I have embraced my worth as a woman- I can wait happily enjoying my life - until such a times comes. Now- keep in mind I said earlier that this was not to say *all*- but a good majority..... Never the less Men...You are weak....You are not so much as weak in the physical tense but you are weak in your abilitites and masculinity in exploring a womans worth... You are given basically a few things to bring you compatibility with women..... You enjoy a good fight or challenge, you enjoy adventure that rush- and you enjoy aspects of Beauty....However these gifts that have been imparted upon you- have been used in ways to harm women. Therefore it makes you weak. You no longer take the time to Fight for your woman, you no longer enjoy sharing that adventure that she seeks, and you basically no longer equate her true essence of Beauty...Instead you use her Feminimity as part of your fight or challenge.... In your minds you calculate the length of time it would take to sleep with her... In your minds you listen to certain things she speaks and use it to benefit you.... In your minds you look at her with physical eyes and make snap decisions on whether or not she fits your world- your standards, only to re-do those so called standards........ Riddle me this........When you so call *find* the woman of your so called dreams- why must you have another? Hence the challenge...You have a need to conquer something else..to calculate..... And yet...this is enough for now..I am sure perhaps you may be somewhat overwhelmed, or your shaking your head saying- Thats not true...thats not me...Well, before you send me any comments- or emails- think long and hard and be honest about yourself before having me respond..............especially if I know you personally......... Until then...look forward to part Two. callie rocked you at7:17 AM 13 Comments: ![]() Monday, July 16, 2007 Ladies! Tomorrows blog post is going to be perhaps thought provoking- and yet eye opening....Although this is geared for all of you ladies- Men you are more than welcome to pipe in...But be forewarned- you may not like what it is that I will say..Alas- it may help you out....So..tomorrow...Early morning...Same Bat time- Same Bat channel- Callie is bringing it Hard Core Style. -me callie rocked you at1:09 PM 4 Comments: ![]() I still long to sing the song of a siren not to harm- but only to glimpse at the man that I would soon behold. callie callie rocked you at10:00 AM 2 Comments: ![]() Friday, July 13, 2007 Sitting at a red light a van pulls up beside me..In it are two people..Male and Female...They are both on a cell phone... Are they talking to each other?Coke or Pepsi..? They are both dark- they both have fizz-they both clean my car battery...So what gives? Futball or Soccer? The both have a round ball, have players that heave as they run up and down this ginormous field trying to kick it in a net...? Just call it kickball. geez. Team Player or David Beckham? Well let's see...at 30sumethin million dollars plus tons of horny women getting their dibs on season tickets to watch this tattooed roughneck of fyness strip and chase the ball...errr...yeah...let me know how the word Team Work will come into play. Beer Belly or Pot Belly Man Labels? They both stick out, they both have flab and they both have dinkie doos... *belly buttons that look like little penises*... Black-White-Purple-Blue? When they lights are out- it feels that same right? Krystal Hamburgers or White Castle? They are both on a hot fresh square bun, the meat is still a square- they are both laced with grilled onions and mustard and a pickle...So...ok...what's the difference? Oh I know as someone has pointed out to me...Harold and Kumar feels White Castle is best after smoking mad weed. *If you did not get this- you gotta rent the movie* CLASSIC Holla back yo! callie callie rocked you at1:17 PM 5 Comments: ![]() Wednesday, July 11, 2007 I am the cheddar people...Recognize..I know all of you wanna be on the good side of me like Obi Wan wanting Luke Skywalker to stay cool...And for majority of everyone I know, or people I come into contact with- it is usually that kind of repoire. But there is always that one- that mysterious black M&M amidst the norm- that has to jump in my game- and try and bring me down, muddle my thoughts..But you know what....???I Say: Funk.That.Noize! Let's roll! I got an email on the other day amongst my porn mail and "You have won the British Lotto Emails"- that inquired of who Christy-Tookie was.. It seems they did not know who I was talking about and unless you have been a visitor here for a while- I guess you can get lost. However I do assure you my pen pal friend- Christy-Tookie is the same within one body....I am not having a cybil moment. But for you- I will give you a brief update. Other than that- you will have to mozey your mouse cursor over to my blog roll and click on her name "CHRISTY"...She is *all* that... In fact she is the puba of Cheddar. What makes her special? She is a beautiful stunning white girl....However when she looks at herself in the mirror this is her true reflection: As for other quirks.... I have a great tool to help me understand movies verbally when I cannot understand the actors themselves. Point in case. I was slurpin on some wineage last night as I was watching Hannibal Rising- and I just could not grasp the lingo Mr. Young Hannibal was jibbering about so I turned on my lovely captions.... In my slurpage slumber I started to laugh as one of the captions popped up- in a scene where Hannibal is fighting this guy in the kitchen, and the guys hand was slammed on the hot stove... the caption read like this: "Screams and Sizzles" Now if that was not a riot I don't know what. I know. I have a warped sense of humor at times. Sue me and keep walkin. Now......next on my talk crap list...Don't hate or anything..But I do have a question..Prior to this movie playing you know they show previews. One of them is for a movie I think......It was called 1428....If someone else knows what I am talking about...Holla. Anyways - it is about this guy- who is a ghost hunter who goes to stay at this hotel where there is one room that is considered haunted.... Now...what caused me to laugh on this was....Of course there was a black man -Samuel Jackson- who tells this peckerhead....Don't stay in that room..It is haunted...people have died.... And YET- he does it anyway and when all hell breaks loose you see him begging for help.... Why??? White People??? Why do you not listen to that man????? *laughs* You don't see black-hispanic-asian-whovilleians- people looking for ghosts? Nope...We are watching you all crawl into old houses and sturff looking for some ghost happenings....What is UP with that yo????*laughs* See, I would turn something out! I would be like my man Sam Jackson in Snakes on a Plane. "I am TI-RED of all these Mofo snakes, on this Mofo plane!" I would have turned it out like Rambo style! Recognize. did you all read this on the net yesterday??? 105 balloons put lawn chair pilot in air BEND, Ore. - Last weekend, Kent Couch settled down in his lawn chair with some snacks — and a parachute. Attached to his lawn chair were 105 large helium balloons. Destination: Idaho. With instruments to measure his altitude and speed, a global positioning system device in his pocket, and about four plastic bags holding five gallons of water each to act as ballast — he could turn a spigot, release water and rise — Couch headed into the Oregon sky. Nearly nine hours later, the 47-year-old gas station owner came back to earth in a farmer's field near Union, short of Idaho but about 193 miles from home. Couch is the latest American to emulate Larry Walters — who in 1982 rose three miles above Los Angeles in a lawn chair lifted by balloons. Walters had surprised an airline pilot, who radioed the control tower that he had just passed a guy in a lawn chair. Walters paid a $1,500 penalty for violating air traffic rules. What had me busting a gut on this was in my mind- imagining this plane go by- looking out their window and they see this little man sitting in a lawn chair waving at them...And you know how stupid they had to have felt radioing that in... "Errrr...Control Tower...This is Tango-71 reporting not a UFO but a MIL...(Man in lawnchair) floating at the following coordinates. Roger that." People, I do not know about you all, but I may have blown a major fart from laughing so hard had I been working there and someone called that in.... Ok..enuff lurve for now. I actually have some work to do... Until the morrow....givin you all some Callie Lurve you Long Time Lurve... *Arrrrggggghhhhhhhh* -me callie rocked you at8:54 AM 10 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, July 10, 2007 FOR YOU:Bettina... Ok People...Now to the second part of my post.. First of all, is ANYONE having trouble posting a title in the blog header? Mine simply does not work..Which is why my Blogs are coming out kind of funny for a Title.... Ummmmm- let me know so I can fix whatever I need to fix.... Now- hold on to your butts.... I am one of those people that sleeps with the cell phone on.. I do this because I never know when someone in my family, or if any one that I know of will have an emergency need, even if it is just to talk so I leave my phone on... AND believe it or not about 80 sumething percent of the time when people call I am alert and can speak to you as if I was never asleep. I know...I boggle the minds people.... So...last night...3 am.... I am sleeping...HARD...I mean the air conditioner is blasting at 58 degrees, I am bundled in my thick down comforter and my phone starts to ring. I immediately wake up and grab it... Me- Hello? nothing............................... Me- Hello???? nothing.................................. but I listen more carefully and I hear something but cannot make it out....... so I hang up....And start to fall back to sleep...My phone rings again.... Me- Hello????? Him- Hey........what are you doin??? *A blast from the past that I severed the ties with.* Me- I am sleeping...Why are you whispering are you in some kind of trouble? Him- No..... And this people...was the kick ass highlight of this conversation and yes... I had to calm myself down....... Him- you know, your spoiling the mood... Me- and what mood is that? Him- I am trying to get off and I need you to help me. I think I sat straight up in the bed on this one..... I was livid...I know I wanted to say few choice words in the midst of his panting...So I decided what the hell... He thinks I am killing his mood, his erection buzz..So let me give him what he wants. So...I ask him.... Me- So....are you laying down... Of course he says yes, and I proceed with this as his breathing starts to become eratic... Me- You know...Your so cute...But I don't think you are a good lay..In fact your penis is small...and you never really did it for me... Just to get you to hurry up, I faked it...alot.... Him- What the F- - -! Now why you gonna start saying stuff like that? Me- because it's true...Imagine this...at your age, your shriveled penis that your stroking now trying to harden will become limp in a few years...You will not only have to pop viagra but you will also probably experience that what I say is truth because I am sure Jody *another man* is stroking whoever it is on the side your seeing better than you ever will or can.... By this time..I think he is beyond pissed because I heard him mutter F-You...and of course in my awakened haze I muttered... No...F-You! Don't ever call my house again . Needless to say, the phone went silent...I crawled back under my covers with a smile on my face and pat my own back.... F-Me????....no...F-You.......glad to have been of service to assist you in your mood. callie callie rocked you at8:10 AM 13 Comments: ![]() Monday, July 09, 2007 Hardy Har-Har peoplez. I know you all or at least a few of you have been missin some Callie, and I am sorry... But here is a gist of what's going on among other incredible weird thoughts...First of all- is anyone else having problems with Blogger, because as I type this my words are looking like a 3D exhibit and I am a tad upset because I did not get any 3D glasses to view it in. In respects to my focus time- and assisting another. I have a very dear friend that has prostrate cancer and I have been devoting some time to assisting him as well as myself.. It saddens me and I am trying to get through it. Although it is not me that is dying, but it is still a process that I am mustering through with keeping his spirits up, as well as the energy. Basically my peeps, I am flat ass tired in all aspects. But for him, I push on and keep him pushing on.....and in that I find strength that I did not know I had..... I am dealing alot with watching and hearing my friend become more and more humbled. There was a time when he used to make fun of me and hurt my feelings, and this and that- and yet when you are told basically, "hey, your dying" your thoughts and actions tend to mellow and perhaps you seem to see things in a different aspect. We made up- forgave each other and now we just look to each other for guidance and deepening of our friendship. So- I am sorry if I don't have all the giddyness recently in my posts.... But as his health detoriates, I myself feel a tad more broken... But all will be fine... Just bear with me.... On the homefront, my kid decided to inform me under no circumstances that when he turns 18 he is joining the Army. Along with him- his best friend also said the same thing.... I tell you...I could only sit there and say to both of them..."Ok".... I do not know what their future holds or how things will be- so I do not waste my energy or time in trying to convince them other wise. We also decided to watch the 2nd movie of the Saw series. Recall my telling you all that I made it through the 1st and 3rd? Well, we watched the 2nd and I must admit the others fell into place and I now understand how all this stuff came about. Albeit I still covered my peepers and screamed alot..*laughs* As for Ms. "Your Racist" she has been back to work *with* her badge and has even tossed in some nice pleasentries each morning now. That Rawks.It makes my day alot easier people.... For any of you that like Hot Chocolate, might I recommend that you not use Hersheys Cocoa-Baking Mix.....No matter how much you dilute- it still looks like mississippi mud and tastes like a barium enema concoction. Chalky. but filling. and yet I have PMS so I was craving chocolate and this is what I had on hand for the moment. The directions give a recipie for hot chocolate. But it sucks. My friend *That Guy* I think is going to try and set me up with a few of his select Navy friends per my request. This might be interesting. Although right now- I don't want anyone in my life- perhaps I just want a pen pal.....yeah..that's the ticket...I am content with how my social life is for the moment..... Did you all read about Clay Aiken and that lady getting into it on a plane? Word has it he propped his feet onto her chair arm rest and she pushed them off and he got uptight and she offered him a beatdown that he backed out of... All I know is- I do not like to fly much because I always get a seat next to a weirdo with mad body odor, or there is always some screaming child . Last flight I took to Mexico- I not only had family members that took my seat and did not want to move, but I had to listen to some kid scream the whole time..I so wanted to turn around and offer the mom some benadryl to pump down his throat. In the case of Clay Aiken, he would have started to sing falsetto because had he jumped in my face, I would have punched him right in the balls. Gas is nearing 3.00 again...I am sooo investing in a scooter...... Pink- with butterflies and a gangstah lean logo with designer spinner wheels. And with that people...forgive me, but I am tired, I am hungry and need some coffee, and well you know the drill... Wishing you all a great Monday. callie callie rocked you at7:39 AM 3 Comments: ![]() Thursday, July 05, 2007 But for all ya'll wanting some 411 on my July 4th activities... It was Sloooow...Quiet....and peaceful..... Of course the E man spent some time turning into a tar baby from being at the pool.. I left to go and cook around 12pm- he was still at the pool until I drug him out which was around 4pm.... He was looking like a raisinette I tell ya..shriveled and stuff but he still raged about him doing some kind of roll out dive that looked more like a contortionist having a seizure if you ask me. Then again I had been cooking and cleaning inhaling the scent of bleach, comet and pinesol, and in the meantime throwing back a few Guinesses...So... my visual aptitude may not have been all there..... *He liked my beans though* I so Rawk! And after I cleaned- I ran a hot bath people- sprinkled my lavender seeds and added powdered milk to that hotness and slid my butt nekkid jay bird ass in it to win it! Recognize! And I topped it off by slurping an ice cold Freezer chilled Guiness while I lay there contemplating life, my goals, how my breasts float and well you know... STURFF.... Later that night my son asks me: Mom, want me to teach you how to duel? *yugioh* Me: *I was reading when he came into my room and climbed on my bed and asked me this* Not really but ok..It's just so complicated. Him: No it isn't - I can teach you and will go slow. I will sit on the floor cause I need a flat space- so you have to look over your bed and watch. And I do.....And then he starts explaining about the certain cards, and then says: Him: How about I grab your tweety bird stuffed animal as the other person so I can explain it better? *Ya'll can laugh. You know how many times I had to throw that damn ball at the carni show to win that thing? Your just jealous.* After a good 20 minutes- he looks at me and says: Him: Mom, are you really interested in me showing you how to duel? Me: sweetie I am not trying to be rude, but it does not matter to me. I think it is boring and long. Him: good because I don't feel like teaching you cause it is hard to explain. By the way Mom, tweety I think is a boy bird- you are making him wear girl clothes. Me: It's ok....he came with no clothes, no penis or vagina, so I can make my tweety a girl tweety. Him: Oh...that's smart... Want some Hot Chocolate? Me: Sure..why not... And so I got up to make hot chocolate and drank and conversed with mr.man and was out like a light by 10pm...... So..that was my 4th....calm... and yours???? Holla back yo callie callie rocked you at10:22 AM 10 Comments: ![]() Tuesday, July 03, 2007 People!!! Hold on to your socks because I have a good one for you this morning... I was asked to report bright and early this morning to a meeting... What?? No worries... So I show up and when I am faced with a few familiar faces I am immediately aware of the situation. So I walk in say my goodmornings, and cop a squat... Now let Momma school you on the past incident so you won't be lost...We shall address this young lady as Ms. G... Ms. G did not wear her security badge- or she did but has a habit of taking it off-rushing out of the building to attend meetings, and then gets upset when I tell her she needs to contact someone from her department to let her back in. This has happened 4 times in her 6 months of working here. Yes, every now and then I let people slide and use my badge. But not for Habitual Users.. She and I get into an argument last week- she felt I was inconveniencing her..blah blah blah...cry me a damn river...Updated? Got it? Good... So...I get in and I am faced with my Supervisor, Ms. G and Her Supervisor.. I am then being apologized to for having to come down, but there was an issue being brought to them on behalf of Ms. G and they were being proactive. It seems Ms. G has told them.. Get this... "I am a Racist" *stare* callie rocked you at7:24 AM 20 Comments: ![]() Monday, July 02, 2007 I really don't have alot to dish today because all has been calm on my front and I have been at home mellowing because it is too hot to be outside trying to act cute. By the time I would get fixed up to go somewhere I would look a hot mess when I get to my destination based on the humidity factor and people...that is not an option....Besides, my truck needs a break. She is constanly towing me here and there and needs a break. Oh snaps! I did venture out on Saturday. I thought I would share this with you if you wanted to know- if not...err...keep movin...So- I get this call late Saturday morning from one of the my little senior citizens from the church reminding me about the Friendship Club *Senior Citizen Hook Up Fest* luncheon and asked me to be there.....See.... I am the only person of my age group that hangs around with them. I find it fun..I also find it healing for me because my own grandparents do not ever touch base with me, and well, they are the closest thing that I have of grandparents...Instead of one or two- I have 30..They call me youngin..... I also volunteered to join the Friendship Club commitee in assisting them with their little get togethers and anything else they ask of me... Most people my age or younger I think are scared of old people....I don't know why- because the ones I hang around are a hoot.... One for example told me what it was like to be female and old.... She said that at her age of 72 there was no need to shave anymore because all your pubic hair falls out along with leg hair, arm hair..... *thanks* it is just what I wanted and need to hear over my lunch....... Another- nudged me and said aloud *because she is going deaf* Hey darlin! What is that drink over at the table? Me- Oh. That is a Margarita but it looks frozen... Her: OH My! doesn't that look lovely! So refreshing and pretty in that big glass for two people. Maybe if I order one we can share it! Me: No Maam...it is not a good idea because your diabetic and that is pure frozen sugar. Her: Ok... *she seemed dissapointed......* Another great senior conversation moment is when they ask me questions at random: "So- are you dating anyone?" "how is work going?" "how is Elijah *my son*?" "What do you do at work?" "Oh, your divorced? It will be ok" you know...the hubub of how my world is..... And then the stories.... I listened to a new comer tell me of how he met his wife.. I think he told me this to make me feel better..Hopeful is the word of choice... Him- I met my wife after I came back from Japan, I prayed and asked God to give me someone I could be with the rest of my life! And one day I went to see a friend that I had not seen in years. She told me I needed to go next door and meet the pretty red haired girl. And I did, and she made my heart flippity flop! I am 92 she is 86! We been married 60 years..... I looked at them and smiled. His wife was so gracious and spunky.. Beautiful in her senior age as I can understand why his heart flippy flopped at the sight of her. She laughed and told me he tells everyone that story..... She doted on him as she cut his steak, made sure he was comfortable.... And he looked at me...and said... "God has someone for everyone! But some people just rush it. You be patient! God is going to bring you a swell one!" But....You have to let him be the boss!" Of course I think I stopped smiling at this moment because his wife looked at me and laughed.. And then I asked... "He has to be the boss?" Him- "Yes! My wifey lets me be the boss all the time....when I am by myself!"...... Gotta love them I tell you...And then...I think I got conned into something...you all tell me... One of my little peoples asked me to drive her and a few others to Cherokee North Carolina.... Me: Ok....what do you all want to do there? Her: Go to the casino and play those little slot machines! I think they are just interesting! Me: are you serious? Her: Oh yes Darlin! But we need to be back by nightfall because we don't have the money to stay in a hotel...... People, I don't know about you, but that kinda scares me..I mean that is all I need is to be looking for one of my grandmas or grandads and they are wheelin and dealin their way at the craps table....I just could not live with myself...Although..It would make for interesting blogging, and I WILL have photos! Of buleeve that! other than that..My weekend was spent.. My son and his yugioh playin crew have been fixing their little decks since Friday night. My son told me he now has a powerful magician deck, and he has a total of 3,600 cards...... So...that is where the allowance money goes???? People....have a great Monday......... holla at me.... callie |