Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009 I got mah machine people! This is what I have been talking about: CLICK HERE. I searched all on the internet to get some views and ended up on one site that dealt with testing gadgets from informercials. And well, first of all I gotta apologize because when my money left my account for this product before I even got it I sent them a nice email. Anywho- I got it and I tested it on Monday. I set it on my dining room table and my son and I made our own pizzas. Of course it didn't start out that way. Check out our memorable transcript.Me- Yo- let's make pizzas! What do you want on yours E? E- pepperoni and cheeze Me- What veggies do you want? E- cheeze. Me- you gotta have some veggies. E- Cheeze has calcium and pepperoni has spices of veggies to make it taste better. Precher Man- *that's funny* Me- No one asked you mr. man that's why you aren't using my machine. Preacher Man- no prob. I have a California Pizza in the freezer. Me- Ok people. Let's rock this machine..... And we follow the instructions and wait...and wait...and I keep lifting the lid to check on it and the toppings are still there and the dough is still....gooey... Frustrated a slip of the "shit" word slips out and E starts laughing and candidly points out: E: Mom! It's not cooking because it's not plugged in! So of course I made up some excuse as to why the machine isnt plugged in to save face. I plugged that bad boy in and waited only a few moments for the green go light came on and before you know it steam started coming out of the sides, the scent of mushrooms and other veggies started oozing into the air and voila! I had the prettiest tastiest pizza all to myself. Even E got into the mix and made this over sized pepperoni pizza and afterwards some cinnamon rolls. Spank me why don't ya! So- I have used this machine everyday since. It cuts down on me cranking up the stove and over once in a while which by the way are gas. AND I have alot of other recipes from the web site in order to make other stuff. I give this little doo dad a 9+ yo! But I will tell you. I think it may be best to order this machine online and carefully click the no buttons when it keeps asking you to sign up for additional stuff like- cookware and recipe books and all that jazz. They keep trying to sell you more and more which can end up costing you a major arm and leg. ALSO if you call by phone- if you yell into the system "Customer Service" it will stop all of the hellacious automated crap. That tip is Free...unless you feel so inclined to send me something really neat I won't mind. On another note. Recall my telling you all about my thoughts of the reality show "More To Love"....can I just say what a group of whiners. Ok...So you are a big gurl...No worries! You fill out lingerie very well.....I myself am plus sized but let me tell you "one" of the big differences about me that I noticed about these other lovely women. They all started out on the show bawling about how they wanted someone to love them. How they wanted someone to treat them this way and that because they felt their size kept them from happiness.....Stop the bus right there! Ladies.....If you are big, small, skinny, over weight, black yellow purple white- the ONLY person that can make you happy is YOU... having someone in your life is an extra benefit of happiness, but ya gotta be able to love yourself and take care of you before anyone else. I went for a looooooooooooooooong time going through that phase and then I woke up one morning and I guess something hit me in my ass because I was like- fuck it. I love me. And then I started doing things for me and appreciated me... If I wanted flowers, I sent myself flowers or bought them. If I wanted to feel romantic or sexy I bought shit to dress up in and took myself out to a steak dinner and bypassed the McDonalds. People are people. Men are men and women are women. What I mean by that is- Opinions are to each their own. BUT make no mistake- someone that will be down with you, will appear and will appreciate every asset you bring into the relationship. So- stop whining about this and that and start loving you. Take a cruise by yourself. I do it all the time. *smiles* let yourself gooooooooooo. Ok. I am off my soap box now. Hope you are all well...Hit me up with juiciness for petes sake. I miss hearing from you. ~callie |