Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007 Not alot going on people- so I figured I would at least do some recaps on things- introduce a few new things, and heck- just call todays post a chex mix post...1. UPDATE- My friend- and dance teacher just got back from her wedding in Brazil, and I just want to tell you all- Cinderfreakinrella had nothing on her.. Stunning People! Absolutely story book stunning. I am hoping she allows me to post one photo- other than that picture a Cinderella wedding in sunny Brazil! 2. THAT GUY- I miss my friend. As you can see he has not posted since he got back home from The Middle East. Although I feel he still lurkes about to check in on me from time to time just to make sure I have not gone off the deep end. 3. Mr. Man neighbor-Spy-Peeping Tom- Yes! He has still been rolling up on me peoples..Each day he is greeting me hello as I pull in- but now it gets even better. I leave my place for work around 7:15 am- how about he has his front door open each morning now, just to run out and yell GoodMorning! Needless to say I reply but I am kinda at a loss for words. 4. CarniTown- I drove by on Sunday and saw them *still* putting up the 5 rides they have in the parking lot. What the hell people! Get a move on! I am so ready for cotton candy and candy apples!!! 5. True Wife Confessions- Each time I read the confessions I am left with a headache... I am saddened, and baffled and just plain tired when reading confessions of wives.... 6. WeightLoss- I lost in the last week 3 pounds and I am afraid I am just plain damn worn out. *laughs* I feel as if I am pushing myself too hard- *well actually when I started contemplating last night- of rubbing myself down in Preparation H and sealing myself up in saran wrap- I kinda knew and recognized that my cheese was missing from the cracker.* So- I will just relax for a week or two. Amen 7. World Womens Day is tomorrow... I am debating on what to post for that special event, or if I should just enroll in a womanly program by watching womanly sappy movies. 8. WalMart Fanatic- although Wally World has some issues within the corporate sectors, I so dig the new George Line for women, Vaserrette Collection, AND they have some cutey tshirts that I am so snaggin. 9. I hit a squirrel this morning. It jumped in front of me and just stood there trying to decide which way to bolt. Well, send my regards to broadway Mr. Squirrel because now your dead. I looked in my rearview mirror and he was flatter than a pancake- but his tail was still bushy and sticking straight up in the sky like Alfalfas hair. And number 10. I will be on vacation starting Thursday.....For those of you that have been keeping up with my blog you know *where*....For those that are new and have no idea- you will catch up....And just for those that are being nosey.... I leave you with this... *I plan on kissing, but not telling.* -winks love. me. people. callie |