Who Is Callie?
I am "The Full Monty"- Vibrant, Educated, Articulate, Twisted.
Absinthe Drinker, Diverse and Sensual,.
World Travel Freak, Guiness Beer Drinker, Simplistic and Flirt!
Lover of Life, Trying To Keep The Flow, On a Journey unknown. Won’t you Join Me?
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Monday, July 02, 2007 Peoplez! I know you need that morning wake up call so grab your java and wake the hellup! It's Monday. Let's keep rolling until Wednesday where we can all take a break.I really don't have alot to dish today because all has been calm on my front and I have been at home mellowing because it is too hot to be outside trying to act cute. By the time I would get fixed up to go somewhere I would look a hot mess when I get to my destination based on the humidity factor and people...that is not an option....Besides, my truck needs a break. She is constanly towing me here and there and needs a break. Oh snaps! I did venture out on Saturday. I thought I would share this with you if you wanted to know- if not...err...keep movin...So- I get this call late Saturday morning from one of the my little senior citizens from the church reminding me about the Friendship Club *Senior Citizen Hook Up Fest* luncheon and asked me to be there.....See.... I am the only person of my age group that hangs around with them. I find it fun..I also find it healing for me because my own grandparents do not ever touch base with me, and well, they are the closest thing that I have of grandparents...Instead of one or two- I have 30..They call me youngin..... I also volunteered to join the Friendship Club commitee in assisting them with their little get togethers and anything else they ask of me... Most people my age or younger I think are scared of old people....I don't know why- because the ones I hang around are a hoot.... One for example told me what it was like to be female and old.... She said that at her age of 72 there was no need to shave anymore because all your pubic hair falls out along with leg hair, arm hair..... *thanks* it is just what I wanted and need to hear over my lunch....... Another- nudged me and said aloud *because she is going deaf* Hey darlin! What is that drink over at the table? Me- Oh. That is a Margarita but it looks frozen... Her: OH My! doesn't that look lovely! So refreshing and pretty in that big glass for two people. Maybe if I order one we can share it! Me: No Maam...it is not a good idea because your diabetic and that is pure frozen sugar. Her: Ok... *she seemed dissapointed......* Another great senior conversation moment is when they ask me questions at random: "So- are you dating anyone?" "how is work going?" "how is Elijah *my son*?" "What do you do at work?" "Oh, your divorced? It will be ok" you know...the hubub of how my world is..... And then the stories.... I listened to a new comer tell me of how he met his wife.. I think he told me this to make me feel better..Hopeful is the word of choice... Him- I met my wife after I came back from Japan, I prayed and asked God to give me someone I could be with the rest of my life! And one day I went to see a friend that I had not seen in years. She told me I needed to go next door and meet the pretty red haired girl. And I did, and she made my heart flippity flop! I am 92 she is 86! We been married 60 years..... I looked at them and smiled. His wife was so gracious and spunky.. Beautiful in her senior age as I can understand why his heart flippy flopped at the sight of her. She laughed and told me he tells everyone that story..... She doted on him as she cut his steak, made sure he was comfortable.... And he looked at me...and said... "God has someone for everyone! But some people just rush it. You be patient! God is going to bring you a swell one!" But....You have to let him be the boss!" Of course I think I stopped smiling at this moment because his wife looked at me and laughed.. And then I asked... "He has to be the boss?" Him- "Yes! My wifey lets me be the boss all the time....when I am by myself!"...... Gotta love them I tell you...And then...I think I got conned into something...you all tell me... One of my little peoples asked me to drive her and a few others to Cherokee North Carolina.... Me: Ok....what do you all want to do there? Her: Go to the casino and play those little slot machines! I think they are just interesting! Me: are you serious? Her: Oh yes Darlin! But we need to be back by nightfall because we don't have the money to stay in a hotel...... People, I don't know about you, but that kinda scares me..I mean that is all I need is to be looking for one of my grandmas or grandads and they are wheelin and dealin their way at the craps table....I just could not live with myself...Although..It would make for interesting blogging, and I WILL have photos! Of buleeve that! other than that..My weekend was spent.. My son and his yugioh playin crew have been fixing their little decks since Friday night. My son told me he now has a powerful magician deck, and he has a total of 3,600 cards...... So...that is where the allowance money goes???? People....have a great Monday......... holla at me.... callie |